
Xia Baolong continued to investigate and investigate in Australia

author:Approaching Macau

Xia Baolong, Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the Central Committee and Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, continued his trip to Macao on May 15, visiting a number of clubs and schools for investigation and research.

Xia Baolong continued to investigate and investigate in Australia

Director Xia Baolong inspected the Macao Federation of Trade Unions.

Xia Baolong continued to investigate and investigate in Australia
Xia Baolong continued to investigate and investigate in Australia

Accompanied by the Chief Executive, Ho Iat Seng, and the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Lei Wai Nong, Director Xia visited the General Federation of Trade Unions Building for the first time in the morning, and listened to the representatives of the Federation of Trade Unions introduce its various services to the majority of employees. Mr. Xia then had a discussion with the representatives of the Federation of Trade Unions to learn more about the current employment and labour situation in Macao.

Xia Baolong continued to investigate and investigate in Australia

Director Xia Baolong inspected the Macao Fangzhong School under the General Association of Neighborhood Associations of Macau.

Xia Baolong continued to investigate and investigate in Australia

Mr. Xia and his entourage then went to the Macao Fong School under the General Association of Neighborhood Associations of Macau, accompanied by the Chief Executive and the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Ao Ieong U. During her stay at the school, Ms. Xia interacted with the students, observed their participation in extra-curricular activities, and exchanged views with the street association and school representatives on the situation of running schools and education in Macao.

Xia Baolong continued to investigate and investigate in Australia

Director Xia Baolong visited the Chinese Education Association of Macau.

Xia Baolong continued to investigate and investigate in Australia
Xia Baolong continued to investigate and investigate in Australia

In the afternoon, Mr Xia Baolong, accompanied by the Chief Executive and the Secretary for Ao Yeung Yu, continued to visit a number of associations. Ms. Xia first visited the site of the Chinese Education Association of Macau, visited the history room, reviewed the development of the education sector in Macao, exchanged views with a number of retired teachers who participated in the interest classes, and then held a discussion with the representatives of the association.

Xia Baolong continued to investigate and investigate in Australia

Director Xia Baolong visited the Women's General Association of Macau.

Xia Baolong continued to investigate and investigate in Australia
Xia Baolong continued to investigate and investigate in Australia

Director Xia then visited the Integrated Service Building of the Women's Federation of Macau, where she was briefed on conference affairs, and visited the Family Service Centre and Education and Training Centre in the building to interact with the instructors and students. Ms. Xia also had a discussion with representatives of the Women's Federation to show concern for women's affairs and family support in Macao.

Xia Baolong continued to investigate and investigate in Australia

Director Xia Baolong inspected the Macao Returned Overseas Chinese Association.

Xia Baolong continued to investigate and investigate in Australia
Xia Baolong continued to investigate and investigate in Australia

Finally, Director Xia and his entourage arrived at the site of the General Association of Returned Overseas Chinese of Macao to learn about the history of the Association and the evolution of overseas Chinese affairs. During the discussion, the two sides exchanged views on topics such as continuing to give full play to the strength of the overseas Chinese community, further integrating domestic and foreign areas through the extensive network of overseas Chinese, enhancing people-to-people bonds, and helping Macao continue to achieve development results.