
Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

author:Gourmet qualities

Why do fruit stall vendors like to cut watermelon in half and sell it? In fact, there are some "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family after reading it.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

Summer is a more suitable time to eat watermelon, watermelon tastes very refreshing and sweet, and eating watermelon in the hot summer can also cool down and remove the heat. Whenever the weather is hot, eating a piece of chilled watermelon will make people feel cool and comfortable. So usually, in some supermarkets and fruit stands, we often see merchants cutting watermelons in half and selling them, in fact, this is also a way of selling, and many friends may not know the reason behind it. In fact, merchants can sell watermelons in this way, and they can also increase the sales of watermelons to a certain extent. For us, it is also more advantageous, and at the same time, there may be some disadvantages.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

Let's start with the positives.

First of all, the cut watermelon provides us with convenience. Busy people often don't have much time to process the ingredients, and the cut watermelon solves this problem. We don't need to go through the tedious cutting process after purchasing, and we can enjoy the sweet and refreshing watermelon directly. This convenience is especially suitable for those who live a fast-paced life and pursue efficiency.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

Secondly, the cut watermelons are wrapped in plastic wrap by the store, which effectively reduces the possibility of external pollution. In supermarkets, fruit stores and other sales places, the environment is complex, and all kinds of dust and bacteria may cause pollution to watermelons, and plastic wrap plays a good isolation role to ensure that watermelons are kept relatively clean and hygienic during the sales process.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

On the other hand, the cut watermelon also facilitates us to check the ripeness and quality of the watermelon. We can clearly observe the color and texture of the watermelon through the plastic wrap, so as to judge whether it is fresh and ripe, and avoid buying watermelon that is not fresh or defective.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

In addition, for those of us who have few family members or live alone, cutting and selling watermelons has obvious advantages. Buying whole watermelons can be wasteful for them, as watermelons are not easy to preserve once they are cut. Cutting and selling can meet their small needs and avoid waste caused by not being able to finish eating.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

Especially in some big cities, where single people or small families are the majority, the sales model of cutting watermelons just adapts to the needs of this part of the population. They can buy according to their actual consumption and enjoy the delicious taste of watermelon without causing unnecessary waste.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

Finally, the cut watermelon can be selected according to the actual needs, and we can buy it according to our needs and budget. If you just want to taste it, you can choose a smaller piece; If you have a large number of family members or want to hold a party, you can choose a larger one. This flexible pricing gives us more freedom of choice.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

Many fruit shops have other innovative forms, which are not just simply cutting the watermelon in half or quartering it, but taking it a step further by removing the watermelon skin, cutting the watermelon pulp into small pieces, and then packaging it in a plastic box with a small toothpick or fork.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

This method can be enjoyed directly after purchase, and even the step of cutting watermelon is completely omitted. Whether it's an outdoor picnic, an office break, or a TV show at home, you just need to open the box, fork the watermelon pulp with a toothpick or fork and eat it, no longer need to worry about finding knives and cutting watermelon, which greatly saves time and energy.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

And in the past, when eating watermelon, the juice may splash on the body, on the table, or even on the ground, which is more troublesome to clean up. And this packaged watermelon pulp, because of the constraints of the box, the juice will not flow at will, coupled with the use of toothpicks or forks, to avoid direct contact with the watermelon, effectively reducing the possibility of soiling, will not get everywhere. This is undoubtedly very attractive for those consumers who pay attention to hygiene and cleanliness.

Next, let's talk about the downside of this watermelon after it is cut.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

First of all, it is difficult to guarantee the freshness of watermelon that has been cut in half. We don't know exactly when the watermelon was cut, but it may have been sitting on the stall for a long time, during which time the watermelon's water evaporates and nutrients may be lost. Even if covered with plastic wrap, cut watermelon is more susceptible to the influence of the external environment, such as temperature, dust, etc., than a whole watermelon, thus accelerating its deterioration process. The taste and quality of such watermelon are likely to have been greatly reduced.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

Second, health issues cannot be ignored. The fruit stand is in an open environment, surrounded by people coming and going, and dust, bacteria, etc. in the air can easily adhere to the surface of the cut watermelon. Moreover, whether the merchant's fruit knife is clean, whether it has been disinfected before, and whether it has touched the watermelon with hands or other objects will undoubtedly increase the risk of cross-contamination. Even though businesses may take some simple measures to cover them, this does not completely eliminate external pollution. When we buy watermelons like this, we are bringing these potential health hazards home and posing a threat to our health.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

