
In 52, Yao Xianru, a volunteer soldier, was addicted to stealing US mines, and the company commander was anxious: Give it back quickly

author:Hole A C

At that time, the volunteers in North Korea had to face countless fierce and strange situations, one of which was "treacherous thunder".

However, there was a soldier named Yao Xianru in the volunteer army, who not only brought the skill of demining to the extreme, but also closely combined his hobby with the great cause of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, and created extremely extraordinary and glorious achievements.

In 52, Yao Xianru, a volunteer soldier, was addicted to stealing US mines, and the company commander was anxious: Give it back quickly

Extraordinary warriors

In the 566th Regiment of the 189th Division of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army, there was a quiet little soldier, his name was Yao Xianru, and when he first walked to the battlefield, his comrades-in-arms around him could not believe that this young man who looked like a literary crepe was about to achieve a great cause.

Yao Xianru was born in Lingtai, Gansu Province, and many of his peers of the same era, due to his poor family, he did not even go to school for a day, and when he grew up a little, he went out to work to subsidize the family.

Unexpectedly, before he could find a formal job, he was pulled by the Kuomintang to be a strong man, and he suffered a lot in those years.

Fortunately, in July 1949, the People's Liberation Army liberated Ningxia, and Yao Xianru broke away from the Kuomintang ranks, and after listening to the program of the People's Liberation Army, he decided to join this glorious team.

Most of the officers and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army are children of poor families, and Yao Xianru also met several fellow villagers in the team, and after the battle, everyone is also imagining the future.

The fight against bandits was the top priority in the army at that time, and his comrades-in-arms soon looked up to Yao Xianru.

In 52, Yao Xianru, a volunteer soldier, was addicted to stealing US mines, and the company commander was anxious: Give it back quickly

Don't look at him quietly, but once he fights, he is like a god of war possessed, once he faced more than a dozen vicious bandits, directly pulled out the big knife behind his back and rushed forward, cutting down several in a row, the rest of the bandits were startled and hurriedly took the road and fled.

When the country was close to liberation, Yao Xianru also wanted to go home early, and now the people can finally live a stable life, and he can also go home to fulfill his filial piety.

Unexpectedly, the U.S. imperialists burned artillery fire to the Chinese border, and the new China was once again threatened, and Yao Xianru also understood the truth of the cold lips and teeth, so he decided to stay in the army and go to North Korea to defend his homeland.

In this way, in February 1951, Yao Xianru was assigned to the 3rd Company and 8th Class of the 566th Regiment of the 189th Division of the 63rd Army of the Volunteer Army.

The real legendary story about Yao Xianru began at this time, and he is not famous for how brave he is on the battlefield, but for dismantling landmines.

In 52, Yao Xianru, a volunteer soldier, was addicted to stealing US mines, and the company commander was anxious: Give it back quickly

In the eyes of his comrades-in-arms, Yao Xianru, who came to North Korea, did not like to communicate with people, and he was busy studying the weapons in his hands every day and trying to understand how these weapons worked.

And those soldiers who didn't know him still thought that Yao Xianru, who was wearing a military uniform, had to be a political commissar-level figure, or a teacher who came to do ideological work.

After the end of the Fifth Campaign, both the Volunteers and the United Nations Army felt a little exhausted, and the interests of the United States as a country always had to be seized by "quick victory." If the war dragged on for too long, the anti-war sentiment at home would burst.

Therefore, the United States must think of ways to end the fighting quickly and not give the volunteers time to breathe.

In fact, the volunteers are not willing to fight, as long as the Americans are willing to obediently withdraw from North Korea, then everything is still negotiable.

In 52, Yao Xianru, a volunteer soldier, was addicted to stealing US mines, and the company commander was anxious: Give it back quickly

After such a long period of tossing, the United States has clearly seen the horror of the volunteers, and this group of soldiers from China can fight with high morale under such difficult conditions, so it is not of much significance for the United States to rely on North Korea and not leave.

As a result, both sides had plans for peace talks.

The Chinese are willing, the Americans are willing, the North Koreans are willing, but the North Koreans in the south are unwilling, they were almost bulldozed by North Korea at the beginning, and if the Americans really withdraw their troops, then they will be in an extremely disadvantageous situation.

That's it, the South Korean agents are out, and they have to do something to make a move to give hope to the Americans.

Of course, the volunteers are not idle, as long as the two sides have not yet negotiated at the negotiating table, then all the initiative is actually still on the battlefield, because the US military industry is very strong, most of the volunteers are also dispatched at night, as long as night falls, everyone will go out to bomb the US military watchtower, arrest South Korean agents, and there will be new gains every day.

