
Chinese American teenagers, blowing the "Chinese wind"!

author:Overseas Chinese Network of China
Chinese American teenagers, blowing the "Chinese wind"!

Since March, an online Chinese learning club called "Chinese Style" has opened the door for Chinese American teenagers to learn more about and experience Chinese culture.

Micro-courses bring a "feast of knowledge"

"Chinese Style" has launched 15 thematic micro-courses, each of which lasts half an hour, covering animation design, panda knowledge, folk song appreciation, Chinese painting skills, paper-cutting art, food culture, chess learning, dance drills, martial arts basics, poetry appreciation, children's rhyme learning, calligraphy practice, film appreciation and other content.

Chinese American teenagers, blowing the "Chinese wind"!

The picture shows the "Chinese Style" online Chinese learning club teaching. Photo courtesy of Ni Xiaopeng

These courses have attracted more than 250 students to enrol and have attended more than 800 classes. Behind the numbers, supported by a series of well-designed teaching activities and courses, students can experience the breadth and profundity of Chinese culture in a short period of time and online.

The online course showcases the Bashu culture

Supported by the Center for Language Exchange and Cooperation of the Ministry of Education, and co-sponsored by Chongqing Normal University and the National Association of Chinese Schools, the "Chinese Style" project is based on the global resources of Chongqing Normal University and the national Chinese base as a platform to carry the excellent traditional culture of Chinese and Chinese and explore the excellent regional characteristic culture of Bayu.

Chinese American teenagers, blowing the "Chinese wind"!

The picture shows teachers and students participating in the "Chinese Style" online Chinese learning club. Photo courtesy of Ni Xiaopeng

Zeng Zuofu, a student at Cherry Hill Huaxia Chinese School in New Jersey, said that Chongqing is the hometown of his grandparents and the place where his father's dream is haunted, and he has always longed for it infinitely.

"Through the 'Chinese Style' club, I not only improved my Chinese skills, but also gained an in-depth understanding of traditional Chinese culture, such as Chongqing spicy hot pot, Chinese giant pandas, calligraphy, paper-cutting and backgammon," Zeng said. This has given me a deeper awareness and pride in my cultural roots. ”

Chinese American teenagers, blowing the "Chinese wind"!

The picture shows the student's work. Photo courtesy of Ni Xiaopeng

Lei Yong, secretary general of the Chongqing International Chinese Education Alliance and professor at Chongqing Normal University, said: "The project uses the platform of the national Chinese base to integrate the excellent regional cultural resources of the Bayu region, and carefully creates a micro-course on Chinese and Chinese language and culture, presenting a feast of knowledge for Chinese American students. ”

New ways bear cultural fruits

Xiaoqiao learned that "Chinese Style" adopts a variety of methods such as "(cloud) tour middle school", "taste middle school", "doing middle school" and "comparing middle school", focusing on scientificity, interaction and effectiveness, so that children can "learn Chinese music and music middle school", and realize "expanding their horizons, cultivating interests, opening their minds and gaining happiness".

Ni Xiaopeng, former president of the National Association of Chinese Schools in the United States, said that the "Chinese Style" project not only provides a window for Chinese teenagers to understand and learn Chinese culture, but also promotes cultural exchanges between China and the United States.

Chinese American teenagers, blowing the "Chinese wind"!

The picture shows the interaction between teachers and students at the "Chinese Style" online Chinese learning club. Photo courtesy of Ni Xiaopeng

"I learned panda knowledge and Li Bai's poems, as well as handmade painting, animation design, paper-cutting is very fun, I like to eat Chongqing hot pot, write calligraphy, learn backgammon and so on." "I find this Chinese culture learning course very interesting and creative. It allowed me to have a better understanding of Chinese culture and cuisine, and improved my Chinese level and knowledge of Chinese culture. "Through this study, I have a certain understanding of Chongqing, and I hope to travel to Chongqing in the future." The students who participated in the event wrote:

Chinese American teenagers, blowing the "Chinese wind"!

The picture shows the student's work. Photo courtesy of Ni Xiaopeng

In addition, the parent said: "I have learned a lot about Chinese culture through participating in the 'Chinese Style' course, which has enabled me to better discuss and learn with my children, and deepened our family's sense of cultural identity." ”

Ni Xiaopeng said that for overseas Chinese youth, it is important to cultivate the experience and sense of identity of the culture of their ancestral (home) country, which will not only help them grow up physically and mentally, but also help them better become messengers of cross-cultural communication.

Editor: Wang Qin

Editor in charge: Ma Haiyan

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