
The three major tests of Taiwan's economy and the three hardships of the common people can be solved by relying on the "Minister of Crime"?

author:Taiwan Strait Net

Source: Voice of the Straits

Lai Qingde and Xiao Meiqin's conspiracy for "independence" is full of evil deeds, and they were characterized by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council as a "combination of double independence" and "independence on top of independence". When it comes to organizing the new executive team, it is still "unabated". The Voice of the Straits launched a series of commentaries before May 20 to take stock of the "Taiwan independence" indicators of the Lai Qingde authorities in the fields of defense, security, administration, economy, and public opinion institutions. This is the third article.

Economic policies involve all kinds of industries and affect the lives of the people at the grassroots level, and have also become a hot topic that voters are highly concerned about and transcend ideology. This also determines that although Lai Qingde can get 40% of the votes by relying on political manipulation and "hatred mobilization", in order to expand his support, he must make a difference in the economic field, especially in the economy of the common people.

In the fourth month after the end of the 2024 election, it seems that even the DPP itself has forgotten the so-called "Hope Project" political views put forward by Lai Ching-te during the election.

The three major tests of Taiwan's economy and the three hardships of the common people can be solved by relying on the "Minister of Crime"?

Lai Qingde

For example, he wants to create 20,000 new creations within five years, to highlight the importance of Taiwan's industries in the global supply chain, to strengthen the layout of "trusted industries" such as semiconductors, artificial intelligence, defense, military industry, information and communications, and low-orbit satellites, and to review and improve Taiwan's investment environment such as hydropower, land, manpower, and talent......

After winning the election, in order to implement a series of "goals on which the sun never sets", Lai Qingde successively communicated with a number of business people, including Tong Zixian, chairman of Pegatron, hoping that a certain industry leader would serve as the head of Taiwan's administrative agency and form a so-called "economic cabinet". As a result, without exception, they were rejected for various reasons, so that the post of head of the administrative agency was finally filled by the "obedient" Zhuo Rongtai.

The three major tests of Taiwan's economy and the three hardships of the common people can be solved by relying on the "Minister of Crime"?

Lai Qingde and Zhuo Rongtai

After the "economic cabinet" bubble was shattered, Lai still has the opportunity to shape public opinion in the selection of responsible persons of Taiwan's economic departments. In fact, public opinion is indeed surprised by Guo Zhihui, chairman of the Chongyue Group launched by Lai, but this surprise comes from a negative perception.

Guo Zhihui is the second person in charge of Taiwan's economic department after Lin Xinyi, the former vice chairman of China Motor. Described by the industry as "exquisite", Guo's investment areas include semiconductors, food, sports and environmental protection engineering, and his operating company is an important member of TSMC's supply chain. This is Guo Zhihui's "positive image".

But there is another side to Guo Zhihui's controversial side. Lan Yingmin disclosed on behalf of Wang Hongwei that Guo had been sentenced to a suspended sentence for violating Taiwan's "Securities and Exchange Law", and the court found that he "prepared false financial reports in order to beautify the performance of Chongyue, circumvent the authorities' control over the export of semiconductor technology, or hide the identity of real customers." Taiwan's "High Court" sentenced him to one year and 10 months in prison, and sentenced him to five months and three months respectively for violating Taiwan's "Commercial Accounting Law," both with a five-year suspended sentence, and paid 6 million yuan to the public treasury.

An "economic criminal" who repeatedly violated the law and even been sentenced to prison when running a business has become an official who influences the formulation of economic policies and the economic layout of the whole of Taiwan, and this identity change, which seriously challenges the perception of society, can be called the first "economic wonder" created by the Lai Qingde administration.

The three major tests of Taiwan's economy and the three hardships of the common people can be solved by relying on the "Minister of Crime"?

Guo Zhihui

The question of "people" is not listed, but only the "things" part. Taiwan's "Economic Daily" said that Guo Zhihui will face three major challenges, including stable power supply, energy transition, and how to successfully drive industrial upgrading and transformation in the environment of geopolitics, digital transformation and net-zero transformation. These are also the three major economic problems that Lai Qingde is facing.

None of these three major economic problems were not created during the DPP's administration, and at the same time, none of them could be easily resolved by the DPP authorities.

From the source, power supply and energy transition are essentially a problem, both of which are gradually collapsing after the DPP authorities launched the radical and erroneous energy route of "2025 Non-Nuclear Homeland". The key to solving this problem is the DPP's attitude towards nuclear energy. If nuclear energy is used, the energy transition will be guaranteed and there will be no major problems with the power supply.

