
Hu Min: Bravely Embark on the "Road" of Developing New Quality Productivity

author:Chang'an Street Reading Club
Hu Min: Bravely Embark on the "Road" of Developing New Quality Productivity

Hu Min: Bravely forge the "big road" of developing new quality productivity

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Hu Min: Bravely Embark on the "Road" of Developing New Quality Productivity


From last year's general secretary Xi Jinping's visit to the local area to first mention the concept of "new quality productivity", to the beginning of this year when the general secretary presided over the 11th collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to comprehensively explain the theoretical system of developing new quality productivity, and then to this year's National People's Congress and the National People's Congress to put forward the "development of new quality productivity according to local conditions", "the development of new quality productivity" has not only become a hot spot of great concern from all sides, but also a major strategic deployment for the party and the country to comprehensively accelerate the advancement.

The development of new quality productive forces is not only a major theoretical proposition that urgently needs in-depth study, but also an extremely important practical proposition and reform proposition. We must deeply understand and grasp the great significance, scientific connotation, spiritual essence and practical requirements of the development of new quality productive forces, and earnestly accelerate the development of new quality productive forces as an important focus to promote the high-quality development of the mainland, and run through the whole process of expanding the Chinese path to modernization.

Core Essence: Improving "Quality" with "New"

The new quality productivity "is born by the revolutionary breakthrough of technology, the innovative allocation of production factors, and the deep transformation and upgrading of the industry, with the basic connotation of laborers, labor materials, labor objects and their optimal combinations, and the substantial increase in total factor productivity as the core symbol, characterized by innovation, the key is high quality, and the essence is advanced productivity". The general secretary's important exposition has profoundly revealed the logic, spiritual essence, and essential characteristics of the formation of the new quality productive forces.

To develop new quality productive forces, we must firmly grasp the characteristics of "innovation" and the key of "high quality", focus on improving "quality" with "new", give full play to the traction and leading role of innovation, promote industrial innovation, management innovation and institutional innovation with scientific and technological innovation, constantly shape the new momentum, new advantages and new pattern of the mainland's development, promote new changes and new leaps in social productivity and production relations, and make the development of new quality productive forces a strong driving force for promoting high-quality development in the new era and new journey.

To improve "quality" with "new" means to drive productive forces to a new qualitative state with scientific and technological innovation. Scientific and technological innovation can give birth to new industries, new models and new kinetic energy, and is the core element of the development of new quality productive forces. It is necessary to strengthen scientific and technological innovation, especially original and disruptive scientific and technological innovation, use science and technology to transform existing productive forces, give birth to new productive forces, constantly forge "trump card" technology, develop more "root technologies", and do a good job in tackling key core technologies, so that original and disruptive scientific and technological innovation achievements can emerge one after another, and promote the rapid growth of digital productivity, intelligent productivity and green productivity on behalf of technological progress.

To improve "quality" with "new" means to lay out a modern industrial system around the development of new quality productive forces. It is necessary to apply the scientific and technological innovation achievements of the new generation of information technology to specific industries and industrial chains as soon as possible, widely apply digital technology and green technology, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, strengthen the green manufacturing industry, develop the green service industry, cultivate and expand strategic emerging industries such as biomanufacturing, commercial aerospace, and low-altitude economy, open up new tracks for future industries such as quantum and life sciences, build digital industrial clusters with international competitiveness, and realize the "old trees bloom into new flowers" in traditional industries. The development ecology of a modern industrial system in which emerging industries compete for development and future industries are nurtured and incubated.

To improve "quality" with "new" is to fully support enterprises to be the protagonists of innovation and promote the continuous gathering of innovation resources to high-quality enterprises. Enterprises are the basic carriers of laborers, labor materials, labor objects and their optimal combinations, and are the core forces that stimulate the vitality of production factors such as labor, knowledge, technology, management, capital, and data, and promote the substantial improvement of total factor productivity. A strong enterprise is a strong innovation. It is necessary to effectively strengthen the main position of enterprise innovation, improve the market orientation of technological innovation, and form a technological innovation system and industrial forging platform with enterprises as the main body, market-oriented, and deep integration of production, education, research and application. Through the establishment of a high-standard market system, smooth the circulation of the national economy, innovate the allocation of production factors, and promote the smooth flow of all kinds of advanced and high-quality production factors towards the agglomeration of enterprises and the development of new quality productivity, so that the waist pole of all kinds of innovative enterprises will stand up and harden.

Break path dependence with innovative ideas

During the two sessions of the National People's Congress this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out when participating in the deliberations of the Jiangsu delegation that "new quality productive forces should be developed according to local conditions", emphasizing that "it is necessary to prevent a rush and bubble, and do not engage in a model." All localities should persist in proceeding from reality, establish first and then break down, adapt measures to local conditions, and provide classified guidance, and selectively promote the development of new industries, new models, and new kinetic energy according to local resource endowments, industrial foundations, and scientific research conditions." This provides an important path guide and methodology for accelerating the development of new quality productive forces in various localities.

