
5 types of people feel "very good" themselves, but maybe the body organs have already quietly "broken"!

author:There is a doctor

Mr. Huang, 58, went to the hospital for treatment due to worsening symptoms such as unprovoked cough, sputum production and wheezing.

At the time of consultation, Mr. Huang reported intermittent cough, sputum production, and wheezing for 5 years, and his symptoms worsened when the seasons changed every year, and there was no obvious cause for the aggravation of the above symptoms 2 weeks ago, mainly wheezing after activities, accompanied by cough and sputum, mainly white sticky sputum, with a large amount of morning rise, no fever, no chills, chills, and self-medication, but the symptoms did not improve; He has a history of smoking for 40 years, with an average of about 30 cigarettes per day, and has been engaged in electric welding for more than 20 years.

The doctor showed that his body temperature was 36.7°C, his breath was 20 breaths/min, his heart rate was 82 beats/min, his blood oxygen saturation was 94%, he was conscious, he was short of breath, and dry rales could be heard in both lungs. The results showed that leukocytes, procalcitonin, and CRP were not increased, and the chest CT showed no patchy density increase, and multiple emphysema could be seen. The results of pulmonary function tests showed moderate obstructive pulmonary dysfunction, and combined with Mr. Huang's medical history and examination results, he was diagnosed with compensated emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

The doctor told Mr. Huang that his first priority was to quit smoking, and at the same time he was given oral montelukast sodium tablets, theophylline sustained-release tablets, pulmonary cough capsules and other medications, and combined with respiratory exercises, abdominal breathing and pursed lip breathing to strengthen the activity of respiratory muscles and increase the mobility of diaphragm.

After 7 days of standardized medication treatment and respiratory exercises, Mr. Huang's condition was stable, and his symptoms such as cough, sputum and wheezing were significantly reduced.

One month later, Mr. Huang was re-examined and informed that the symptoms such as cough and sputum were basically relieved, and the results of the re-examination showed that the obstruction of the lungs had improved, and the lung function had basically returned to normal, and he was satisfied with the treatment results.

The doctor reminds that compensatory emphysema is mainly due to the damage of lung tissue, resulting in the expansion of the lungs caused by the reduction of volume, and its cause is mostly directly related to long-term heavy smoking, so the key to the treatment of the disease is to quit smoking, and to standardize the treatment while also insisting on lung function exercises, in order to help maintain a better state of lung function.

5 types of people feel "very good" themselves, but maybe the body organs have already quietly "broken"!

In life, there is a group of people who usually think that they are healthy and "feel good", occasionally cough once or twice, and also think that "it's okay, there is nothing wrong with the body".

However, these people only look good on the outside, and their real physical condition is not as healthy and optimistic as they think.

In particular, people who smoke, drink or other bad habits often overestimate their health, and the results of real medical examinations are often shocking.

Many times, you feel that you are "in good health", but you don't know that your organs may have been quietly "broken"!


People who smoke - lung function will decrease prematurely

Some people may have smoked all their lives but don't get cancer, but that doesn't mean their lungs are still healthy.

Tobacco contains a large amount of nicotine, tar and other harmful substances, when inhaled into the lungs, it will cause certain damage to the tissues of the lungs, resulting in a decline in lung function, cough, phlegm and other symptoms, and then affect the quality of life.

The development of the lungs is from the birth of the lung function gradually increases, about 20 years old lung function to the peak, after the peak will increase with age, lung function gradually declines every year, is expected to decline about 30~50ml per year.

For smokers, if long-term smoking will accelerate the decline of lung function, the decline will be significantly increased, about 50~70ml of lung function will decrease in 1 year, and some people may drop about 100ml, and the decline will be particularly fast.

If the lung function drops below 80% of normal, then COPD, that is, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, can be diagnosed.

In addition, one study tested the "lung age" of 110 asymptomatic smokers, who were 93.6% male, with a mean age of 48 years and an average lung age of 59 years. That is, smokers have an average of 11 years of aging in lung function.

In addition, we should pay attention to second-hand smoke in daily life, especially if children are exposed to second-hand smoke for a long time, it will lead to respiratory tract infections, bronchial asthma, acute and chronic otitis media and other symptoms, secondhand smoke has become the "number one killer" affecting children's respiratory health.

5 types of people feel "very good" themselves, but maybe the body organs have already quietly "broken"!


People who drink alcohol - the liver goes "bad" early

Drinking alcohol can affect liver function, which may cause alcoholic hepatitis, and in severe cases, it may progress to end-stage liver disease such as cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Alcohol is basically metabolized in the human liver, and when drinking alcohol in a short period of time and in small amounts, it has little effect on liver function.

