
"Take two more viagra pills, and as a result, I will break Dingding!" Reminder: These 3 types of people really can't be used blindly!

author:Sichuan Famous Physician

As a real man, the most important quality

Yes, definitely


But for the sake of this toughness

A lot of people have also paid a terrible price...

"Take two more viagra pills, and as a result, I will break Dingding!" Reminder: These 3 types of people really can't be used blindly!

Today's highlights

1. What are the "Viagra" drugs? How to choose?

2. How to eat "Viagra" to be safe? Is it addictive?

3. Who should not take these medications?

4. Can normal people eat it?

5. What are the other "side hustles" of "Viagra"?

"Doctor, help!" Early in the morning, an older brother in his 40s came to the emergency department of the Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University! When the attending doctor of urology, Wang Yang, arrived there, he knew at a glance that he had to rush to the stage for surgery......

"Take two more viagra pills, and as a result, I will break Dingding!" Reminder: These 3 types of people really can't be used blindly!

It turned out that the eldest brother, who usually gets together less and leaves more with his wife, is very excited about the rare reunion. That night, in order to more fully carry out the life harmony movement, the eldest brother ate two more in one go

Soon the banana turned into a steel gun, and the effect was outstanding.

"Take two more viagra pills, and as a result, I will break Dingding!" Reminder: These 3 types of people really can't be used blindly!

However, because the eldest brother did not adapt to this super double "hard energy", when changing positions, he may have a little bit of strength, so he ...... I vaguely heard a "click", and a sharp pain followed, so now "yin stem is swollen". After Dr. Wang Yang's diagnosis, his condition was a "penile fracture".

It's not just a story, it's an accident.

"In the daily emergency department of clinical practice, there are indeed a lot of accidents due to the indiscriminate use of [Viagra], some of which are due to improper position or angle during the 'driving' process, or excessive force and other factors, resulting in the rupture of the buffament membrane, and some due to improper dosage will lead to more frightening myocardial infarction!" Dr. Wang Yang said that although "Viagra" is good, it cannot be taken blindly and incrementally!

Today's #GenderSmallClass#

Let's give you a science popularization

This masculine light


"Take two more viagra pills, and as a result, I will break Dingding!" Reminder: These 3 types of people really can't be used blindly!

There are many types of "Viagra" in pharmacies

Which one should I buy?

"Viagra" is famous though

Only those who have bought it in person at the "YO" store

I know how much social death there is!

"Take two more viagra pills, and as a result, I will break Dingding!" Reminder: These 3 types of people really can't be used blindly!

In fact, Viagra is a collective term for a class of medicines

i.e. PDE5 inhibitor (phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor)

And pills already have a lot of classifications


Sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil "three brothers"

The price gap is also relatively large

According to Dr. Wang Yang, it is the same as Viagra, and there is really a bit of a difference between this medicine and the medicine.

Sildenafil – "hard"

It takes "hard" as its selling point,

What is pursued is the hardness of tintin

It is completely metabolized by the body after 24 hours

Disadvantages: The effect starts and goes quickly

Take it about half an hour to about 1 hour beforehand

You can't take medication if you drink alcohol

Vardenafil – "Fast"

Take "fast" as the selling point

It works in less than 10 minutes

Known as "The Flash"

Cons: The effect is too fast

It takes effect 10 minutes after consumption

After 25 minutes, the strongest effect is obtained

The process has not been completed yet, and it may be...

You can't take medication if you drink alcohol

Tadalafil – "Long"

Take "long" as the selling point

It is a long-acting PDE5 inhibitor

Sildenafil and vardenafil expire on the same day

Tadalafil leaves these two far behind

When a single oral administration can be obtained for 36 hours

Drinking alcohol in moderation does not have much effect on its metabolism

Cons: Yes, it's a bit expensive



The drug does not improve the ejaculation time, and it is ineffective for people who ejaculate too quickly (premature ejaculation)!

The drug does not improve libido, and it is ineffective for people with low libido alone!

For healthy men with normal erections, it is not necessary to eat it, and it is not recommended.

"Viagra" can also be really bad!

