
The national team doctor is on call: the wrong force may cause pain on the outside of the right upper arm and lower arm

author:Badminton Magazine
The national team doctor is on call: the wrong force may cause pain on the outside of the right upper arm and lower arm

After hitting the right upper arm, the outside of the lower arm hurts, is it caused by the wrong force?

(Kam Tim)

If you use the wrong force when playing badminton, it may cause pain on the outside of your right upper arm and lower arm. Here are some possible reasons:

1. Wrong hitting posture

Using an incorrect hitting position, such as excessive force, muscle tension, or an incorrect swing movement, can increase pressure on the muscles and tendons on the outside of the arm, leading to pain;

2. Muscle strain or tendon inflammation

Frequent use of arm muscles and tendons, such as when swinging and hitting the ball, can lead to muscle strain or tendon inflammation, causing pain.

3. Excessive use of arm muscles

Frequent badminton or excessive use of arm muscles, especially not paying attention to the stretching and relaxation of muscles after playing, without adequate rest and recovery, may lead to muscle fatigue and pain.

Based on these reasons, here are some suggestions for you:

1. Rest and protection

Avoid excessive use of the arm, minimize stress and movement on it, and give adequate rest periods;

2. Cold and hot compresses

Alternating cold and heat compresses over painful areas can help reduce pain and muscle inflammation;

3. Use support belts

Arm braces or bandages may be considered to reduce pressure on the arms;

4. Warm up before playing

Stretching in local parts activates muscles and increases muscle elasticity, and stretching and relaxation after playing promotes the metabolism and recovery of muscle lactate;

5. Physical therapy

Severe pain can be sought with the help of doctors and professional physiotherapists, who can provide targeted treatments such as massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy and rehabilitation exercises to relieve pain and promote recovery.

If the pain persists or worsens, it is advisable to consult a doctor for further evaluation and treatment. Only a doctor can give the most accurate diagnosis and treatment recommendations.

The national team doctor is on call: the wrong force may cause pain on the outside of the right upper arm and lower arm

What is the problem with the pain in the butt on the side of the clapper? This situation, I have had once before, it was a week or so of rest before playing, this time the butt pain felt like the butt pain of being stolen too much in the backcourt, it was the kind of pain like a strain, when I was struggling, when I suddenly turned over or lunge, my butt suddenly hurt. Excuse me, what is the reason for this?

(Purr Flower)

It could be due to muscle strain or injury caused by overuse of your hip muscles or improper posture. Badminton is a sport that requires frequent use of the hip muscles, especially when receiving the ball in the backcourt, strides and lunges, the gluteal muscles will be under greater pressure and stretching. If the muscles are not strong enough, there is no proper rest and recovery after exercise, or the posture is not correct during exercise, it is easy to lead to muscle pain or injury.

The following measures are recommended to relieve pain and promote healing:

1. Warm-up stretching before exercise

After exercise, it is recommended to perform proper hip stretching and relaxation exercises, which can relieve muscle tension, allow the hips to have enough rest time, and avoid overuse.

2. Hot and cold compresses

Applying cold or heat to an ice pack or hot water bottle can help reduce pain and improve circulation.

3. Use pain-relieving medications

Some over-the-counter pain relievers provide temporary pain relief.

4. Avoid strenuous exercise

Strenuous activity may exacerbate more serious injuries, and it's important to give your hips plenty of time to recover after an injury.

If the pain persists or the symptoms worsen, it is advisable to see a professional doctor or physiotherapist for further evaluation and treatment. Professionals can develop a personalized rehabilitation plan based on the specific situation.

The national team doctor is on call: the wrong force may cause pain on the outside of the right upper arm and lower arm

During the Spring Festival holiday, I played for 6 days, playing mixed doubles more, and I was a bit of a big arm when I hit the ball, but there was no problem with playing less before, but recently I played too much and my big arm hurt. I would like to ask, is there a good way to mitigate it? The ball still has to be played.

(Don't touch your little hands)

When you play multiple games of badminton in a row and your upper arm hurts, you can try the following methods to relieve your symptoms:

1. Take proper rest

Give your arm enough time to recover and avoid overuse. If possible, reduce the number of times you play badminton to allow your muscles to recover adequately.

2. Hot and cold compresses

Alternating cold and heat compresses over the painful area can reduce pain and improve circulation. Cold compresses can help reduce inflammation and muscle swelling, while warm compresses can relax muscles and promote blood flow.

3. Stretch and relax

Proper upper arm stretching and massage relaxation exercises can relieve muscle tension and pain. For example, do movements such as stretching your upper arm muscles, rotating your wrists and arms, and more.

4. Use pain-relieving medications

Some over-the-counter pain relievers provide temporary pain relief. Be aware, however, that long-term use of pain medication may have side effects.

5. Adjust technique and posture

If you find yourself using too much force or incorrect posture when hitting the ball, you can try to adjust your technique and posture to avoid putting too much pressure and burden on your upper arms to avoid aggravating the injury.