At present, the "big problem" lies within the DPP, and "anti-nuclear" was once the "god card" of the DPP in the process of moving from opposition to power, and it has become a "vote-absorbing issue" under its vigorous exaggeration and momentum. However, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has gone too far on the radical road, resulting in normalized local power outages on the island, continuous rise in electricity prices, continuous losses in Taipower, and numerous cases of green power fraud, which have seriously affected the development of high-energy-consuming industries such as semiconductors.

Letting the "anti-nuclear" Democratic Progressive Party "embrace nuclear" is a dilemma for Lai Qingde. If Lai Yan uses nuclear power, it will be equivalent to slapping all the DPP's "anti-nuclear" arguments in the past, and it will also make the "2025 non-nuclear homeland" a joke; If nuclear power is not used, it will also be violently condemned by public opinion, and at the same time, the number of power outages and regions in Taiwan will be more, and the energy crisis will be more serious.

In addition, on supply chain issues, Lai Qingde has been boasting about Taiwan's importance, and has used this importance as a geopolitical game or a bargaining chip to sign trade agreements with other countries and regions, including the CPTPP, which the DPP promised to pass when it passed the "Lai Pig" and "Nuclear Food" but has never responded. However, no real action was seen.

Some analysts have pointed out that the prosperity of Tsai Ing-wen's semiconductor industry for eight years of "governance" was laid on the era of Li Guoding and Sun Yunxuan, but now there is no economic engine power and innovation; In addition, in the past eight years, "pro-US and anti-China" and using chips to engage in foreign relations have made many economists worry about the marginalization of Taiwan's regional economy.

All of the above is the overall economic situation, and when it comes to the feelings of the people, the situation is even more severe. Tsai Ing-wen once boasted that Taiwan's basic salary had been raised for eight consecutive years during the "administration", but the data showed that the real salary of the people had almost zero growth, and even two-thirds of the real salary of the industry had negative growth. In the first quarter of this year, real recurring wages still fell into negative growth, down 0.09% year-on-year, and it was the third consecutive year of negative growth.

The three major tests of Taiwan's economy and the three hardships of the common people can be solved by relying on the "Minister of Crime"?

In addition, Taiwan's "Comptroller's Office" recently released the "Family Wealth Distribution Statistics" after a 30-year absence, and the results show that in 2021, the average wealth of the top 20% of families will be 51.33 million yuan (NT$, the same below), and the average wealth of the bottom 20% of families will be 770,000 yuan, a gap of 66.9 times. Persistently low wages, coupled with a widening gap between the rich and the poor, have deepened people's sense of relative deprivation.

Taiwan's "United Daily News" commented on the industry, quoting the industry as saying that in the past eight years, the people of Taiwan have three unsolved sufferings: first, inflation has hit a high year after year, wages and incomes have been idling, and the gap between the rich and the poor has reached a high level; In the past eight years, there have been repeated problems of lack of eggs, lack of meat, lack of medicine, lack of water, lack of labor and lack of talents, and there are hidden worries about people's livelihood and economy, and their physique is fragile; Last year, the cumulative amount of defrauded people in Taiwan was as high as 8.878 billion yuan, a record high.

On the 15th, Taiwan's Ling Media released the latest poll, 40.3% of Taiwanese people believe that "economic development/fiscal finance" should become the "top priority reform" aspect of Lai Qingde's administration. This shows that the grassroots people in Taiwan have been suffering from the "boring economy" for a long time.

Earlier, Taiwan's industrial and commercial organizations had put forward seven major economic proposals to Lai Ching-te, in which they pointed out in particular that the authorities should make good use of the existing mechanisms of the Straits Exchange Foundation and the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait (ARATS) and the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait (ARATS) to assist Taiwan businessmen in taking the initiative to thaw up the stagnation of cross-strait interactions, and that Taiwan's trade-oriented economic form should develop into all parts of the world, and that the mainland market, which has huge business opportunities, should also operate in a pragmatic manner.

How much can Lai Qingde listen to these golden words? Judging from his disregard for the voices of Taiwan society calling for the resumption of cross-strait exchanges and exchanges, his crackdown on the efforts of the opposition camp to promote cross-strait communication and dialogue, and his reappointment of "economic habitual criminals" as "economic ministers," Taiwan's economy in the next four years may continue to be miserable in the past eight years, and the only thing that will prosper is the "Democratic Progressive Party economy" that is exclusive to the "green friends." [Text/Dali Source/Voice of the Strait WeChat]

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