
Strictly prepare for the "earthquake" and jointly build a solid barrier for disaster prevention and risk avoidance

author:The style of western Anhui

-- Earthquake emergency escape drill activities of Jiliu Bokan Experimental School

"Safety is no small matter, and prevention is the right thing to do." On the morning of May 13th, the junior high school of Liubokan Experimental School successfully carried out an earthquake emergency escape drill with the theme of "Everyone Stresses Safety, Everyone Knows How to Respond to Emergencies - Strive to Improve Grassroots Disaster Prevention and Risk Avoidance Capabilities". The purpose of this drill is to improve the earthquake emergency awareness and self-rescue and mutual rescue ability of all teachers and students in the school, to ensure that they can evacuate to a safe area quickly, orderly and efficiently in the event of a sudden earthquake event, and to ensure the safety of teachers and students to the greatest extent.

Before the start of the event, the school popularized the knowledge of earthquake emergency response to teachers and students through class meetings, broadcasts and other forms, emphasizing the importance and necessity of drills. At the same time, the school also formulated a detailed drill plan, clarified the responsibilities and requirements of each link, and ensured the smooth progress of the drill.

On the day of the drill, as the alarm sounded, all teachers and students quickly entered an emergency state. According to the requirements of the plan, the teachers quickly organized the evacuation of the students. The students followed the pre-learned escape skills, bowed their heads, covered their heads with their hands, and evacuated in an orderly manner along the designated evacuation routes. During the whole process, the teachers and students remained calm and composed, and there was no panic or confusion.

Strictly prepare for the "earthquake" and jointly build a solid barrier for disaster prevention and risk avoidance
Strictly prepare for the "earthquake" and jointly build a solid barrier for disaster prevention and risk avoidance

After the drill, the school organized teachers and students to count the number of students in each class in the playground and made a summary. The school leaders commented on the evacuation speed, posture and choice of evacuation route for teachers and students, and put forward valuable suggestions. At the same time, we called on everyone to express condolences to the compatriots who died in the "5.12 Wenchuan earthquake", combined with the recent earthquake cases, popularized the knowledge of earthquake emergency to teachers and students, and improved everyone's safety awareness.

Strictly prepare for the "earthquake" and jointly build a solid barrier for disaster prevention and risk avoidance
Strictly prepare for the "earthquake" and jointly build a solid barrier for disaster prevention and risk avoidance

The successful holding of this earthquake emergency drill not only improved the ability of teachers and students to prevent disasters and avoid dangers, but also enhanced their safety awareness and self-rescue and mutual rescue capabilities. In the future, the school will continue to adhere to the concept of "everyone stresses safety, everyone will respond to emergencies", and constantly strengthen safety education and emergency drills to create a safer and more harmonious campus environment for teachers and students. (Written by: Hu Tingting preliminary review: Yu Dahong review: Li Ping final review: Zhang Guisong)