
The Hongqiao Street Rule of Law Cultural Festival was launched

author:Shanghai Changning

May is the "Civil Code" publicity month, and it also ushered in the second Shanghai Rule of Law Culture Festival. Today (May 15th), the "Light of the 'Rainbow' Law, Illuminating the 'Classics'" and the Hongqiao Street Rule of Law Culture Festival were launched, attracting the active participation of representatives of building enterprises and college students in the jurisdiction.

This year, Hongqiao Judicial Office focused on the theme of "Empowering a First-class Business Environment with the Rule of Law", and took the "door-to-door" law-based business soft service as one of the "heavy" activities of the Rule of Law Culture Festival, and cooperated with the Hongqiao Street Community Party and Mass Service Center, the Hongqiao Street Grassroots Contact Point for Party Laws and Regulations, and the Law School of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics to carry out activities to find the Hongqiao "password" to optimize the law-based business environment from a new perspective.

The Hongqiao Street Rule of Law Cultural Festival was launched

"In July this year, the newly revised Company Law will come into effect, what are the features of the new provisions? Which terms are most important to businesses? For the questions that enterprises are concerned about, they can be answered face-to-face. At the event, Wu Xinhui, a lawyer from Shanghai Kangming Law Firm, explained the newly revised "Company Law" and "Shanghai Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment" in the form of "lawyer's statement".

In order to make legal services more targeted and accessible, Hongqiao Judicial Office will take door-to-door inquiries, open door-to-door advice, and online soft services as a powerful starting point for optimizing the business environment.

The Hongqiao Street Rule of Law Cultural Festival was launched
The Hongqiao Street Rule of Law Cultural Festival was launched

According to reports, in April, Hongqiao Judicial Law Firm and Law Firm specially produced the "Questionnaire Survey on the Need for Optimizing the Rule of Law for Optimizing the Business Environment", and distributed it to all building enterprises in the jurisdiction to find out the legal doubts and needs of enterprises in an all-round way.

"Questionnaires are not a one-size-fits-all approach. Next, we will carefully analyze the current situation based on the company's responses, find out the 'blind spots' of law popularization, and the judicial office will work with universities to produce Chinese and English versions of the law popularization brochure. Hong Silei, director of the Hongqiao Judicial Institute, said that to effectively enhance the "soft power" of the law-based business environment, it is necessary to take the initiative to approach the enterprise, take the needs and thoughts of the enterprise as the starting point for providing legal services, and be close to the actual needs of the enterprise, planning and providing down-to-earth legal services.

The Hongqiao Street Rule of Law Cultural Festival was launched
The Hongqiao Street Rule of Law Cultural Festival was launched

During the Hongqiao Street Rule of Law Cultural Festival, white-collar party members of the building went to Hong Space to visit the clean government education base to learn about the development process of the party's laws and regulations, and enhance the concept of laws and regulations.

In order to further enhance the influence of the rule of law culture, Hongqiao Judicial Law Firm pays attention to the "immersive" experience, and the legal services are not the same, and makes efforts to continuously improve the sense of interaction, participation and experience of the activities, and carefully prepares a series of various forms of legal services and rule of law publicity, so as to continuously enhance the traction of the rule of law culture.

The Hongqiao Street Rule of Law Cultural Festival was launched
The Hongqiao Street Rule of Law Cultural Festival was launched

Some pictures are provided by Hongqiao Judicial Office, and the text is written by Yan Man

Editor: Li Bingqian

Editor-in-charge: Yan Wenbin

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

The Hongqiao Street Rule of Law Cultural Festival was launched

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