
"Precocious puberty" quietly devours the child's height, and the doctor: prevent it from eating, sleeping, and playing

author:Jing Ma Parenting

Text: Jing Ma

"Precocious puberty" quietly devours the child's height, and the doctor: prevent it from eating, sleeping, and playing

According to relevant data, the number of precocious children in the mainland has exceeded 530,000!

"Precocious puberty" quietly devours the child's height, and the doctor: prevent it from eating, sleeping, and playing

Behind such a statistic is the premature maturity of a large group of children, for example, boys start to have an Adam's apple and grow beards at the age of 10, and girls start menstruating at the age of 9. #头条创作挑战赛#

Some girls in the third and fourth grades of primary school have grown to 1.6 meters, and many parents think that their children will definitely be tall in the future, but they don't know that early development of children is not a good thing, and it will affect the final height of children.

Taking girls as an example, if a normal child develops normally, the girl will start to grow taller slowly at the age of 10, menstruate around the age of 12, and the child's height will grow slowly after menstruation, but it will be three or four years longer, that is, the child's height will not be fixed until the age of 16.

"Precocious puberty" quietly devours the child's height, and the doctor: prevent it from eating, sleeping, and playing

But if the child begins to grow taller rapidly at the age of 7, 10 cm a year, and the child begins to have a period when he is more than 9 years old, the height growth rate slows down after the period, and the child will not grow up to 14 years old, that is, the child's height growth time is less than two years.

According to the normal growth of the child, the height will increase by about 5 cm in a year, that is, the child may be 10 cm less than the normal child, and now the average height of the girl is about 1.65 meters, and the child will become 1.55 meters if it is 10 cm less, which is the shortest girl in the crowd.

Therefore, precocious puberty will devour the child's height, and precocious puberty will not only devour the child's height but also affect the child's self-confidence, after all, when the classmates in the class are all a little bean ding, she has suddenly risen from the ground, and when some girls' breasts begin to develop, the classmates are still ignorant, so it is easy to bend over and hunch over in order to hide the development of their bodies......

"Precocious puberty" quietly devours the child's height, and the doctor: prevent it from eating, sleeping, and playing

How to prevent precocious puberty? I went to a doctor's lecture and mentioned that there are three important aspects

The first aspect: eating

People take food as the sky, and the height of children is closely related to eating, and the relationship between children's precocious puberty and eating is also the greatest.

One is to avoid big supplements, for example, the old people eat all kinds of propolis, royal jelly, bovine colostrum these supplements can not be given to children, and there are some big supplements of ginseng, ejiao and the like should not be given to children, children are in the time of fast nutrient absorption, just eat normal food.

"Precocious puberty" quietly devours the child's height, and the doctor: prevent it from eating, sleeping, and playing

The other is to avoid eating foods that are too high in calories, what are foods that are too high in calories?

The first is food with more sugar, for example, the child eats sweet cakes and bread for breakfast every day, or a variety of pies, or the child likes to eat sweets and gives him drinks all day long, these are high-sugar foods, sugar will be converted into fat in our body, causing the child to be obese, once the child is obese, it is also easy to precocious.

The second is fatty food, such as all kinds of fatty meat or fried food, or some greasy fast food for children to eat outside.

One gram of fat burning can provide 9000 calories, because fat can provide more calories, and children do not need so many calories, it will become their own fat accumulation in the body, once the child is obese and has more fat cells, it will promote the secretion of our hormones, resulting in precocious puberty in children.

"Precocious puberty" quietly devours the child's height, and the doctor: prevent it from eating, sleeping, and playing

The foods your child eats every day should include these 4 types:

Type 1: Staple food

When the child reaches puberty, if the weight is a little heavier, the amount of whole grains should be slowly increased for the child.

For example, it is appropriate to give children corn, sweet potatoes, yams, potatoes, these as staple foods to eat, you can also add a little red beans, mung beans, eyebrow peas and other miscellaneous legumes to the rice, or add oats, buckwheat, barley when cooking, these coarse grains have more dietary fiber, increase the child's satiety and reduce it, and can effectively control the child's weight.

"Precocious puberty" quietly devours the child's height, and the doctor: prevent it from eating, sleeping, and playing

Type 2: Vegetables and fruits

There are more vegetables than fruits, and children eat more vegetables than fruits every day, which can effectively control weight, because vegetables have more dietary fiber and vegetables are very low in calories.

Type 3: Meat

Choose some low-fat meat for children every day, such as beef, fish, chicken, and duck for children, which will be relatively low in fat, and you must choose lean meat instead of pork belly or fatty meat.

Type 4: Milk and soy products

If the child is more obese, you can give the child to drink low-fat milk, and you can also give the child some tofu, dried tofu, etc., and the daily oil and salt should also be controlled, the daily oil should be controlled within 25 grams, and the daily salt should be controlled at about 4 grams.

"Precocious puberty" quietly devours the child's height, and the doctor: prevent it from eating, sleeping, and playing

The second aspect: sleep

Sleep is to avoid children from staying up late, and it is also very important that children do not turn on the lights to sleep when they sleep at night, because night lights will lead to a decrease in melatonin secretion, an increase in the development rate of gonads, and affect the growth of children.

The third aspect: play

If you play, avoid buying children toys with a strong plastic smell, which may contain a lot of phthalates, which are environmental hormones and can also cause precocious puberty in children.

"Precocious puberty" quietly devours the child's height, and the doctor: prevent it from eating, sleeping, and playing

Preventing children's precocious puberty can make children grow taller, so that there is not much gap between children and classmates, and avoid psychological burden. How to prevent precocious puberty in childrenDo you know?

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