
Circular of Hangjin Houqi on Further Strengthening the Protection of Minors and Preventing Juvenile Violations and Crimes

author:Palm Bayannur

On the basis of the "Civil Code of the People's Republic of China", the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors", the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency", and relevant legal provisions, the 13 departments hereby jointly issue a notice on the following relevant matters, so as to thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the protection of minors, to further strengthen the protection of minors and the prevention of juvenile delinquency, to preserve the lawful rights and interests of minors, and to create a positive social environment for the healthy growth of minors:

1. Strictly perform duties of coordinated guardianship of minors' families, schools, and societies in accordance with law

Minors' schools, parents, or other guardians should do a good job of supervising the education of students and children in school, shall respect minors' right to receive education, pay attention to minors' physical, psychological, and emotional needs, and must not allow minors of appropriate age to leave school or drop out of school at will.

Minors of appropriate age must not be refused to receive compulsory education for any reason.

Minors must not be allowed to smoke (including e-cigarettes), drink alcohol, gamble, become addicted to the Internet, or bully others.

Minors must not be allowed to enter bars, KTVs, internet cafes, or other venues that are not suitable for minors, or to carry out illegal or criminal acts.

Domestic violence against minors must not be abused, abandoned, or committed.

Minors who are not yet 8 years old or who need special care for physical or psychological reasons must not be left unsupervised, and must not be placed in temporary care by persons who lack civil capacity, have limited civil capacity, suffer from serious infectious diseases, or are otherwise unsuitable.

Where public security organs, people's procuratorates, or people's courts discover in the course of handling a case that the parents or other guardians of minors who have committed serious negative conduct do not perform guardianship duties in accordance with law, they shall give them a reprimand and may order them to accept family education guidance.

2. Strictly implement the "five musts" requirements for minors to stay in hotels in accordance with law

When operating in guesthouses, hotels, guest houses, inns, homestays, bathing centers, etc., which provide accommodation services, accepts minors:

The identity of the resident minor must be checked, and the relevant information must be truthfully registered and reported;

The contact information of the minor's parents or other guardians must be asked and recorded for future reference;

The identity and relationship of the people living with the same household must be inquired about and recorded for future reference;

It is necessary to strengthen safety patrols and visitor management to prevent illegal violations against minors;

Suspicious circumstances must be immediately reported to the public security organs, and the minor's parents or other guardians must be contacted in a timely manner, and appropriate security protection measures must be taken at the same time.

3. Strictly restrict minors' entry into for-profit entertainment venues in accordance with law

Operators of for-profit singing and dancing entertainment venues, bars, internet access service business sites, and other activity venues that are not suitable for minors must not allow minors to enter; Electronic game equipment set up by amusement and entertainment venues must not be provided to minors except on national statutory holidays. Business operators shall set up signs prohibiting or restricting minors from entering in conspicuous locations; Where it is difficult to determine whether they are minors, they shall be required to present their identity documents.

4. It is strictly forbidden to provide tattoo services to minors

Enterprises, organizations, and individuals must not provide tattoo services to minors, and tattoo service providers should set up warning signs prohibiting minors from getting tattoos in conspicuous places on their business premises, and establish systems such as for real-name registration and age verification of tattoo personnel. Where it is difficult to determine whether they are minors, they shall be required to present their identity documents.

5. It is forbidden to sell cigarettes (including e-cigarettes), alcohol, and lottery tickets to minors

Merchants are prohibited from selling cigarettes (including e-cigarettes), alcohol, lottery tickets, or redeeming lottery prizes to minors. Tobacco, alcohol, and lottery operators shall set up signs in conspicuous locations that do not sell tobacco, alcohol, or lottery tickets to minors; Where it is difficult to determine whether they are minors, they shall be required to present their identity documents.

6. It is forbidden to provide or sell controlled knives to minors

Businesses are prohibited from providing or selling controlled knives or other equipment that may cause serious injury to minors. Where it is difficult for business operators to determine whether the purchaser is a minor, they shall be required to present their identity documents.

7. It is strictly prohibited to rent, sell, or provide cultural products or children's books that harm minors' physical and psychological health

It is prohibited to produce, reproduce, publish, publish, or disseminate cultural products that contain content such as inducement and instigation of crimes, obscenity and pornography, or the rendering of bloody violence, and it is strictly forbidden to rent, sell, or provide children's books that contain content such as "pornography, violence, and drugs" and feudal superstition. It is prohibited to produce or sell illegal publications that contain reactionary, superstitious, obscene, pornographic, murderous, and violent publications, and must not rent or store mobile phones, game consoles, and other electronic Internet products to minors in violation of regulations.

