
Colleges and universities in many places prohibit students from hanging bed curtains" to cause heated discussions, which side are you on?

author:Jining News Network

Can you hang a bed curtain in the dormitory, which side are you standing on?

Recently, the topic of "many colleges and universities prohibit students from hanging bed curtains" has rushed to the hot search, causing controversy - behind it involves fire safety, university management, student rights and interests and other issues.

Many colleges and universities in China have issued management regulations prohibiting students from hanging bed curtains. This provision sparked dissatisfaction among some students. They believe that the existence of bed curtains is reasonable, not only to protect personal privacy, but also to help avoid some of the friction caused by different personal living habits.

In an interview, a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily found that hanging bed curtains is the "standard" configuration of most college students' dormitories. Why do college students love to hang bed curtains in their dormitories? Can a small bed curtain really affect students' interpersonal interactions?

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Colleges and universities in many places prohibit students from hanging bed curtains

Recently, a student at the University of Jinan said that he was warned for hanging bed curtains in the dormitory and was revoked from all awards. As soon as the news came out, it aroused widespread concern in the society. Subsequently, the related topic "Colleges and universities in many places prohibit students from hanging bed curtains" rushed to the first place in the hot search on Weibo.

An investigation by a reporter from Beiqing Daily found that in addition to Jinan University, many colleges and universities across the country also explicitly prohibit students from hanging bed curtains in their dormitories.

The School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering of Dalian Maritime University stipulates that bed curtains are not allowed to be hung, and the results of the housekeeping inspection will be included in the comprehensive evaluation results as an important basis for the evaluation of awards; Hebei Zhangjiakou University has also recently carried out the "special rectification of bed curtains in student dormitories"; The School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Ocean University of China also issued a document saying that students hang bed curtains or bed curtain mosquito nets, and dormitory safety and health housekeeping inspections are recorded as 0 points. It is understood that many places, including Beijing, have clearly stipulated in the "Acceptance Standards for Standardized Apartments in Colleges and Universities" that there should be no beds in the dormitories.

Is it really necessary for colleges and universities to ban bed curtains in dormitories? On social platforms, netizens can "make a lot of noise" about this matter.

From the perspective of fire safety, many people believe that the requirements of colleges and universities are reasonable to a certain extent. Bed curtains are flammable and can pose a potential safety risk, especially in a dormitory environment with a high density of students.

However, some college students don't buy the claim that bed curtains affect friendships between students. One highly praised message said, "They don't know how important the bed curtain is to us, why is it so difficult for us to want a small world?" The bed curtain guards the privacy and sense of boundary of college students. ”

In addition, some netizens believe that the management of "banned" bed curtains by colleges and universities is inevitably lazy, and they show great disagreement with the regulations of "banning bed curtains".

The point of view is very different

Are you a standard or a "curtain breaker"

Xiao Li is a student at the Communication University of China, and according to her, at present, the Communication University of China requires students to close the bed curtain when resting in bed, and the rest of the time to open the bed curtain to avoid potential safety hazards.

Xiao Li lives in the upper bunk in the six-person bedroom. "We all have bed curtains in our dorms." Xiao Li introduced that due to the different structures of the upper and lower bunks, the sealing of the bed curtain of the lower bunk is usually not as good as the upper bunk, and there will be some gaps between the bed curtain and the partition of the upper bunk, and the bed curtain can only be hung on the bed frame through a circle of lanyards.

Compared with the lower bunk, the upper bunk curtains are relatively more closed, and you can choose a fully sealed bed curtain, although this kind of bed curtain is more cumbersome to install, but it has better shading and sealing.

Xiao Shen's bed curtain was prepared before the start of school with Xiao Li, and she fixed the bed curtain on the four pillars of the bed with a triangle, which was very firm, and the overall shape was just right, and the bed curtain and mosquito net were one, which could also have the effect of preventing mosquitoes in summer, which was considered a multi-purpose.

During the interview, a female student from Communication University introduced that the girls in her class lived in seven six-person dormitories, and each of the seven dormitories had bed curtains. According to this girl's understanding, in addition to the dormitory of this class, the remaining 13 dormitories on this floor are also all hung with bed curtains.

In another university, the female dormitories are all four-person rooms, and six of the seven dormitories in the same class are equipped with bed curtains.

It can be seen that in some college student dormitories, bed curtains have become on a par with quilts, pillows, mattresses and other supplies, and have become one of the "necessities".

However, there are also students who insist on being "no curtain". For dormitories without bed curtains, roommates usually have the same schedule or have other ways to shade the light.

Regarding the ban on hanging bed curtains, Qiao An, a first-year graduate at Beijing University of Foreign Chinese, felt that it didn't matter. She said that as for the impact of light and noise, you can "look inward" to solve it, such as wearing eye patches and earplugs. As the roommates get acquainted with each other, they don't have to worry too much about it.

However, the installation of bed curtains in the boys' dormitories is not quite the same as that in the girls' dormitories. Through questionnaire surveys and street interviews, a reporter from Beiqing Daily found that the ratio of bed curtains installed in the boys' dormitory is basically 1 to 1.

Dig the root and ask the bottom again

Why do some people can't do without bed curtains?

Although some colleges and universities explicitly prohibit hanging bed curtains, the use rate of bed curtains among college students is still quite high. This can't help but make people wonder, why do some college students can't do without bed curtains?

An investigation by a reporter from Beiqing Daily found that the main reasons why college students choose to hang bed curtains include the following points.

First of all, hanging bed curtains can create a private space and protect personal privacy, so that everyone can have a private area of their own in a small dormitory. It can be said that in the crowded dormitory, the bed curtain becomes a line of defense for students to protect their sense of personal boundaries.