Avoid "meeting people" with these people

Generally, after taking "Viagra", you will feel the erection and swelling caused by the drug, and a small number of people may be accompanied by red face and red ears.

Nasal congestion, rashes, headaches, dizziness, heart palpitations, indigestion, heartburn, muscle pain, transient blurred vision, or a slightly watery feeling of seeing things may also occur. These are some occasional adverse reactions that disappear with rest and adjustment.

"Take two more viagra pills, and as a result, I will break Dingding!" Reminder: These 3 types of people really can't be used blindly!

But in reality, not everyone is suitable for taking Viagra, and the following three groups of people may cause serious side effects when using Viagra, and it is recommended to avoid taking it.

Use crowds with caution


Patients with cardiovascular disease

The simultaneous use of "Viagra" and nitrates (such as nitroglycerin, isosorbide dinitrate, etc.) may cause a sudden drop in blood pressure and cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, patients with cardiovascular disease should always consult their doctor before using "Viagra".


People who drink alcohol for a long time

Alcohol will dilate blood vessels to a certain extent, and the vasodilation caused by sildenafil and vardenafil will lead to excessive blood flow in blood vessels, increasing the probability of acute cardiovascular disease.


People with high blood pressure

Patients with high blood pressure need to be especially careful when using Viagra, "Viagra" will enhance the effect of most antihypertensive drugs, such as amlodipine, such as nifedipine, hydrochlorothiazide, valsartan, candesartan, benazepril, etc.

In addition, it is also a group of people recommended by Dr. Wang Yang to be cautious, "I have clinically encountered many elderly people who can't stand their hearts and are sent to the emergency department for rescue after taking them, and there are many 'green hook' drivers who lack experience and technology after taking them, so that they and their partners are injured!" ”

"I don't feel good when I stop taking the medicine,

Do you have to take medicine for the rest of your life? ”

Although driving is cool for a while, will it be dependent on drag racing with the blessing of "small pills" all the time?

In fact, according to the conclusions of a large number of studies at home and abroad, it has not been found that taking "Viagra" will produce dependence or drug resistance, and the vast majority of patients have good clinical effects after long-term medication.

This is because these drugs act on the smooth muscles of the corpora cavernosa and do not act on the central system of the brain. From a pharmacological point of view, there are no side effects that induce pleasure or relieve pain after taking the drug. Therefore, patients taking this drug are not addictive.

However, some users may experience psychological dependence.

Based on Dr. Wang's experience, some patients are overly dependent on drugs, and without the assistance of drugs, autosuggestion will repeatedly emphasize that their sexual performance has become worse, thus affecting their normal sex life.

"Take two more viagra pills, and as a result, I will break Dingding!" Reminder: These 3 types of people really can't be used blindly!

In addition, some primary diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, spinal cord injury, androgen deficiency, etc., in men, can also cause impotence.

ED caused by diseases like this

If you only take Viagra

Treatment for these conditions may be delayed

So, when the symptoms of impotence appear

It is recommended to seek medical diagnosis as soon as possible and not to use drugs without authorization

Take you to see the "side hustle" of "Viagra"


Reduces pulmonary vascular resistance

Studies have shown that using the principle of helping blood vessels dilate, "Viagra" has a certain therapeutic effect on patients suffering from pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH).


Relieves altitude sickness

Studies have found that "Viagra" can dilate the pulmonary blood vessels, improve the efficiency of oxygen delivery, reduce the symptoms of altitude sickness such as headache and difficulty breathing, and help alleviate the symptoms of altitude sickness.

"Take two more viagra pills, and as a result, I will break Dingding!" Reminder: These 3 types of people really can't be used blindly!


A new hope for Alzheimer's

Preliminary research has found that "Viagra" may be associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease. A study published in the Annals of Neurology suggests that Viagra may combat the development of Alzheimer's disease by improving the hemodynamics of the brain and increasing the supply of oxygen and energy substances in the brain.

It is important to emphasize that this study only found a correlation, did not confirm the causal relationship, and further research is needed.

Finally, a reminder again

Taking "Viagra" drugs

There are dosages and contraindications

Use under the guidance of a physician

You must not hurt your life for the sake of "sex"

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