
The 46-year-old driver has diarrhea and is HIV positive, and confesses: After high-risk behaviors, there should be no luck

author:Medical original story meeting
The 46-year-old driver has diarrhea and is HIV positive, and confesses: After high-risk behaviors, there should be no luck

A middle-aged man chose to be hospitalized because of persistent diarrhea, he was helpless, he was treated in the outpatient and emergency department, and used a lot of medicine, but the symptoms were good and bad, and the root was never broken.

The man told the doctor that I am a long-distance freight driver, and sometimes I have to drive for a long time to get to a service area, like me, I always have diarrhea, I can't leave the toilet at all, because of severe diarrhea, now the man basically stays at home and does not dare to go out.

A diarrhea, why is it so hard to be good?

His stool is a simple yellow thin watery stool, not egg-like, no mucus, pus and blood, no stench, the man said, he just went out with friends to eat a barbecue and it became like this, he suspected that the barbecue he ate at that time was not clean, especially those meats, I analyzed it was not clean, but everyone else ate it was fine, and I could only eat dumb losses.

The patient had no other symptoms other than diarrhea, including abdominal pain, fever, night sweats, etc., but frequent diarrhea caused him to experience a certain degree of dehydration, chapped lips, and did not look so good.

After being admitted to the hospital, the doctor decided to conduct a comprehensive examination, first of all, a blood test, and then a perfect stool examination, chest X-ray, B ultrasound, the doctor said to finish these first, see if you can't find the problem, if you can't find it, you need to do a colonoscopy, but he is now in a water and electrolyte disorder, so he must first improve his physical condition.

The 46-year-old driver has diarrhea and is HIV positive, and confesses: After high-risk behaviors, there should be no luck

The results of the blood test came out quickly, and what the doctor never expected was that the culprit that caused the patient's diarrhea was AIDS.

But the question is, why does AIDS cause diarrhea?

The main reason is that HIV will attack the body's immunity, once the immunity is reduced, it will give various microorganisms a chance to take advantage of, there are some conditional pathogenic bacteria in the intestines, when the immunity is reduced, the conditional pathogenic bacteria can take the opportunity to multiply, and the food or water we ingest every day may also carry microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, etc., or if you do not pay attention to hand hygiene, do not wash your hands to get something to eat, which may lead to oral infection of microorganisms and cause diarrhea.

AIDS, as an infectious disease, does not have typical symptoms, AIDS can cause diarrhea, cough, fever, swollen lymph nodes, itchy skin, neurological symptoms, etc., these symptoms are easy to be misdiagnosed as other diseases.

Because the man always thought that he was just an acute enteritis when he had diarrhea, and because he did not know that AIDS was the real cause, he used many drugs to no avail.

Eventually, the man told the doctor that he was a long-distance freight driver, who had been running long distances for a long time, and because he was far away from home, he was lonely and unbearable, and finally entered the red light district, where he had high-risk sexual behavior, and afterwards he had a fluke mentality, thinking that he would not be so unlucky, but he did not know that even if it was just a fall, it could lead to a tragedy that would never be recovered.

After being diagnosed with AIDS, the man cried bitterly and begged the doctor not to tell his family, especially his wife.

But the doctor said that if you are infected with AIDS, you must tell your wife, in case she is also infected and is not discovered in time, it may cause life-threatening if it drags on, and paper can't contain the fire, you can't keep it like this, diagnosed with AIDS, you have to take medicine for a long time, you have to have a long-term follow-up, and it is impossible to keep it private from your family.

In fact, if you knew this was the case, why did you bother in the first place?

The 46-year-old driver has diarrhea and is HIV positive, and confesses: After high-risk behaviors, there should be no luck