
On the eve of 520, the mainland made an example of the monkey and punished 5 famous Taiwanese mouths, sending a clear signal to Lai Qingde

author:Sun Xuwen


With the approach of 520, the Taiwan issue has once again received widespread attention at home and abroad. Whether from an external or internal point of view, Lai Qingde's policy on the cross-strait issue may usher in a pullback, return to the "middle line", and maintain the status quo in the Taiwan Strait on the basis of Tsai Ing-wen's cross-strait policy.

Obviously, however, this is just a choice that Lai Qingde was forced to make because of the dual pressure of the United States and the mainland, because the essence of Lai Qingde's exposition on cross-strait relations has not changed, and it is still based on the "two-state theory." For example, Lai Qingde stressed the hope that the mainland will respect the fact that Taiwan is already a "sovereign state."

On the occasion of Lai Qingde's upcoming inauguration ceremony, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council took the lead in announcing that it would punish five "celebrities" on the island in accordance with the law, and at the same time stressed that the "Taiwan independence" separatists have betrayed the general interests of the nation, and the state will introduce legal measures to severely crack down on the criminal acts of splitting the country and inciting separatism in accordance with the law against those diehards who have vile words and deeds related to "independence" and who are rampant in seeking "independence."

On the eve of 520, the mainland made an example of the monkey and punished 5 famous Taiwanese mouths, sending a clear signal to Lai Qingde

Chen Binhua

On 15 May, at a regular press conference held by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, spokesman Chen Binhua said that for some time now, a small number of celebrities on the island have been fabricating false information about the mainland, smearing the mainland, and spreading it on a large scale through public opinion, misleading the Taiwan people and inciting confrontation between the two sides of the strait. Therefore, we will take disciplinary measures against Huang Shicong, Li Zhenghao, Wang Yichuan, Yu Beichen, and Liu Baojie and their families on the island.

The timing of the mainland's announcement of the punitive measures carries a very obvious warning connotation. For example, Huang Shicong said that the mainland's economy has suffered a "Waterloo", because the stock price of "Fuling mustard" has plummeted, so it is concluded that the mainland has begun to lose its ability to eat mustard. And Yu Beichen is the focus of ridicule of domestic military fans, because Yu Beichen is a retired major general of the Taiwan army, but his statements on the cross-strait military comparison are repeatedly astonishing, such as saying that the interception rate of a self-made Tiangong missile in Taiwan is 70%, then three are 210%, which can effectively intercept the missiles of the People's Liberation Army. In addition, there are other anti-intellectual remarks such as "the mainland can't afford to eat tea eggs and the mainland has no seat backs on high-speed railways" and so on, all of which come from these "famous mouths of Taiwan independence", or famous mouths of the green camp.

The anti-intellectual arguments of these green camp celebrities are insignificant to the mainland people, and will only become the talk of netizens after dinner. However, for the majority of the people on the island who do not know what they are doing, this will only provoke the antagonistic feelings of the people on the island towards the mainland and the stereotype that the mainland is "very backward," which is very detrimental to the development of cross-strait relations, so this is also an important reason why we have taken punitive measures against these famous people in the green camp, because if we continue to leave them alone, it will only make them more unscrupulous and make up more lies to deceive the people on the island.

On the eve of 520, the mainland made an example of the monkey and punished 5 famous Taiwanese mouths, sending a clear signal to Lai Qingde

From the perspective of the general direction of cross-strait relations, this is only one of the reasons for punishing the green camp politicians on the island, and more importantly, it is to give Lai Qingde a deterrent. After taking office, Lai Ching-te will become the leader of the "double minority" of the Taiwan region.

The fact that it has less than half of its support in the election of the leader of the Taiwan region and the number of seats in the island's legislature shows that "Taiwan independence" does not have an absolute advantage on the island. This move by ours is to further suppress the "Taiwan independence" forces on the island. A large number of green camp political forces on the island keep shouting "Taiwan independence," but their family members or related personnel have relied on the mainland's special preferential policies for Taiwan businessmen and Taiwan compatriots to earn economic benefits in the mainland market, and then they have returned to Taiwan to continue to shout "Taiwan independence."

With Lai Qingde officially taking office, whether this punishment list will continue to be expanded, or even include most of the politicians and celebrities in the green camp, will depend on Lai Qingde's cross-strait stance.

On the eve of 520, the mainland made an example of the monkey and punished 5 famous Taiwanese mouths, sending a clear signal to Lai Qingde

Lai Qingde

In addition, this punishment list on the mainland will also play a certain deterrent role in deterring the financiers behind the green camp, so that they can understand that they cannot eat the mainland's food on the one hand, and on the other hand, they will advocate "Taiwan independence" and smash the pot of the Chinese nation.

It is worth mentioning that the mainland's corresponding move actually has another meaning in it. This time, the mainland has used punitive measures rather than sanctions against the green camp celebrities and politicians on the island. The change in terminology indicates that the mainland is handling the Taiwan issue as an internal affair rather than an external affair. This corresponds to the erroneous remarks made by Wu Zhaoxie, the outgoing head of Taiwan's foreign affairs department, who threatened that Lai Ching-te should treat the Taiwan issue as an "international issue."

Finally, the mainland has added a new list of "Taiwan independence" and will introduce legal measures to punish "independence." This is not only a suppression and deterrence of the "Taiwan independence" forces, but also a deterrent to Lai Qingde. Before Lai Qingde takes office, we must send a clear signal to Lai Qingde, as a "pragmatic Taiwan independence worker" and "golden grandson of Taiwan independence," that is, the road of "Taiwan independence" will not work, and it will be a dead end. The punitive measures against "Taiwan independence" politicians and celebrities this time are a warning and an example to "killing chickens and setting an example for monkeys." In my opinion, as Lai's inauguration date approaches, I believe that we will take more actions and more wonderful things will happen, and we can wait and see.