In addition, watermelons that have been cut in half are more likely to harbor bacteria. The interior of the watermelon was originally a relatively closed environment with its own ecological balance. Once cut, this balance is upset, and bacteria from the outside world have a chance to take advantage of it. Especially in a warmer environment, bacteria multiply faster. If we eat such a watermelon with a lot of bacteria, it is likely to cause health problems such as gastrointestinal upset.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

Of course, there is also the case that a significant number of watermelons are not deliberately cut by the merchant, but are in condition during transportation for various reasons. For example, due to the influence of gravity, collision with each other, or excessive internal moisture pressure, etc., watermelons have cracks before they are sold.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

When it comes to this cracked watermelon, consumers usually choose to stay away. For one, they worry about the increased chance of bacterial growth inside a cracked watermelon. After all, once the watermelon has cracks, it is easier for bacteria from the outside world to invade it, which will affect the quality and food safety of the watermelon.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

In addition, if the watermelon is cracked due to a break, the flesh inside the melon will be shattered by the impact. This will greatly damage the taste of the watermelon, and it will no longer present the original crisp, juicy, and pleasant taste state, and the taste will be greatly reduced. People buy watermelon to enjoy its deliciousness, and the broken flesh of the melon is obviously not enough for them.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

From the perspective of merchants, such cracked watermelons will undoubtedly bring them certain losses. Not only do products that could be sold normally become difficult to deal with, but they can also affect the reputation of the store and the trust of customers. Therefore, cutting and selling is the best choice, but it is difficult to verify whether such watermelons are contaminated with bacteria and whether they affect the taste because of cracking.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

From a cost-effective point of view, it is not necessarily cost-effective to buy watermelons that have been cut in half. Some unscrupulous merchants may take advantage of the convenience of consumers, some of the quality of watermelon is not very good cut and sold, shoddy, what's more, the original watermelon has the problem of rotting and deterioration, and the merchant will cut off the bad part, the other half of the good to sell, such watermelon itself has been contaminated with mold, after eating, the body is mild diarrhea or gastroenteritis, fever and vomiting.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

In addition, the purchase of whole watermelon can also be flexibly processed according to actual needs. If we can't eat it all at once, we can keep it properly, and cut watermelon, even if we can't eat it at the time, it is difficult to preserve it well, often causing unnecessary waste.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

For consumers, when choosing watermelon, more attention should be paid to its quality and freshness. Don't choose a watermelon cut in half at a fruit stand just for the sake of convenience. We can spend a little more time and effort to pick a whole, high-quality watermelon and then go home and cut it for ourselves. This can not only ensure the taste and nutrition of watermelon, but also effectively avoid many of the drawbacks mentioned above.

Then I will teach you how to choose a sweet and juicy watermelon with thin skin and crispy flesh.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

Observing the appearance of the watermelon is a crucial step. A good watermelon should have a smooth skin with no visible breakages or spots. If the skin is rough, wrinkled, or has obvious bruises, it probably means that the watermelon is of poor quality.

In terms of color, ripe watermelons should be dark green and shiny; The pattern of the watermelon with the skin should be clear and distinct, and the lines will not be messily connected together.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

Secondly, it is also important to look at the shape of the watermelon. Try to choose watermelons with regular shapes and roundness, such watermelons are usually well cared for and develop well during the growth process. If the shape of the watermelon is strange, it may be affected by some unfavorable factors during the growth process, and its taste and quality may also be compromised.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

Next, gently pat the watermelon with your hands. This is a common method used by many people when picking watermelons. When the watermelon is beaten, if there is a crisp "dong dong" sound and there is a certain sense of rebound, there will also be a significant vibration when the hand is placed on the side of the watermelon, which usually indicates that the watermelon is ripe; If the sound is muffled, the watermelon may not be ripe enough or overripe.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

The freshness of a watermelon can also be judged by looking at the vines. Fresh watermelon vines should be green and with some moisture, if the vines have dried up and turned yellow, it means that the watermelon may have been picked for a long time, and the freshness may be reduced.

Finally, let's take a look at the melon navel of watermelon, the melon navel is generally high in sweetness, and the skin is slightly thicker, and the melon navel is small, the sweetness is slightly lower, but the skin is thin.

Why do fruit stalls like to cut watermelons and sell them? There are so many "greasy" behind it, remember to tell your family

Learn these tips for picking watermelons, and you'll be sure to find fresh, sweet, crisp and delicious watermelons, although it's very convenient to cut them, but for health and safety, it's recommended that you buy whole watermelons. Today's article is shared with you, like my article, don't forget to like the collection and add a follow, thank you for reading, we'll see you next time.

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