
The secretary of the district party committee shouted at the young cadres with "7 sentences, 14 more", which was deafening! (Full Text)

author:Journal of Decision-making

The more loyal, the more reliable;

The more you believe, the closer you get;

The more grateful, the more you have;

The harder you work, the luckier you get;

The more humble, the more progressive;

The simpler it is, the happier it is;

The more disciplined, the freer.

A few days ago, Qin Guoliang, secretary of the Wangcheng District Party Committee of Changsha City, Hunan Province, delivered a speech at the 7th "5.10" clean political education activity in Wangcheng District, which attracted attention.

The "7 sentences, 14 Yue" in the speech came from the bottom of my heart. Let's take a look.

The secretary of the district party committee shouted at the young cadres with "7 sentences, 14 more", which was deafening! (Full Text)

A letter to the "Lian Qing" cadres

——Message at the 7th "5.10" Integrity Education Activity in Wangcheng District

Comrades: On May 10 of another year, "May 10" means "I want to be honest". As the secretary of the district party committee, usually, I organize meetings with everyone as a leader, talk to everyone, and make requests. Wangcheng is a big family, and as a member of this family, I write a letter to the young cadres of the whole district today, hoping to bring you a unique party discipline study and education.

The theme of this anti-corruption education activity is "We are honest and honest". "Lian Qing" is a homonym for "young", and "young" here is not limited to age, but refers to all vibrant, jointed growth, upward and good and sunny attitude towards life.

"We are honest and honest", which not only symbolizes that Wangcheng, as the youngest urban area in the provincial capital, is a hot land for development with clean air, youth and vitality; It also pins on the ardent expectations of the district party committee for the majority of party members and cadres to be honest and energetic.

Just now, we watched the "5.10" clean government education theme propaganda film together, and I believe that everyone, like me, was deeply infected by the pride of struggle, the strength of struggle, and the atmosphere of the officer. Cadre representatives from Hunan Lei Feng Memorial Hall, District Lei Feng Volunteer Service Promotion Center, Chating Town, District Rong Media Center and Investment Front respectively shared their own stories of integrity, struggle and life insights around the five chapters of "Party in Heart", "Responsibility in Heart", "People in Heart", "Caution in Heart" and "Power in Heart", which is a vivid epitome of Wangcheng cadres' adherence to honesty and self-discipline and the courage to take responsibility, and it is also a true portrayal of the word "honest and green". Here, I would like to express my high respect and sincere greetings to all of you.

I have been engaged in discipline inspection, inspection and audit supervision work for more than 6 years, during this period, I have witnessed some colleagues and acquaintances being dealt with for violations of discipline and law, which makes me very sorry, and I also realize more deeply that "honest green" is not easy, "honest green" is really good! I would like to take this opportunity to share with you a few points of experience, which can be summarized as "7 sentences, 14 Yue".

First, the more loyal you are, the more reliable you are. "The world's most virtuous is greater than loyalty", as large as a country, as small as a family, loyalty is the most indispensable moral quality. As a party member and cadre, absolute loyalty to the party is the basic political requirement and the fundamental political soul. As a family member, loyalty is the practice of commitment, the interpretation of affection, and the adherence to responsibility.

Our party selects and appoints people, insists on having both ability and political integrity, and puts morality first, and this "morality" is first examined by loyalty. I hope that everyone will always be loyal and honest to the party, the country, the people and their causes, as well as to their families and partners, and stand firm and reliable at all times and under all circumstances, and not be two-faced or two-faced.

Second, the more you believe, the closer you get. Belief is a feeling, a belief, a flame hidden in the heart, the heart has a light, there must be a distance. Some say her biggest concern is that people don't believe it anymore. I want to tell you that believing is the premise of realizing everything, and because we believe, we will see; It is not because we see that we believe it.

To believe in good things, believe in the kindness of others, believe in your own ability, believe in the meaning of hard work, these beautiful, the more you believe, the closer you are, what you believe in is the future you will embrace. I hope that everyone will strengthen their beliefs, boost their confidence, believe in the power of belief, never forget their original intentions, live up to their time, and firmly guard the light and heat in their hearts.

