
The rest of your life is expensive, stay away from those who consume you

author:Art Scene

It has been said that you can never wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep. This sentence shatters the camouflage of reality, and not only can we not wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep, but we also cannot stay awake in a turbid world.

The education that our generation has received since childhood is that "suffering is a blessing", but this does not mean that if you want to get good fortune, you have to go around and suffer losses, some losses can be eaten, and some losses are resolutely not eaten.

After all, life depends on your own choice, what kind of life you make will have what kind of life, everyone's life is expensive, don't waste it easily.

The writer Su Cen once said: "You don't have to invite everyone into your life. "Life is a journey that belongs only to oneself, and whether this trip is gorgeous or bleak does not depend on the external environment, but more on one's own heartfelt decisions.

Those who strive to integrate everyone into their lives, for the sake of so-called "consummation", hold their inner dissatisfaction to the bottom of their hearts, and in the end it is others who are fulfilled, but they hurt themselves.

The rest of your life is expensive, stay away from those who consume you, people who have these three behaviors in life are not worth deep friendship, stay away as soon as possible.

The rest of your life is expensive, stay away from those who consume you
The rest of your life is expensive, stay away from those who consume you

Overly enthusiastic and juggles right and wrong

The word enthusiasm has always been a compliment in the hearts of everyone, so when people's personalities are divided into extroverts and introverts, more people think that extroverts are better than introverts, for the simple reason that extroverts give others the feeling of enthusiasm, and introverts give others the feeling of indifference.

In fact, not all enthusiastic people are warm-hearted, and there are some people who seem to be enthusiastic but just want to join in the fun. There are always some overly enthusiastic people who, after inquiring about other people's affairs, turn their faces and share them everywhere, talk about them with relish, and even add their own imagination to add fuel and vinegar unscrupulously.

This kind of person will always play right and wrong behind others' backs, the so-called tricking, to put it bluntly, is to say bad things about others behind people's backs, sow discord, and it is completely a matter of watching the excitement.

You must understand that the people around you who like to tell the truth must be untrustworthy people, they can be said to have no credibility at all, and it is simply annoying to keep emphasizing the repetition of unimportant details in order to get the most out of their tongues.

As the saying goes, if you want to have a smooth life, you must stay away from those who spend time playing right and wrong.

The rest of your life is expensive, stay away from those who consume you
The rest of your life is expensive, stay away from those who consume you

Misconduct and strong purpose

It has been said that a hypocritical friend is more terrible than an honest enemy. Since ancient times, hypocrites have been villains, and honesty is the true gentleman. Whether it is a friend or an enemy is just a social identity, but a person's strength and disadvantage do not depend on the identity, but on the character hidden under the identity.

The rest of your life is very expensive, please stay away from people with bad character, if you are friends with these people, not only will they not be able to show you the right path at the fork in the road of life, but they will even give you a wrong example at the most critical time.

As the saying goes, those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black, and on this long road of life, what kind of people we deal with for a long time will unconsciously become such people, which is "imperceptible".

If you want to know how far a person can go, you have to see who he is walking with, and if you want to know how good a person is, you have to see who he has been instructed by.

Life is very long and very short, don't waste your life on people who don't agree with you, cherishing time is the greatest respect for yourself and your family.

The rest of your life is expensive, stay away from those who consume you
The rest of your life is expensive, stay away from those who consume you

Arrogant and arrogant

Kazuo Inamori said, "Those who are able to restrain their passions and remain humble and honest forever will surely be favored by God and achieve brilliant achievements." "Not only do we have to concentrate on our work and give our best in life, but we also have to be humble and courteous at all times.

"Mencius: Lilou Shang" has a cloud: "The taboo of people is to be a good teacher." Everyone wants to be someone else's teacher to be admired, and at the same time everyone is not willing to be taught by others, this is the subtlety of interpersonal relationships, some people know the truth, in order to please others, they "pretend to be grandchildren" in front of each other, and some people are arrogant, no matter when, where, and what kind of situation are put on a posture of "people who have come over are very understanding".

Yelang arrogant people are not only superficial and ignorant but also proud and vexatious, if someone often shows an arrogant posture to come out, there is no need to get used to it, the refutation will be refuted, stay away, since the other party is embarrassed to consume you, why can't you bear to refuse.

The rest of your life is very expensive, everyone is a first-time person, and there is no need to back down and tolerate again and again.