
Yan Peixian, a fixed income veteran of China-Canada Fund, is managing a number of products, and there are personnel changes

author:Red Star Capital Bureau

Red Star Capital Bureau reported on May 15 that recently, a number of products managed by Yan Peixian, a fixed income veteran of China-Canada Fund, announced personnel changes, and the market speculated that he may have the intention of leaving. Judging from the announcement, Yan Peixian stepped down from 2 funds, and another 2 funds hired additional personnel. At this point, he no longer has a separate product in charge.

Yan Peixian, a fixed income veteran of China-Canada Fund, is managing a number of products, and there are personnel changes

In this regard, the Red Star Capital Bureau sent an interview request to the China Canada Fund, but did not receive a response as of press time. The customer service staff of the Sino-Canada Fund told the Red Star Capital Bureau that Yan Peixian still manages a number of funds, and he does not know about other situations.

From May 6th to 10th, Yan Peixian's 4 products under management successively announced personnel changes. Among them, due to work needs, he successively left the Sino-Canadian Juying Bond and Sino-Canadian Pure Bond for one year, which were respectively managed by Zou Tianpei and Zhang Nan; Previously, Sino-Canadian Ju'an, which was separately managed, held short- and medium-term bonds and Sino-Canadian pure bonds on a rolling basis for 60 days, and Wei Taiyuan and Yu Yue were hired to jointly manage them. At present, Yan Peixian still manages 6 funds with a total scale of 23.998 billion yuan, but all of them are jointly managed with others.

As the assistant to the general manager and director of fixed income of China-Canada Fund, and the longest-serving fund manager of the company, Yan Peixian's management scale and performance are relatively good. Taking the representative product of China Canada Pure Bond as an example, the latest scale is 18.825 billion yuan, an increase of nearly 8 billion yuan over the same period last year, and the cumulative income of the product in 2023 is 5.71%, ranking among the top 10% of the same category. In addition, a year before stepping down from CCC, Yan Peixian had been managing it alone for 10 years, with an annualized return of 6.42%, ranking in the top 5% of returns.

Yan Peixian, a fixed income veteran of China-Canada Fund, is managing a number of products, and there are personnel changes

Screenshot of the products managed by Yan Peixian recently from wind

According to the data, China Canada Fund was established in 2013 and is a public offering of banking systems, with a total of six shareholders, the first and second largest shareholders are Bank of Beijing (601169. SH) and Scotiabank, with 44% and 28% of the shares, respectively.

From the perspective of product scale and investment research team, China Canada Fund has the characteristics of "strong fixed income and weak equity" in the public offering of banks. As of the end of the first quarter of this year, the company's assets under management were 142.752 billion yuan, ranking 43/199, of which the scale of equity funds and hybrid funds was 28 million yuan and 1.607 billion yuan, accounting for less than 2% in total.

Red Star Capital Bureau noted that after the extension of the fundraising period for a number of products in 2022, in March this year, the China-Canada Fund issued new products again after more than a year, namely the China-Canada Ruiying Pure Bond and the China-Canada Science and Technology Innovation Hybrid Initiation. Among them, the pure bond of Sino-Canada Ruiying ended the fundraising ahead of schedule, and finally raised 3.005 billion yuan, and the hybrid initiation of Sino-Canadian scientific and technological innovation only raised 11 million yuan.

Financial data shows that in 2023, the China-Canada Fund will achieve a net profit of 238 million yuan, almost the same as in 2022.

Red Star News reporter Jiang Ziwen

Edited by Yang Cheng

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Yan Peixian, a fixed income veteran of China-Canada Fund, is managing a number of products, and there are personnel changes

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