Third, the more you are grateful, the more you have. It is often said that the peach is reciprocated, "the grace of a drop of water should be reciprocated by a spring". Gratitude is not only the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, but also the proper meaning of the cultivation of party spirit. Always be grateful, sing to the world, be kind to yourself in adversity, and be kind to others in good times, you will find that everything you encounter is beautiful and there is Bole everywhere.

In particular, we were born in an era of peace, bathed in the glory of the prosperous era, the stage for displaying our talents is incomparably broad, and the prospects for realizing our dreams are incomparably bright, which in itself is the greatest wealth. I hope that everyone will cherish the present, grasp the present, unswervingly feel the party's kindness, listen to the party, follow the party, be grateful for the cultivation of the organization, be grateful for the trust of the people, be grateful for the support of colleagues, and write a chapter of life that lives up to the times.

Fourth, the harder you work, the luckier you get. Luck will not fall from the sky, dreams will not come true automatically, success is not accidental, there is no shortcut to growth, only hard sweat and hard work. Some comrades may say that I have worked hard, but I am always a little bit of luck, but in fact, the little bit of luck that is lacking may be precisely the need to continue to work hard. Not every effort will be successful, but every effort is a foreshadowing of luck.

Opportunities always favor those who are prepared, and strivers are always young. I hope that everyone will ask about hard work, don't ask about harvest, but do good deeds, don't ask about the future, water dreams with struggle, move forward with hard work, and don't live up to the best self at the best age.

Fifth, the more humble you are, the more progressive you are. Chairman Mao once said that humility makes people progress, and pride makes people backward. Modesty and prudence are our party's fine work style, and they are also an important indicator for judging the quality and maturity of a party member and cadre. No matter what position we are in, we must have an attitude of humility and a down-to-earth style, overcome the problems of low vision, impatience, and quick success, and constantly improve ourselves, purify ourselves, and improve ourselves.

I hope that everyone will always have an "empty cup mentality", be willing to be a "primary school student", humbly seek knowledge from books, learn from the masses, and seek truth from practice, and constantly enhance the ability to promote high-quality development, serve the masses, and prevent and resolve risks.

Sixth, the simpler it is, the happier it is. A writer wrote: "A simple life and a noble soul are the highest state of life." "The road is simple, and a happy life is often simple. If you don't want much, you won't have any troubles in life; If you don't think much, life won't be unsatisfactory.

If you are pure, the world will be clean; If you were simple, the world wouldn't be complicated. Simplicity, freedom and ease, open-mindedness, relief, displeasure, loss, and change are the most mysterious wisdom of life. I hope that everyone will not be confused by material desires, not dyed by the world, not burdened by fame and fortune, be more calm and calm, and be a person with a simple life and a rich heart.

Seventh, the more self-disciplined, the more free. For some, self-discipline is an unwelcome word, and to think that emphasizing self-discipline is limiting freedom. On the contrary, people who are unwilling to be self-disciplined often lose their freedom because they make mistakes and violate the bottom line. Self-disciplined people seem to work hard, but they have gained real freedom. Freedom is not to indulge oneself, but to dominate oneself; It's not about doing what you want, it's about doing something.

Temptation is everywhere and all the time, especially as a party member and cadre, it is more important to abide by honesty and self-discipline. I hope that everyone will always have a heart of self-discipline, always think about the harm of greed, always maintain the vigilance of being on the edge of the abyss and walking on thin ice, distinguish the pros and cons, do not pursue things that do not belong to you, do not indulge in meaningless habits, and build a solid line of defense against corruption and degeneration, and act steadily and far-reaching.

At present, we are deeply studying and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and instructions on the inspection of Hunan, conscientiously implementing the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 12th Provincial Party Committee and the Seventh Plenary Session of the 14th Municipal Party Committee, and anchoring the beautiful blueprint of "three highs and four new" to move forward bravely. As the key minority and core force to promote the development of Wangcheng, we must be self-confident and self-reliant, clean and clean, work hard, do not slack off, work together to build a clean and honest Wangcheng, continue to polish the "honest and green" business card, fully demonstrate the good style of honesty and integrity, pioneering and enterprising, innovative and practical, and take on good deeds, and unite and strive for the comprehensive construction of a modern new Wangcheng with strong production, beautiful city, rich people and people!

Encourage everyone!

Source: Daai Huxiang

Editor: Wang Muyin

Review: Ji Haitao

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