
The baby is born at the time of birth, born at 5 times, the child is full of blessings, smart and healthy

author:Jing Ma Parenting

Text: Jing Ma

The baby is born at the time of birth, born at 5 times, the child is full of blessings, smart and healthy

The ancients had a cloud: the blessed life is in June and August, and the unblessed life is in the moon!

Mainly because the weather is relatively hot from June to August every year, in ancient times when there was no air conditioning and no heating, the child was born in this season and it was easier to take care of and feed, but if the child was born in the month of La, because the weather was too cold, a child may die if he accidentally caught a cold.

Although the living conditions and medical conditions are better, the child's date of birth will still affect the child's health and affect the child's blessing.

I have heard that some mothers forcibly have a caesarean section in order to give birth to their children at the right time, and even the mother is about to give birth, or hold on to prevent the child from being born, which is of course contrary to common sense and may harm the child.

But in fact, when the child is born, the mother can choose, that is, from the time of the child's pregnancy, you can know the time of the child's birth.

The baby is born at the time of birth, born at 5 times, the child is full of blessings, smart and healthy

If you want your child to be blessed, healthier and smarter, it is best for mothers to give birth to their children during these 5 time periods

The first: mom at the best age for childbearing

When we buy something, we will find that it is easier to use when it is new, and when it is old, it is either that the screw falls off or that it is loose, and people are the same, and the body is the best age.

For example, our female reproductive system is in the best state at the age of 23~29, at this time the quality of the egg is better, and the mother's uterus is also in a better state, that is, the seed is good or the soil is good, and the child will naturally be healthier and smarter.

The baby is born at the time of birth, born at 5 times, the child is full of blessings, smart and healthy

The second: dad is at the best age for childbearing

Many times we look at the age of the child, in fact, the age of the father will also affect the health of the child, some studies have found: the father is more than 40 years old after the child, the child has ADHD, or the probability of psychological problems will be more.

And there are also studies that have found that some mothers are very young, but the father is older, and the mother has frequent miscarriages after conceiving a child, which is actually related to the quality of sperm.

Therefore, it is best for the father to have a child between the ages of 25 and 34, when the quality of the father's sperm is relatively good and mature.

The baby is born at the time of birth, born at 5 times, the child is full of blessings, smart and healthy

The third: when the relationship between parents is good

Parents have a good relationship, in the process of conceiving a baby will be better, and emotions are actually the best prenatal education, when pregnant with a child in a good mood, parents are full of expectations for the child, and the child can also feel the expectations of the parents in the mother's belly, and will naturally grow better.

Fourth: when the pressure is low

Life is not easy now, many people are under a lot of pressure at work, and some people start to lose their hair desperately in their 30s.

Lili is a colleague of mine, she married her husband for more than two years and settled to have a child, but no matter how hard the two of them worked, the two of them went to travel to conceive a child, but after conceiving a child, the two couples were also very nervous, and then the child was born after it was indeed a disaster, often sick.

That is, when there is a lot of stress, it will affect the quality of sperm and eggs, and it can easily affect the health of the child.

The baby is born at the time of birth, born at 5 times, the child is full of blessings, smart and healthy

Fifth: when the economy is well-off

Chunping is my colleague, but she is different from us, all the wages she earns from her work are not even enough, her husband will give her money to spend, she takes a taxi to work every day, and she only chooses what she likes when she goes out to buy fruit and never looks at the price.

And she was pregnant with her second child at the age of 35, although it is said that this is an advanced pregnancy, but because her husband is rich and the family is financially rich, she invited the best doctor, and the prenatal examination is through the VIP channel, no appointment, the whole pregnancy is very comfortable, and then the child is also very smart and very healthy after birth.

And when she raised her children, she was also very relaxed, traveling everywhere. Therefore, although his child was born to an elderly mother, he was also very blessed.

The baby is born at the time of birth, born at 5 times, the child is full of blessings, smart and healthy

That is to say, when the mother is preparing for pregnancy, it is best to choose the best childbearing age for both husband and wife, and the pressure must be learned to release, in a relaxed and happy environment, in the case of good feelings, and in the case of good economic status, the child is full of blessings.

After all, his arrival was full of expectations from his parents, after all, he was born with a golden key after he was born, and he fell into the blessed nest. #头条创作挑战赛#

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