Judging from the past, some localities and departments are prone to blindly following the trend, rushing to the top, and rushing for success without having fully understood and comprehended the strategic intent and spiritual essence of the party Central Committee. For example, some places are eager to launch projects and pave the way regardless of resource endowments, and do whatever project is hot, without considering the return on investment; Some localities do not consider the local industrial base and economic conditions, engage in "large and comprehensive" and "small and comprehensive", and even engage in local protectionism in order to compete for factor resources; Some localities only focus on the present and do not look at the long-term, and do not have the idea of a game of chess in the whole country, resulting in redundant construction, and as a result, "solving one problem and leaving ten regrets"; There are also some places that just shout empty slogans, make superficial articles, create bonsai projects and bubbles, fall into the quagmire of formalism and bureaucracy, and so on. These phenomena appeared in the course of the mainland's industrial development in the last century, and they have formed a constraint on the country's economic restructuring and need to be vigilant. The general secretary judged the hour and sized up the situation, stressing that "developing new productive forces in the light of local conditions" has a strong pertinence and has pointed out the direction for the development of new productive forces in various localities.

We must profoundly understand that the key to developing new quality productive forces lies in the leading role of innovation. Innovation is not only about seizing the opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. Guided by scientific and technological innovation, launching a series of new technologies, new products, new formats and new models to improve total factor productivity is fundamentally to truly establish the ideological consciousness of innovation, reshape the system and mechanism of innovation, and create a strong culture of innovation. Only in this way can we effectively get rid of the dependence of the traditional economic growth mode and development path, break through the shackles of various old ideas and concepts and the barriers of solidification of interests with the concept of "creative destruction", build a new type of production relations that are compatible with the new quality of productive forces as soon as possible, and promote the cultivation, establishment and improvement of new production relations with the development of new quality of production forces, so as to form a virtuous circle of scientific and technological innovation, industrial innovation, institutional innovation, humanistic innovation, and ideological innovation, and finally promote the new type of labor, new labor materials, A qualitative leap in the quality of new types of labor objects and their optimal combinations. Only in this way can we truly embark on a new path of innovating and developing new quality productive forces.

The three-pronged relationship must be properly handled

The development of new quality productive forces is another "new" proposed by the general secretary after profoundly studying and judging the general trend of development in the world today, profoundly grasping the characteristics of contemporary China's development stages, and successively proposing "new development stage", "new development concept" and "new development pattern".

These "four new" not only realize the theoretical progression of China's development issues, enrich and develop Xi Jinping's economic thought, and initially build an independent knowledge system of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics, but also closely follow the main contradictions of China's social development, solve development problems, cultivate development advantages, and strive to solve the most prominent, critical and practical problems in the development of the mainland. Accelerating the development of new quality productive forces is a new strategic measure and major deployment to achieve high-quality development and expand Chinese-style modernization.

The first is to handle the relationship between top-level design and grass-roots creation. From a macro perspective, based on the new stage of development, when planning the main target indicators, major strategic tasks, major reform measures, and major engineering projects of economic and social development in the coming period, we should give full consideration to the practical requirements of the development of new quality productive forces, strengthen comprehensive planning and comprehensive balance, support and guide local governments to develop new quality productive forces in accordance with local conditions, and guide local governments to reasonably determine the strategic focus and main direction of developing new quality productive forces in combination with their own resource endowments, industrial bases and characteristic advantages. At the micro level, it is necessary to encourage the grassroots to actively explore and innovate, summarize experience in a timely manner, and replicate and promote.

Second, it is necessary to properly handle the relationship between the government, the market, and enterprises. In order to develop new quality productive forces, the government has introduced macro policies with the same orientation in a timely manner, vigorously supported the construction of a modern industrial system in fiscal, monetary, industrial, regional and other policies, accelerated the construction of a unified national market, accelerated the full and smooth flow of new quality production factors throughout the country, and always respected the main position of enterprise innovation.

Third, it is necessary to properly handle the relationship between traditional industries and emerging industries. From the perspective of industrial replacement, there is no eternal traditional industry, industrial growth is always in the life cycle to complete iteration and upgrading, emerging industries are in the traditional industry breeding and development of continuous expansion and strengthening. In the process of promoting the development of new quality productive forces, all localities should look at one area and seek the overall situation, accurately understand their own positioning in the overall layout of regional coordinated development and national strategy, grasp the timeliness and efficiency, focus on the present and take into account the long-term, and strive to build a modern industrial system in line with local characteristics.

[Hu Min: Member of the Chang'an Street Reading Club, Researcher of the Central Party School (National Academy of Administration)]

Note: Authorized to publish, this article has been selected and included in the "Chang'an Street Reading Club" theoretical learning platform (People's Daily, People's Political Consultative Conference Daily, Beijing Daily, Chongqing Daily, Xinhuanet, CCTV, National Party Media Information Public Platform, Vision, Beijing Time, Surging Government Affairs, Phoenix News Client "Chang'an Street Reading Club" column synchronization), reprinting must be uniformly marked "Chang'an Street Reading Club" theoretical learning platform source and author.

Editor-in-charge: Qiu Shiyi; Preliminary review: Cheng Ziqian, Chen Jiani; Re-examiner: Li Yufan

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In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we are now jointly carrying out relevant party building reading and learning activities for the party schools (administrative colleges), cadre colleges, Marxist colleges, and new era civilization practice centers (institutes, stations) where the central and state organs, central enterprises, and provinces, cities, counties (districts) are located. Recently, with the approval of relevant departments, it has been officially agreed that the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission, the Organization Department of the Central Committee, the Working Committee of the Central Committee and State Organs, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and other designated units have joined the "Chang'an Street Reading Club" Party Building Reading Cooperation Mechanism, and jointly undertook the "Chang'an Street Reading Club" series of reading and learning activities.