
In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

author:Chinese and foreign toy network


Naturally, good-looking toys are highly sought after, and more and more ugly toys can also be favored.

The "Ugly Choice" contest of ToughPigs, an overseas puppet fan community, is back after ten years! The "ugly puppet" pictures were uploaded by community members, and then voted and scored by the whole community, according to 1 (not too ugly) - 5 (very ugly), and a total of 26 products were evaluated. These puppets are all "ugly" with their own characteristics, and the comments of netizens are also very vicious. Let's start with the players who are not too ugly and gradually transition to this year's champion!

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

01 Not too ugly group (1-2 points)

In terms of appearance, this group is still okay, but it may not be in line with the shape or color of the ToughPigs community.

▌26th place: 1.4 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: It's not ugly, it's just like being run over by a car.

▌ 25th place: 1.84 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: The dress is so bad, it looks like all kinds of rags are put together, like a circus clown, I'd rather it wasn't worn.

02 Start Flight Group (2-3 mins)

The appearance of this group began to deviate, and the more you went to the back, the more there was a sense of "messy in the wind".

▌24th place: 2.41 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: It's still cute, but it feels a little untidy.

▌23rd: 2.45 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: This casual design (especially that look) wastes Supreme's high licensing fee, or is it produced by ty!

▌2nd place: 2.6 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: The highlight is the blue mouse with a frightened expression, it's too scary!

▌21st place: 2.66 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: Both the posture and the color are very wrong, like a scorched alien.

▌20th place: 2.67 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: Dressed up old-fashioned and unkempt.

▌19th place: 2.7 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: It feels like a creature that has not fully evolved, a bit different.

▌18th place: 2.79 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: Was it electrocuted, or where did it escape to become this ugly?

▌17th place: 2.93 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: It should stay in the trash.

03 Progressively outrageous group (3-4 points)

The appearance of the toys in this group gradually deviated from the normal range that we can see in our daily life, and the comments of netizens began to sharpen.

▌16th place: 3.04 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: My eyes are about to suffocate!

▌15th place: 3.08 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: What about wings? Did you bite it off yourself? The blood on the side of the mouth is still there.

▌ 15th place in the row: 3.08 minutes

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: Jerry who seems to have been drained of water (the mouse in cat and mouse)

▌13th place: 3.1 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: The complexion is so bright that it seems that there is too much radiation.

▌12th place: 3.12 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: Did you step on Lego, your expression was distorted in pain, and then you jumped into the trash?

▌ 12th place in the row: 3.12 minutes

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: It feels like a creature who escaped from some evil race to the earth.

▌10th place: 3.34 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: Look at the blood-red mouth! Red and swollen nose! And protruding eyes! It's like stabbing a hornet's nest, and it's all deformed after being stung!

▌ 9th place: 3.56 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: Put it in the closet, as soon as you open it, it will definitely freak people! A loveless expression, so sad!

▌8th place: 3.65 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: This is not the Sesame Street Bert I know! Look what's on its eyes!

More netizens think it's Bort in Sesame Street! (See image below)

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Illustration: On the left is Bort, which netizens think, and on the right is Bert, who is to be presented by the toy

▌7th place: 3.76 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: This Beanie Rabbit seems to be wearing a hobbit mask and clothes......

Editor's Knife: This is a ...... produced by Hasbro

04 Spicy Eye Group (4 points or more)

This group is a proper finalist, and the style of painting has gone out of the category of toys that we can understand.

▌ 6th place: 4.0 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: It's like a dishcloth that doesn't form like a shape!

▌5th place: 4.06 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: It seems that the haunted house props went to the wrong set.

▌ 4th place: 4.11 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: It was found because of stealing, and was beaten by the owner and lived on the street.

▌Third place: 4.12 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: Up and down the body, the teeth are regular, and you can produce a brushing instructional video

▌Runner-up: 4.13 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

Netizen comments: The lipstick old demon came out to eat children!

▌ Champion: 4.71 points

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

This product is a full 0.58 points higher than the runner-up.

Netizen comments: It's really hard to imagine that this is the famous Fozzie Bear in the puppet industry! The doll is made like pieces that have been put together at random.

Editor's Supplement: No wonder netizens think so, after all, the original owner is like this:

In the doll "choose ugly" contest, there is no ugliest, only ugliest......

To be able to make the original version like this, the manufacturer's skill is indeed "profound".

▍Source: Chinese and Foreign Toy Network (ctoy-gdta) Text/Editor: Jane/Salas