
After the husband and wife retire, force themselves to complete these things as soon as possible, and the rest of their lives will be blessed

author:Haiyang Fusion Media

After staying up for most of my life, changing a few units, and seeing a lot of faces, I finally retired.

On the day he left the unit, as Tao Yuanming said: "After being in the cage for a long time, I can return to nature." ”

People are free, but how can they live a good life? You can't get by, you can't blindly follow others, and being yourself is the greatest happiness.

How to be ourselves, we take Tao Yuanming as an idol and learn his mentality and actions.

After retirement, the adult children go away, and the young days have to be the husband and the wife sing, and the woman sings with the husband. Therefore, blessing should force yourself to do the following things as soon as possible to find the best way to live.

After the husband and wife retire, force themselves to complete these things as soon as possible, and the rest of their lives will be blessed


About the location of the pension: Retired couples, instead of hesitating to go to the countryside for the elderly, it is better to try to live in the countryside for a while.

Tao Yuanming entered the workplace several times and resigned several times.

The last time, he was a county magistrate in Pengze County, worked diligently, and was also recognized by the people.

has a boss to check the work, and Tao Yuanming has to go to a far intersection to receive him, and he has to dress neatly.

Seeing his boss's official stand, Tao Yuanming became angry. He's going to leave right away.

His wife advised him: "The rice is about to ripen, so you have to take care of the few acres of land in the public house." ”

Tao Yuanming listened to his wife's words, thought about it, and resigned.

He wrote in "Words for Returning": "When the turmoil was not quiet, and he was worried about serving far away, Peng Ze went home for a hundred miles, and the benefits of the public land were enough for wine." So I asked for it. and a few days, there is a feeling of return. ”

Although Pengze County and his hometown are hundreds of miles apart, and the public land can be planted and drunk, the feelings of returning to his hometown continue to emerge.

Facts have proved that after Tao Yuanming and his wife returned to their hometown, they had a good life and were on the right path.

After arriving at his hometown, Tao Yuanming wrote: "Planting beans in the south of the mountain, the grass is full of beans and seedlings. Morningside is desolate, and returns with the moon and lotus. ”

Go to your hometown and give it a try, if you really have Tao Yuanming's living status, it will be good. Although it is a little bitter, it is also a blessing for husband and wife to plant beans and melons together, and to go out early and return late.

But what about you? When I arrived in the countryside, it may not be very suitable, and I immediately came to the opposite of Tao Yuanming's realm, or because of the relatives in my hometown, they are all snobbish; Local people, smallholder farmers, are so strong that you don't want to stay forever. Then leave in time.

Where to retire, the most important thing is mentality. Instead of hesitating to go back to the countryside, it is better to give it a try, stay for a few days, and make your own decision. In the countryside or in the city, there is always a thought to be dispelled in order to live comfortably.

After the husband and wife retire, force themselves to complete these things as soon as possible, and the rest of their lives will be blessed


About the family economy: Instead of hesitating to continue working, retired couples should force their children to earn some money.

Why do we go to the workplace? Why do you still insist when you see all kinds of faces?

The root of it is to get benefits, and most people are not happy because they work part-time.

Tao Yuanming wrote in the article: "The Yu family is poor, and cultivation is not enough for self-sufficiency...... The uncle was poor, so he saw it used for Xiaoyi. ”

The family was very poor and could not support the family, so they tried their best to go to the workplace and go to the city.

But then, life got better, so I stopped working so hard to make money.

In addition to farming in his hometown, Tao Yuanming also educates his children.

He wrote his parenting insights: "Ah Shu is twenty-eight, and he is lazy. A Xuan Xingzhi learns, but does not love literature. Yongduan is thirteen years old, and he doesn't know six and seven. Tongzi hangs nine years old, but looks for pears and chestnuts. ”

He will also send his children to school to give them some skills. Sooner or later, children will have to rely on themselves.

Back to the present, both husband and wife are retired, and life is generally not too bad. Continuing to work or do business and make a lot of money is not for the sake of children getting rich.

In fact, it is wrong for parents to leave everything to their children.

"It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish", this kind of truth, old couples should keep in mind.

After retirement, moderately help your children take care of their children and start a business, but you must no longer think of yourself as a professional.

It is not advisable for too capable parents to degrade their children.

There is a term called "full-time children." In other words, the children are at home and enjoy life, and people and animals are harmless. This is not far-sighted, after all, parents will go first.

There are also children who say, "When one person retires, the whole family rests." "Yes, relying on the pension can provide enough food and drink for the family, but what if the elderly get sick or the family has an accident?

Forcing their children to make more money, if they don't have the ability to make money, forcing them to continue to study and learn a skill. It's really not good, it's right to go to work.

After the husband and wife retire, force themselves to complete these things as soon as possible, and the rest of their lives will be blessed


About gregariousness or not: Retired couples, instead of looking for square dancing and mahjong parlors, it is better to care for their families.

The world is big, we go to a lot of places, we work a lot, we know a lot of people. But the only thing that can run through your life is family.

When Tao Yuanming left the workplace, as soon as he arrived at the door, he was very happy: "Bring the child into the room, there is a bottle of wine." Introduce the pot to drink yourself, and the court is pleasant. ”

He also told himself, "I want to cut off my friendship with the world." ”

Everyone is unique, and if you're retired and you're still in circles, it's tiring.

Shrink the circle to just your own small family, it's enough. Other social interactions, gathering and scattering.

Slowly drifting away from your old colleagues, you will really lose contact with the workplace.

In the future life, whether you want to dance or play mahjong, you should respect yourself, not who will invite you, just be embarrassed, force a happy face, and make do.

To be yourself, if you don't look at your face, you have to learn to be unsociable; But in your bones, you are afraid of loneliness. This is a contradiction, you don't have to worry, if you do a good job in the family, you will not be lonely.

You can also enlarge the family, move around with siblings, and if the old parents are still around, go to filial piety. A good family is the greatest confidence for the rest of our lives.

After the husband and wife retire, force themselves to complete these things as soon as possible, and the rest of their lives will be blessed


The best state of old-age care is to "talk about multiplication and return to the end, and Lefu's destiny will be ridiculed".

Go with the flow of this life, respect the natural laws of family and life development, accept your fate when you should accept it, don't toss blindly, don't hesitate.

Force yourself to choose a place to retire as soon as possible, your children will become the pillars of your family, and your life will be smooth in the future.

Of course, we also have to push ourselves to love our lover more, exercise, be clean and tidy, with kindness, and be willing to learn.

Retirement is a major turning point in your life, don't lose yourself, but a bright village.