
Fire knowledge popularization into the campus to build a strong safety "umbrella"

author:Qiandongnan Fire Fighting

In order to improve the ability of teachers and students on campus to prevent disaster prevention and mitigation, self-rescue and self-protection, and prevent the occurrence of various safety accidents, recently, many places in Qiandongnan Prefecture have carried out disaster prevention and mitigation knowledge popularization and fire knowledge safety training and drill activities.

City of Kaili

In order to further improve the fire safety awareness of kindergartens in key units in the jurisdiction and comprehensively improve the standardized management level of key units of fire safety, on May 7, the Kaili Fire and Rescue Brigade organized kindergartens in key units in the city to carry out special training on fire safety, and 72 kindergartens of key units participated in the training.

Fire knowledge popularization into the campus to build a strong safety "umbrella"

The training to take the "theory of teaching + practical explanation + knowledge point test" way, the training duration of 1 day, combined with the kindergarten fire safety common problems and hidden dangers, in the morning, the brigade supervisor of the fire safety standardization management to create standards for training and interpretation, the production of fire files, the setting of fire control room and pump room, the construction of micro fire stations, fire safety identification management, etc., in the afternoon, organize all the staff to Baiguojing resettlement community 14th kindergarten to carry out practical explanation, The brigade supervisor demonstrated how to correctly use fire extinguishers and fire hydrants, how to distinguish the authenticity of fire-fighting equipment, and then visited the fourteenth kindergarten in Kaili City, and gave a detailed explanation of fire-fighting facilities and equipment.

This fire safety training not only allowed the managers of key units to master the knowledge of fire safety, but also clearly knew what they should do in their daily work, how to do it, how to carry out campus fire safety self-inspection and self-correction work, and effectively built a firewall of safety education.

Danzhai County

In order to further enhance the level of fire prevention and control in the kindergarten park, enhance fire safety awareness and escape ability, on May 13, the Danzhai Fire and Rescue Brigade carried out fire knowledge and safety training and drills for Yangwu Town Kindergarten.

The lecturers explained in detail the hazards of fire and the methods of dealing with fire to all faculty and staff from four aspects: what is safety production, why is safety production, case analysis, and how to do a good job in safety production. Subsequently, the trainers demonstrated to all teachers and children how to correctly use fire extinguishers and various escape equipment, and guided all teachers and children to carry out fire safety evacuation drills. The children actively participated in the interactive experience and learned a lot of knowledge about fire prevention and self-rescue.

Fire knowledge popularization into the campus to build a strong safety "umbrella"

This fire safety education activity enabled teachers and students to have an in-depth understanding of fire safety knowledge, enhanced fire safety awareness, effectively mastered the escape methods in emergency situations, and laid a solid foundation for maintaining the fire safety environment of kindergartens in the jurisdiction.

Sansui County

In order to improve the ability of teachers and students on campus to prevent and reduce disasters, self-help and self-protection. On the occasion of the 16th National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Day, on May 10, the Sansui County Fire and Rescue Brigade walked into Chengguan No. 1 Primary School to carry out disaster prevention and mitigation knowledge popularization activities.

At the event site, firefighters popularized fire protection knowledge for the students, and explained in detail the common fire hazards and types in the school, campus fire prevention measures, emergency escape knowledge and fire extinguisher use methods. Subsequently, the "Fun Games Fire Fighter" competition was staged on the playground, and the participating classes sent representatives of the players to participate in the competition of knots, hoses, combat uniforms and other items, the students in the game will learn the fire prevention, fire extinguishing, escape and self-rescue knowledge applied to the competition, in the pleasant "competition" not only consolidated the knowledge of fire protection, but also mastered the fire extinguishing equipment and escape skills.

Fire knowledge popularization into the campus to build a strong safety "umbrella"

When wearing the combat uniform, Yuan Yixuan, a primary school student in Chengguan, sighed: "Today I tried to wear a firefighter combat uniform, I feel very heavy, and I also feel that they usually work very hard when they do tasks, so we can't play with fire in the future, and we must also tell adults not to litter cigarette butts when smoking." Quan Zongjie, a primary school student in Chengguan, also said: "Today I experienced tying knots, throwing fire hoses, and wearing firefighter clothes, and my firefighter uncle told me a lot of knowledge about disaster prevention and mitigation, and if I encounter these difficulties in the future, I will also use this knowledge to protect myself and my family." ”

This disaster prevention and mitigation activity on campus not only enhanced the safety awareness of teachers and students in disaster prevention and reduction, but also effectively improved the fire prevention awareness and emergency self-rescue ability of all teachers and students, and played a good role in educating a child to drive a family.

Jianhe County

On the morning of May 11, the Jianhe County Fire and Rescue Brigade was invited to Jianhe County Chengguan No. 2 Primary School to carry out a special lecture on 5.12 "Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Reduction".

Fire knowledge popularization into the campus to build a strong safety "umbrella"

The theme of this year's 5.12 is that everyone talks about safety and everyone knows how to respond to emergencies. In today's frequent natural disasters, earthquake prevention and disaster reduction education is particularly important. In order to improve students' awareness of earthquake disasters and their ability to respond to earthquake disasters, firefighters actively went to campuses to carry out earthquake prevention and disaster reduction education activities. This not only helps to enhance students' safety awareness, but also improves their ability to help themselves and each other in emergencies, building a solid line of defense for campus safety. In the course of teaching, firefighters pay attention to the combination of theory and practice, and teach students the knowledge of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction in a vivid and interesting way. First, the basic knowledge of earthquakes is introduced, including the causes and types of earthquakes and the hazards caused by earthquakes. Then, he explained in detail the measures to deal with the earthquake, including how to quickly find a safe place to evacuate, how to properly protect oneself, and how to effectively save oneself and each other. In order to make earthquake prevention and disaster reduction education more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, firefighters have adopted a variety of teaching methods and means. Using illustrated courseware and vivid cases, the students were shown the serious consequences of the earthquake and the importance of countermeasures.

Through this learning of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction knowledge, the fire safety awareness of all teachers and students has been effectively improved, the correct response measures and methods have been mastered, the ability of self-rescue and mutual rescue has been improved, and a good foundation has been laid for the school to prevent disasters and accidents.

From Jiang County

In order to further popularize students' knowledge of disaster prevention and mitigation and enhance students' awareness of disaster prevention and reduction, on the occasion of the 16th National "5.12" Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Day, the Congjiang County Fire and Rescue Brigade went deep into Congjiang No. 3 Kindergarten to carry out disaster prevention and mitigation emergency drills and fire rescue knowledge into the campus.

Fire knowledge popularization into the campus to build a strong safety "umbrella"

  In the disaster prevention and mitigation publicity class, the fire propagandists explained to the teachers and students how to use common rescue equipment such as lifebuoys, life jackets, and fire extinguishers. At the same time, combined with the actual situation of the campus, teachers and students were demonstrated how to save themselves and each other when an earthquake occurred.

Through this disaster prevention and mitigation science popularization campaign, the awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation among teachers and students in the school has been continuously enhanced, and the "protective umbrella" of campus safety has been built.

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