In the first half of his junior year, Xiao Li developed eczema on his thigh, and according to the doctor's instructions, he needed to take medicine every day. "I have to take my pants off when I take the medicine, and I can't imagine how embarrassed I would be without this bed curtain." Sometimes, the establishment of intimate spaces also plays a role in emotional protection. When Xiao Li is anxious or sad, he will pull up the bed curtain. If a roommate sees her bed curtain closed, they will naturally default to her "Do Not Disturb" mode. "Once the curtains are closed, it's my own world." Xiao Li said.

Xiao Li's roommate Xiao Zi believes that the bed curtain not only protects her privacy, but also respects the privacy of her roommates. She and her boyfriend are in a long-distance relationship, and they have video calls every day, so in order not to disturb her roommates, Xiaozi videos with her boyfriend in the bed curtain every time. "That way, the camera will only shine on my bed, not on my roommates."

Secondly, some students use bed curtains to avoid many inconveniences in group life.

During the interview, the blackout effect of the bed curtain was frequently mentioned, and it is usually difficult for everyone in the dormitory to achieve strict uniformity, if the roommate is frequently disturbed by your light, just gently close the bed curtain, and the problem can be solved.

There is another reason why Xiao Li likes to pull the bed curtain - her sleeping posture is more "peculiar". For Xiao Li, in this case, closing the bed curtain is a good self-protection behavior.

Some people also said that hanging bed curtains in dormitory life is not only to protect privacy, but also to make up for the lack of dormitory conditions and improve the comfort and health of living.

Xiao Zi sleeps on the top bunk, the bed faces the balcony door, and she finds that when the balcony door is not closed tightly, the wind blows directly on her head, which often makes her feel uncomfortable. Especially in the summer, when the air conditioning in the bedroom is turned on, the upper bunk where she is located will also be directly hit by the cold wind. At this time, the role of bed curtains became more and more prominent, and it became a "necessity" of dormitory life, "With bed curtains can block part of the wind, and it does not affect my enjoyment of air conditioning." ”

At the same time, bed curtains actually play an important role during winter and summer vacations. Xiao Li mentioned that closing the bed curtain when going home or traveling for a long time can effectively prevent dust from falling on the bed and keep the bed tidy and hygienic.


The issue of bed curtains requires empathy

On social media, there has been an unusually heated discussion about whether bed curtains affect interpersonal interactions. Most netizens have a high degree of unanimous opinion, they believe that bed curtains do not hinder the daily communication between roommates, "Can this curtain still be soundproof?" "Privacy is also necessary to maintain friendships." Of course, there are also some netizens who agree with the school's position. They believe that face-to-face communication is easier without a bed curtain.

In the interview, Ms. Zhang, a mother of a "post-70s" generation, told a reporter from Beiqing Daily that she understands the idea that children want to create a private space in the dormitory, "because I was like this when I was in college", but now from the perspective of parents, she is more concerned about the safety of her children. "Last year, I bought a new desk lamp at home, but no one noticed that the table lamp was too close to the curtains, until one night when the table lamp was turned on for too long, there was a smell in the house, and I found that the curtains had been burned holes." Ms. Zhang said that she was a little scary when she thought about it, and if it was a child sleeping in the dormitory, she really couldn't imagine it.

Talking about the ban on hanging bed curtains, Xiao Li mentioned a report he had seen about a college student dying in bed curtains due to illness and not being discovered. Xiao Li feels that this kind of security issue really needs to be considered.

If you compare a bed curtain to a rose, some people may see thorns and some people see flowers. And only by empathy can we understand the true expression of the other party.

It has to be said that with the change of the times, university management is facing more and more challenges.

On the one hand, the school needs to update and change its management philosophy, from the traditional "management-oriented" to "service-oriented", and pay more attention to the needs and feelings of students.

On the other hand, college students also need to enhance their self-management and self-discipline skills, and rationally view and accept the school's management measures. While enjoying the services and resources provided by the school, we should let the small self obey the big self, and then express our own demands with a positive attitude and seek solutions to problems.


Convenient management is inseparable from sincere communication

In order to look at this issue from a more diverse perspective, a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily interviewed a college counselor.

In his opinion, after going to university, students will be more independent in their minds and will focus more on their personal learning or interest development. If students spontaneously pull up the bed curtains in the dormitory, which is a mandatory collective living place and shared space, forming a kind of estrangement, then it is actually hindering everyone's direct communication and exchange. "Because sometimes, seeing a roommate close the bed curtain, people are reluctant to take the initiative to communicate with them."

Wu Xiaomin, a member of the Basic Education Committee of the Shanghai Psychological Association and a psychological counselor, has the opposite view. He believes that the school prohibits students from pulling bed curtains in the dormitory more for ease of management, but the bed curtains do not affect the interpersonal relationships between students.

Wu Xiaomin said that a very important point in interpersonal communication is the boundary, and the bed curtain happens to be a symbol of the boundary, an act for students to maintain their privacy, and a ritual to set up a boundary. "Healthy personal boundaries help us accept the consequences of our choices and reap the benefits of them."

Wu Yanshi, a national second-level registered psychological counselor, also believes that students have the right to create their own boundary space, and pulling the bed curtain is only a physical distinction, and students can still communicate with each other in other places in the dormitory.

"Just like we are in the family, the living room is a space for rest and entertainment, the dining room is a space for eating, and the bedroom is a private personal space, and students can communicate in the public space." Wu Yanshi said that only by full respect, sincere communication, and patient listening can we solve more problems.

Text/Reporter Wang Jingyi, Intern Li Ruijie, Xue Yujun

Co-ordinator/Lin Yan, Zhang Bin

Source: Beijing Youth Daily