In 52, Yao Xianru, a volunteer soldier, was addicted to stealing US mines, and the company commander was anxious: Give it back quickly

Under such an offensive, the American GIs were so frightened that they couldn't even sleep well, so they simply planted mines around the camp for fear that the volunteers would infiltrate their bases.

At first, the volunteers did not know about this situation, and after several groups of reconnaissance squads that raided the US military camp at night suffered losses and reported to the rear, the volunteers could not come and go freely in the US positions.

Despite the difficulties, the general direction has not changed.

Once, Tang Manyang, the commander of the Volunteer Army, received the task of sending a squad of teams to the opponent's position to "make noise", and he arranged this matter to Yao Xianru and told him to pay more attention.

Since Yao Xianru had just arrived in North Korea not long ago, he had only heard about the power of the US military's mines, and he had never seen what this big guy who was blown up to the gods looked like.

After coming to the vicinity of the U.S. military position, Yao Xianru groped his way forward with four soldiers, but he didn't expect that just a few steps away, there was a "pop" sound under his feet, as if he was hung by something.

He looked down and found a few wires, and probably had an answer in his mind.

In 52, Yao Xianru, a volunteer soldier, was addicted to stealing US mines, and the company commander was anxious: Give it back quickly

After signaling the rest of the warriors to stand by, he pushed the snow away from the surrounding snow along the wire, and saw something black on the ground.

According to previous general research, Yao Xianru judged that he had not completely stepped on the mine, and after biting the tightrope with his teeth, he directly took out the mine.

After the operation, Yao Xianru returned to the camp with the mine, and he had a new goal: to study the mine.

In order not to disturb his comrades, he asked his superiors to ask a soldier who knew how to be mechanically to watch from the rear, and everyone else stood far away, so that even if the mine exploded, someone would know where he had reached in his research.

As the minutes passed, Yao Xianru was stunned to dismantle the mine into a pile of parts, and after fiddling with it a few times, he said with a smile: "That's what happened." ”

The comrades-in-arms heard it in a fog, but he took a few soldiers to the enemy position and brought back several mines, and then told everyone how the mines worked.

There were a few young little warriors who learned it at once, which made Yao Xianru feel a great sense of accomplishment.

In 52, Yao Xianru, a volunteer soldier, was addicted to stealing US mines, and the company commander was anxious: Give it back quickly

In the days that followed, Yao Xianru was a little "out of control", and every once in a while he led people to the US military to steal mines, which frightened the company commander Tang Manyang; Once, the company commander looked at the land full of mines, and hurriedly said, "You kid, put it back quickly, and let people sleep peacefully?" ”

Yao Xianru knew that the company commander was worried that the mine would explode, so he patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, I have studied it all!" ”

Mine genius

It was a novelty to be able to bring back the enemy's mines with a joke, but Yao Xianru also did something even more surprising.

Once, Yao Xianru took advantage of the night to run to the US military position again, and he suddenly found that the US military had actually changed the mine into a chain mine, and as long as there was one explosion, it could cause more than a dozen to explode together.

So for Yao Xianru, as long as one is found, it means that more than a dozen can be found at once, which is much easier than before.

In less than an hour, Yao Xianru and the others successfully dug up more than 50 mines.

But there were too few of them to move back an average of seven or eight pounds of landmines, and the other fighters couldn't think of any good way.

In 52, Yao Xianru, a volunteer soldier, was addicted to stealing US mines, and the company commander was anxious: Give it back quickly

I saw Yao Xianru patting his head and saying to everyone: "You said that they can bury mines for us, so why can't we bury them for them?" ”

The moonlight was particularly pale that night, and the soldiers under the moonlight were busy planting mines, and they buried all the mines they dug up on the enemy's patrol road according to Yao Xianru's instructions, and then ran to the vicinity to observe with binoculars.

The activities of the US military during the day have always been like no one's land, and they have not thought that the volunteers have mastered the technology of landmines.

Yao Xianru and the others waited for several hours with binoculars in their hands, and finally waited for a group of American troops driving proudly.

Suddenly, a puff of black smoke rushed into the night sky, and the bombed American soldiers didn't even have time to scream, Yao Xianru counted with a smile: "A total of 12 came, and only 1 ran away." ”

The forward command posts of the US army could not believe why their own soldiers would be killed by their own mines.

Since then, landmines have become a nightmare for the US military, and they do not know where the mines they planted during the day can run at night.

This incident caused a great sensation within the Volunteer Army, and Yao Xianru also became a well-known figure in the whole army because of his ability to "steal mines", and other fraternal units came to him to make a report, so that everyone could hear how the mines were dug.

