
Forty years of ups and downs, Zhang Tongfa and Dongfeng Duolika's truck career

author:Zhuozhong Commercial Vehicles

Zhang Tongfa's driving career has witnessed the whole process of China's road transport from its inception to high-quality development. From driving a tractor in the 80s to later turning into a truck driver, 40 years of driving experience he and Dongfeng Duolika brand has formed a deep century relationship, four different eras of Dongfeng Duoli truck accompanied him through the north and south of the river, witnessed his earthquake relief, witnessed the whole process of his prosperity and well-off.

Paul Kochagin once said, how should a person's life be spent? When he looks back, he will not regret that he wasted his time, nor will he be ashamed of his inaction, he dedicates all his energy to the cause he loves. For Zhang Tongfa, everything in the past is what he is most proud of.

Forty years of ups and downs, Zhang Tongfa and Dongfeng Duolika's truck career

Dongfeng Fa Duolika gets rich first

The eighties is the era of the transition from a planned economy to a market economy, and the motherland is full of opportunities, but there are not many people who can take the lead in seizing the opportunity to make a fortune.

Forty years of ups and downs, Zhang Tongfa and Dongfeng Duolika's truck career

"I still remember the first time I ran the transportation with that kind of old-fashioned tractor, ran for a while and made a lot of money, and then I bought the first Dongfeng Duolika, at that time it was basically a state of more goods and less cars, and there are few such good cars as me here, looking for me to pull goods naturally more, and earn more."

The upgrading of equipment has opened a good life of Zhang Tongfa to make a fortune and become well-off, Dongfeng Duolika super bearing, flexible operability allows him to have far more than the transportation efficiency of his peers, since then, Dongfeng Duolika has become Zhang Tongfa's "love of life", from the first generation, the third generation, to the current use of Dongfeng Duolika D9, Zhang Tongfa's 40 years of transportation career is mostly spent with the Dongfeng Duolika brand.

Forty years of ups and downs, Zhang Tongfa and Dongfeng Duolika's truck career

He said: "Dongfeng Duolika's car is economical, affordable, bearing capacity and safety are also high, drive with peace of mind, use peace of mind, after so many years of use, there has been no major accident, the old guy has not thrown me on the road, and has been making money for me, what reason do I have not to trust TA?" ”

Get rich and well-off, keep up with the development trend of the times, Zhang Tongfa and Dongfeng Duolika have become a role model for people around him, there are many relatives and friends who have chosen the freight trip under his drive, and have a happy life.

The figure of Dolica in the earthquake

Of course, the gradually wealthy life did not make Zhang Tongfa lose his original intention, but continued to give back to the society driven by responsibility. On May 12, 2008, the whole country grieved, the Wenchuan earthquake affected the hearts of every Chinese people, as a son and daughter of Sichuan and Shu Zhang Tongfa after hearing the bad news, he and the card friends around him actively participated in the disaster relief, spontaneously organized donations, and drove their own Dongfeng Duolika to transport materials to the disaster area.

Forty years of ups and downs, Zhang Tongfa and Dongfeng Duolika's truck career

"At that time, most of the roads were damaged due to the earthquake, and the cars outside could not enter the first place, and the relief materials could not reach the place.

The road is not easy to walk, Zhang Tongfa relied on his years of driving experience and the super performance of Dongfeng Duolika to open the road to the disaster area for the brothers behind, and the mighty convoy has become a light that lights up the warmth of the disaster area.

"At that time, the brothers were very powerful, all put down their business to disaster relief, without a word of complaint, we fought continuously for several days and nights, and finally ensured that the disaster relief materials were in place in time, during this period, there were many card friends whose cars broke down on the road because of overload, but the Dongfeng Duolika I drove never fell off the chain, as if TA also knew that we were doing a big thing."

Forty years of ups and downs, Zhang Tongfa and Dongfeng Duolika's truck career

After becoming rich, Zhang Tongfa took himself as an example to drive the people around him to give back to the society and dedicate his strength to the compatriots in the disaster. In 2012, he also joined a truck public welfare organization with Chengdu truck brothers: Dongfeng Brothers Club, becoming a big family of mutual assistance and communication, actively participating in public welfare undertakings while doing a good job in transportation business, and contributing to the community from the strength of truck people, in 2016 Zhang Tongfa was named Lei Feng truck driver!

Forty years of ups and downs, Zhang Tongfa and Dongfeng Duolika's truck career

After forty years of ups and downs, Dongfeng Duolika is like a general's war horse, accompanying Zhang Tongfa to conquer the world, experiencing the ups and downs of life with him, and now he is still standing beside him, and the story of the two is still being staged.

Source: Dongfeng Light Vehicle