8. It is strictly forbidden to recruit minors for employment

Except for arts, sports, and special craft units, which may recruit minors under the age of 16 after approval by the relevant departments, other employers are prohibited from recruiting minors under the age of 16; Minors under the age of 16 are prohibited from engaging in self-employment activities. Minors who are already 16 years old must not be recruited in high-risk industries, as well as for-profit entertainment venues, bars, internet access service business sites, and other venues that are not suitable for minors.

9. The portrait rights of minors must not be infringed

No organization, unit, or individual may directly publish videos, pictures, or other information about minors' misconduct without technical processing. If such problems are discovered, the relevant authorities may order the publisher to delete the information.

10. Strictly implement the mandatory reporting system in accordance with law

Educational establishments, medical establishments, hotels (e-sports hotels), for-profit entertainment venues, bars, and other industries and their employees, as well as other units and their staffs that have close contact with minors, should strictly implement and implement a mandatory reporting system for cases of violations against minors, and where it is discovered that minors' physical or psychological health has been violated, is suspected to have been violated, or faces other dangerous circumstances, they shall immediately report the case or report it to the public security organs. Industry operators who do not perform their mandatory reporting responsibilities are to be severely dealt with in accordance with laws and regulations.

11. Strictly implement the entry inquiry system in accordance with the law

Enterprises, public institutions, social organizations, and other units that have close contact with minors with duties such as education, medical care, training, rescue, and care, shall check whether applicants have a record of violations or crimes such as sexual assault, abuse, trafficking, or violent harm; Where it is discovered that they have a record of the conduct described above, they must not be hired. At the same time, regular investigations are to be conducted on in-service staff, and if problems are found, they shall be promptly dismissed.

12. Strictly implement systems for the protection of minors online

Online information that endangers minors' physical and psychological health, such as advocating obscenity, pornography, violence, cults, superstition, gambling, inducement to self-harm and suicide, terrorism, separatism, or extremism, must not be produced, reproduced, published, or disseminated by any organization or individual.

Minors must not be insulted, defamed, threatened, or maliciously damaged by cyberbullying through text, pictures, audio, video, or other forms of cyberbullying through the internet.

13. Make every effort to do a good job in the management of traffic safety involving minors

Those under the age of 16 are strictly prohibited from riding electric bicycles (shared bicycles) on the road; It is strictly forbidden to leave a motor vehicle to be driven by a minor; Drivers who pick up and drop off students are strictly prohibited from drunk driving, and it is strictly forbidden to use "three no-car" (no license plates, no driving licenses, no insurance) vehicles, agricultural vehicles, tricycles and other non-passenger vehicles to pick up and drop off students, and drivers are required to strictly abide by traffic rules, and it is strictly forbidden to overload and overload students.

14. Make every effort to do a good job of drowning prevention safety education

Guardians and schools are to strengthen safety education and guardianship efforts for minors to prevent drowning, increase minors' awareness of self-protection, and strengthen education on the "six no's" for minors to prevent drowning: do not swim in the water without permission; Do not swim with others without permission; Do not swim in the water without a parent or teacher; Do not swim in waters without safety facilities, rescue personnel, and safety guarantees; Do not swim in unfamiliar waters; Minors who are not familiar with the nature of the water should not go into the water to rescue them without authorization.

15. Strictly implement mechanisms for normalized rectification and joint law enforcement

Departments such as for public security, culture and tourism, municipal supervision, health care, and comprehensive administrative law enforcement should carry out normalized rectification and joint law enforcement of establishments such as hotels (e-sports hotels), hostels, KTVs, bars, and internet cafes in the banner, as well as industries such as selling tobacco and alcohol to minors and providing tattoo services. If the operators of relevant industry establishments violate the relevant provisions, the competent departments of the industry shall impose severe penalties in accordance with law.

At the same time, actively encourage the broad masses of the people to report and expose acts that infringe on the lawful rights and interests of minors and violations and crimes committed by minors, so as to create a positive social environment for the healthy growth of minors throughout the banner.

Hotline for reporting:

Political and Legal Committee of the Flag Committee: 0478-2611800

Cyberspace Administration of the Flag Committee: 0478-6620822

Banner Public Security Bureau: 110

Banner People's Court: 0478-2611601

Flag Judicial Bureau: 0478-6622939

Flag Education Bureau: 0478-2611586

Banner Civil Affairs Bureau: 0478-7981908

Flag Health Commission: 0478-6650718

Banner Human Resources and Social Security Bureau: 0478-6655311

Flag Market Supervision and Administration Bureau: 0478-12315

Banner Bureau of Culture, Sports, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television: 0478-6650090

Banner Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau: 0478-6643000

Flag Tobacco Monopoly Bureau: 0478-6626641

Ping An Hangjin Houqi Construction Leading Group Office

May 14, 2024

Source: Hello Hanghou

Editor: Qiao Hong Proofreader: Yang Yakang

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