In 52, Yao Xianru, a volunteer soldier, was addicted to stealing US mines, and the company commander was anxious: Give it back quickly

Yao Xianru not only has countless "hardcore fans", but also a few "personal apprentices", and a vigorous "mine moving" movement has begun.

His hobby was thoroughly cultivated, and in the eyes of his comrades-in-arms, Yao Xianru, who usually doesn't like to talk, became particularly "active", and he looked forward to the early arrival of the night every day, and then took people to the opposite side to dismantle mines, just like agricultural experts going back and forth to the experimental field.

Whether it is pressed, tripwired, hung on a tree, or illuminated, as long as it is a mine, Yao Xianru can dismantle it.

If he encountered a different mine, Yao Xianru would definitely bring one back to explain how it worked again, and the little soldier next to him hurriedly wrote down the details with paper and notes, and then spread this new knowledge.

As a result, all types of US mines no longer pose a threat to the volunteers.

However, as the time for the armistice was relatively close, Yao Xianru's team still "stole" thousands of mines, of which three or four hundred were used by them to ambush the American troops.

Interestingly, the US military did not know where the mines came from for a long time, and their first reaction was that the USSR was involved in the war and provided the volunteers with lethal weapons.

In 52, Yao Xianru, a volunteer soldier, was addicted to stealing US mines, and the company commander was anxious: Give it back quickly

In August 1952, the Volunteer Army Headquarters awarded Yao Xianru the title of "Second Class Combat Hero", compared with other combat heroes, Yao Xianru is definitely the most special one, and President Kim Il Sung personally hung a North Korean medal on his chest.

Because the enemies he destroyed had never seen what he looked like.

As Yao Xianru's deeds were widely disseminated, people discovered that in addition to being smart, he also had a ruthless spirit.

A comrade-in-arms recalled: "In mid-May 1951, we launched a night attack on the 580.7 position of the US army, and later the battle turned into a white-knuckle battle. ”

The American GI that Yao Xianru hacked to death that year belonged to the U.S. Rangers, which belonged to the existence of the infantry elite in the U.S. military sequence, and later when the United States launched other wars, many special forces members had the experience of serving in the Ranger unit.

But even such an elite soldier still can't withstand Lao Yao's knife.

In 52, Yao Xianru, a volunteer soldier, was addicted to stealing US mines, and the company commander was anxious: Give it back quickly

It may be that Yao Xianru is so famous for his actions of demolishing landmines, that people always forget that he is still a true god of melee warfare.

On the evening of September 30, 1952, Yao Xianru, who had returned to China, was received by three leaders, namely: Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou, and Commander-in-Chief Zhu; On National Day that year, he also climbed the Tiananmen Tower.

The following year, the famous writer Ba Jin compiled his interview into "Minesweeper Hero Yao Xianru" and published it in the "People's Daily", which also made Yao Xianru truly famous throughout the country.

At that time, he recalled all kinds of experiences in the past that seemed too incredible: farming, dropping out of school, part-time work, being caught by Ma Hongkui, suppressing bandits, fighting heroes, and being famous all over the world.

And all this in just a few years.

Subsequently, Yao Xianru still chose to return to his hometown, there was no war in the world, and the glorious soldiers were still the mother's children.

Since then, he has rarely appeared in the public eye.

Nearly half a century later, in November 2000, Hui Chenghua, a reporter from Gansu Daily, walked into the home of Yao Xianru, who still remembered everything that had happened during the war.

In 52, Yao Xianru, a volunteer soldier, was addicted to stealing US mines, and the company commander was anxious: Give it back quickly

He stroked the military medals and honorary certificates he had won over and over again, and his thoughts drifted back to the years of baptism of fire, he told reporters a lot of stories that happened in those years, and also opened a well-preserved photo album, in which the yellowed photos recorded these proud years.

After questioning, the reporter also learned that although the old man was old, he still chose to serve as the head of the county joint defense team, and the main content of this job was to maintain law and order.

When the neighbors saw the reporter coming, they also rushed into the microphone and said: "Old man Yao is good, he is usually very enthusiastic, no matter who is in trouble, he will help, and he will also donate to the needy, and he has donated more than 2,000 yuan over the years." ”

When the album symbolizing the glorious years was closed, Yao Xianru said to the young reporter in a serious tone: "We have fought a war, and we know that today's peace is not easy to come by, and each of us must cherish the present life!" ”


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In 52, Yao Xianru, a volunteer soldier, was addicted to stealing US mines, and the company commander was anxious: Give it back quickly
In 52, Yao Xianru, a volunteer soldier, was addicted to stealing US mines, and the company commander was anxious: Give it back quickly