
What Feng Shui factors should be considered when choosing a cemetery!

author:Small farmers who are scavenging

Location of the cemetery: Feng Shui believes that the location of the cemetery should be selected in a place with undulating mountains and a quiet environment, rather than low-lying, damp or steep places. At the same time, the cemetery should face an open place, with a backer behind and handrails on the left and right, forming an ideal pattern of "green dragon on the left, white tiger on the right, Vermilion Bird in the front, and Xuanwu in the back".

What Feng Shui factors should be considered when choosing a cemetery!

The relationship between the cemetery and the dwelling: The distance between the cemetery and the dwelling should not be too close, so as not to affect the yang energy of the dwelling due to excessive yin energy. At the same time, the road between the cemetery and the house should be clear, and there should be no rivers or roads running directly into the cemetery.

Orientation of the cemetery: The orientation of the cemetery is also very important, generally choosing the direction of the sunny and well-ventilated direction. In China, many people prefer to choose the direction facing south, because the south side is sunny, which is conducive to the yang energy of the cemetery.

The environment around the cemetery: The environment around the cemetery should avoid pollution sources such as factories and garbage dumps, as well as radiation sources such as high-voltage lines and communication towers. It is best to have natural landscapes such as trees and flowers around the cemetery, which is conducive to the harmony and beauty of the cemetery.

What Feng Shui factors should be considered when choosing a cemetery!

Topography of the cemetery: The topography of the cemetery should be flat and should not have too many ups and downs. At the same time, the height of the cemetery should also be moderate, not too high or too low.

The shape of the cemetery: The shape of the cemetery is also very important, generally choose a square or round cemetery, and avoid choosing a triangular or trapezoidal cemetery.

The material of the cemetery: The material of the cemetery should also be suitable, generally choose stone or concrete, and avoid choosing wood or metal.

What Feng Shui factors should be considered when choosing a cemetery!

The size of the cemetery: The size of the cemetery should also be moderate, not too large or too small. At the same time, the size of the cemetery should also match the identity of the tomb owner.