
Only by being patient with a thousand troubles can we be clear-minded

author:Art Scene

Wang Xiaobo said: "Life is a slow process. ”

When we are young, we are always high-spirited and our hearts are higher than the sky, we are uneasy because of a moment of winning or losing, worrying about the momentary gains and losses, unable to hold our breath, unable to bear the annoyance, and unable to calm down.

After many trials and hardships along the way, after a thousand tempers of life and half a life of hustle and bustle, I gradually realized the true pursuit of my heart and the best way to live for the rest of my life.

In the second half of life, instead of obsessing over others, it is better to dive into overcoming yourself.

"Most of the things in the world are unsatisfactory." Hold your breath, be patient, and you'll win.

Only by being patient with a thousand troubles can we be clear-minded


Only when you hold your breath can you become a great tool

Don't be frightened, watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court;

Go and stay unintentionally, looking at the clouds in the sky.

- Ming Hong Yingming's "Caigen Tan"

"Lao Tzu" has a saying: "Qi is God." If the qi is stable, the heart is fixed, and the heart is round. ”

In life, there are few smooth sailing moments, and there are always all kinds of hardships and hardships, even fatal blows.

Only by calming down and not being arrogant or impatient can we seize the rare turning point.

If the heart is peaceful, then there is peace and tranquility, let the wind and waves rise, sit firmly on the fishing boat.

In the long river of history, it is not difficult for us to find that calming down is the survival wisdom applicable to anyone.

Sima Qian worked hard for 18 years to create the "Historical Records" of "the swan song of the historian, the rhyme of the separation", ranking first in the "Twenty-four History";

Li Shizhen spent 17 years compiling and completing the medical giant book "Compendium of Materia Medica", which has been passed down for centuries;

Yue Wang Goujian tried his courage for three years, endured humiliation, fed the horses and drove the car, waited for the opportunity, and finally got the opportunity to take revenge;

Jiang Ziya had a bumpy life, but he was calm and self-reliant, diligent in learning, and finally met Bole at the age of 72, entered the official career, and went down in history.

Only by being patient with a thousand troubles can we be clear-minded

There is a saying in "The Book of Rights: The Art of the Heart": "Mount Tai collapses in front and the color remains unchanged, and the elk is on the left and the eyes are not instantaneous." ”

Life, like a tree in the desert, can only accumulate strength and flourish when it remains calm and deeply rooted in the earth.

As the saying goes, "Plant a plane tree, attract a phoenix." ”

When you hold your breath, think deeply, and take every step firmly, the worst thing is that success comes later.

The years are long, and the busy are self-promoting; The mountains and rivers are quiet, and the disturbers are chaotic.

Learn to calm down, in order to meet the hope of survival in a desperate situation.


Patience is the only way to cope with all kinds of challenges

Perseverance, rotten wood does not break; Perseverance, gold and stone can be carved.

——Xianqin Xunzi "Persuasion"

The ancients said: "The dangerous human feelings, the bumpy world, all rely on a word to support the past."

People live for a lifetime, no matter how great their "ability" is, they can't compare to their "endurance".

So you never have to run away from it, and you don't have to rush to life for an answer.

A good life will bear fruit in the time you endure and the sweat you shed.

Shen Congwen has a soft spot for the word "patience", and he said frankly when sharing his creative experience: "I have no intention of pursuing the intelligence that surpasses others, I just hope that I can be more diligent and more patient." ”

He repeatedly declined praise for his talent, humbly saying that he was nothing special, but just patient.

Shen Congwen attaches great importance to patience in writing, and each work is repeatedly scrutinized and revised, leaving countless traces of revision on the manuscript. He was impatient as a teacher, and his suggestions and revisions were detailed, sometimes exceeding the word count of the original.

Life requires patience everywhere, and those who can be patient will eventually be extraordinary.

Life is a practice, and patience is the cultivation of the mind in the midst of the chaos of the world.

To endure annoyance in small things is inner cultivation; Being able to meditate in the midst of major events reveals an extraordinary pattern.

As the old saying goes: "Those who have been in the bush for a long time will fly high." ”

Don't be complacent because of short-term success, and don't worry about temporary setbacks.

Patience and self-improvement; Endure the trough and enrich your inner being.

In this way, we can gain insight into the world, take deep roots in the soil, and thrive.

Only by being patient with a thousand troubles can we be clear-minded


Only when you are calm can you gain insight into the world

When you are sick, you are quiet and thoughtless, and you don't do anything when you get old.

- Don Bai Juyi, "Ramadan Retreat"

"Zengguang Xianwen" said: "Everyone in the world is busy and wrong, who knows how to strive for cultivation."

Tranquility is a kind of mentality that is not alarmed and firm as a rock.

If the heart is at peace, there is a beautiful scenery as far as the eye can see; If the mind is impetuous, sorrow and troubles will follow.

A restless heart can't bear the depth and heaviness given by the years.

Anyone who can achieve great things knows how to cultivate a quiet inner life.

Tao Yuanming, the grandson of Tao Kan, a general of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, once had the ambition to help the world.

He once made Jiangzhou sacrificial wine, and the town army joined the army. However, fate was not good, and the ambition was not realized.

Until he made the Pengze County Order, he could no longer stand the hypocrisy in the officialdom.

After only 80 days in office, he resigned and lived in seclusion.

After calming down, I realized that life is not only a way to help the world, but also a wise choice to be poor and become a master of literature.

It is recorded in the Book of Commandments: "The journey of a husband and a gentleman is to cultivate oneself quietly." ”

The more tricky the matter, the more calm and sober judgment must be.

Isolate the noise of the outside world, pamper and humiliate, and come and go freely.

As Qian Zhongshu said: "Take a bath, look at a flower, eat a meal, if you feel happy, it is not all about the cleanness of the bath, the delicate flowers, or the delicious dishes, but only from your inner peace and worry-free." ”

You and I are mortal ants, looking for a corner of tranquility in the busy.

People live for a lifetime, and plants and trees for an autumn. Really smart people understand the essence of keeping quiet, which is a low-key growth and a high-profile life.

No matter how many worries there are in life, you need to maintain a clear and quiet heart, watch the landscape quietly, and smile to watch the flowers bloom and fall.

Zhou Guoping once said: "People cannot control their own destiny, but they can control their attitude towards destiny." ”

In the first half of his life, he was young, reckless and uninhibited, and went through a lot of detours;

In the second half of life, after going through ups and downs, I understand that the true meaning of life lies in everything and everything is recycled.

Only by calming down and not prospering can we overcome difficulties and achieve excellence;

can endure annoyance, wind and rain, in order to go through tempering and turn into a butterfly;

Only by calming down and cultivating temperament can we fade away from the flashiness and enjoy the years.