However, if you drink a lot of alcohol for a long time, the liver may be damaged by alcohol, and it will be "bad" early, resulting in hepatocyte degeneration, inflammatory lesions, necrosis, etc., and then cause abnormal indicators such as transaminases and bilirubin, and the probability of patients suffering from liver diseases will be significantly increased, such as common liver cirrhosis, alcoholic liver, fatty liver, liver cancer, etc., which may be caused by drinking a lot of alcohol for a long time.

In addition, after drinking a lot of alcohol, the heart, liver, kidney function, and other organs that cooperate with each other are damaged, causing the body to age.

Decreased function of liver, kidney, and other organs can manifest as facial skin, such as skin swelling, decreased elasticity, dullness, and pigmentation.

With the amount and duration of alcohol consumption, other organs of the body, such as joints and bones, can show signs of aging.


People who eat nonsense - the stomach may have "collapsed" long ago

Nowadays, when many people go to work, they can cope with three meals a day, how to eat, what to eat, and whether they eat on time, it all depends on the mood.

When I get out of work, I start hot pot barbecue, milk tea ice cream, and seafood dinner...... Over time, the stomach will be eaten "down".

Eating too much is easy to increase the burden on the stomach and induce various gastrointestinal diseases.

Unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits are important risk factors for the occurrence of gastric cancer.

Prolonged hunger or excessive satiety will interfere with the normal secretion of gastric acid, irritate the gastric mucosa, and then induce gastritis, which, if not taken seriously, may gradually develop into gastric cancer.

In addition, if you are often too full, your stomach and intestines cannot digest the food that accumulates in your stomach, and you are likely to become constipated.

If you often eat spicy, irritating, greasy, raw and cold foods, it will increase the burden on the stomach to a certain extent, destroy the gastric mucosa, affect normal digestion, and cause stomach pain, stomach distention, heartburn, diarrhea and other symptoms.

If you often skip breakfast or have an unbalanced diet, it may lead to insufficient energy and nutrients required by the human body, resulting in malnutrition, dizziness, nausea, fatigue and other symptoms, and in severe cases, it may also lead to anemia, cell aging and osteoporosis and other diseases.

5 types of people feel "very good" themselves, but maybe the body organs have already quietly "broken"!


People who stay up late – the organs of the whole body are aging

Adequate sleep time is an effective way to promote good health, if you often lack sleep or often stay up late, it will cause harm to the functions of various tissues, organs and organs of the human body.

Because the human body's adrenocortical hormone and growth hormone are secreted during sleep at night, adrenocortical hormone is generally secreted before dawn to promote human glucose metabolism and ensure muscle development and function.

Growth hormone is often produced after falling asleep, which can promote the growth and development of adolescents and delay aging in middle and old age.

If you often stay up late, it will accelerate the aging of people, making the skin gradually dull, lose luster, and have problems such as dark circles, dark spots, and sagging.

Staying up late often can easily lead to fatigue and lack of energy, and the body's immunity will also decline, thereby increasing the probability of many diseases, and is not conducive to the recovery and healing of diseases, such as colds, gastrointestinal infections, allergies and other diseases.

In addition, staying up late may increase the probability of developing metabolic syndrome, such as high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, and abnormal blood sugar metabolism.

Staying up late is not conducive to the self-repair of the liver, which will lead to a decline in the immune function of the liver and be easily invaded by the outside world, resulting in liver diseases and damage to liver function.

Therefore, people should minimize staying up late, need to have a regular life and rest, go to bed early and get up early, and develop good habits of life and rest.


Obese people – there is pressure on every organ

Although some people are obese, they look very healthy and do not suffer from high blood pressure or diabetes, but this kind of health is not really healthy, and obesity puts "stress" on every organ.

Obesity will not only increase the burden on the heart, leading to an increased risk of hypertension, coronary atherosclerotic heart disease and cerebral infarction, but also increase the pressure on the lumbar spine and bone joints, increase the probability of lumbar spine lesions or bone and joint lesions, so that young people prematurely develop degenerative arthritis, lumbar disc herniation, etc.

Long-term obesity can increase the pressure in the abdominal cavity, leading to gastroesophageal reflux disease, and may also lead to insulin resistance, which can lead to hyperinsulinemia and diabetes.

In addition, obesity can also lead to other metabolic disorders such as hyperlipidemia, fatty liver, hyperuricemia, especially when female patients are obese, which can lead to endocrine dysfunction and infertility, while male obese patients can have decreased sexual function.

5 types of people feel "very good" themselves, but maybe the body organs have already quietly "broken"!