
can't laugh anymore, the Lou Zi stabbed by netizens is really off the beaten track

author:A song of smoke and rain

How can people not go crazy in the workplace? It's boring and boring, so let's stab Lou Zi.

As a professional person, there will always be times when it is inevitable to stab Lou Zi - no, who understands the family? I know that others are crying, why do I want to laugh so much?


"Has the company been poor lately? Why has my salary not been paid? "—The Humble Chairman.

At the same time, an employee: "Has the company been rich lately?" Why did you suddenly give me such a salary increase? ”

can't laugh anymore, the Lou Zi stabbed by netizens is really off the beaten track


Sister, for the first time, did you experience what it's like to live like a year? No, it should be like a year, hahahaha!

can't laugh anymore, the Lou Zi stabbed by netizens is really off the beaten track


That's okay, right? It's good to delete it and get it back from the recycle bin.

can't laugh anymore, the Lou Zi stabbed by netizens is really off the beaten track


I think the only solution in this situation is to lie on the ground and pretend to be dead right away.

can't laugh anymore, the Lou Zi stabbed by netizens is really off the beaten track


Take the parrots with you, good buddy, for a lifetime.

can't laugh anymore, the Lou Zi stabbed by netizens is really off the beaten track


Please give me a dozen of these employees right away!

can't laugh anymore, the Lou Zi stabbed by netizens is really off the beaten track


Seeing this Lou Zi, I remembered a story I had read before.

A collector found a precious bowl in a rural village, but the peasant woman just used it to feed the chickens. The collector persuaded the peasant woman to sell the bowl to himself, but because he had spent all his money, he agreed with the peasant woman to come back tomorrow to pay for the bowl and told her to keep it safe.

That night, the peasant woman cleaned the dirty bowl, thinking that she could sell it for more money.

The next day, when the collector saw the cleaned bowl, he immediately collapsed, because the dirt on the bowl was the precious part of the bowl, and he said sadly to the peasant woman, "I don't want the bowl, you can keep it."

- So, that's why you don't want to wash the dishes?

can't laugh anymore, the Lou Zi stabbed by netizens is really off the beaten track


It's really easy to send the wrong message these days, so be careful and careful.

can't laugh anymore, the Lou Zi stabbed by netizens is really off the beaten track


Sister, tell me secretly, I have the strictest mouth in the world, if you are not at ease, I can weld it up.

can't laugh anymore, the Lou Zi stabbed by netizens is really off the beaten track


Thinking of that picture of secretly tearing a little, why do you suddenly think you are so cute.

can't laugh anymore, the Lou Zi stabbed by netizens is really off the beaten track


Is it possible that the boss did it on purpose? It's heartbreaking to get you back to work.

can't laugh anymore, the Lou Zi stabbed by netizens is really off the beaten track


I remember seeing a class group that was even funnier before. There was a new teacher named Jin Lian, she greeted everyone, and everyone called her Teacher Pan, in fact, her surname was Jin.

can't laugh anymore, the Lou Zi stabbed by netizens is really off the beaten track
can't laugh anymore, the Lou Zi stabbed by netizens is really off the beaten track


Come on! Let's have a realistic version of "the domineering president falls in love with me", optimistic about you.

can't laugh anymore, the Lou Zi stabbed by netizens is really off the beaten track

Although everyone laughed at these stabs, it was in response to the sentence "some people are laughing, some people are crying".

So whether it's work or life, everyone is serious, try not to stab Lou Zi, if you stab, remember to tell everyone as soon as possible.

can't laugh anymore, the Lou Zi stabbed by netizens is really off the beaten track