
The classics are not outdated, and the dragon hunter is on the list of those "old-fashioned" but hard-to-replace skins

author:A king at your fingertips

Hello everyone, I'm at the tip of my fingers, and suddenly a question came to mind.,King has launched N multiple skins in the past two years.,Among them, there are many high-level and high-quality skins.,Have those old skins been replaced?

The classics are not outdated, and the dragon hunter is on the list of those "old-fashioned" but hard-to-replace skins

The reason why classics are called classics is because the quality is high enough and takes into account certain feelings, just like the TV series we watched when we were children, it was turned over N many times, the special effects level was higher, and the actors were more popular, but the finished product was unsatisfactory, I think it is a truth.

Let's talk about the simplest skin, Luban No. 7 has ten skins today, is the most classic one still a video game kid? Sun Shangxiang also has a lot of high-rated skins in various categories, and the doomsday mecha can never be replaced, this is a classic, sometimes the classic is not the best, but it is the easiest to recognize.

The classics are not outdated, and the dragon hunter is on the list of those "old-fashioned" but hard-to-replace skins

So what other such skins are? This article takes stock of several classic skins, which have become "old" in terms of "age", but they are always difficult to be surpassed.

Crystal Dragon Hunter - Classics never go out of style

The skin worn by the first generation of Mulan is still the favorite skin of many Mulan gods, at that time, this skin was almost a god's work, and every Mulan player must enter, plus the original hooking poster modeling, it is simply invincible.

The classics are not outdated, and the dragon hunter is on the list of those "old-fashioned" but hard-to-replace skins

And this skin has been quite backward in terms of special effects so far, but the crisp and capable sense of blow has never been able to catch its edge.

There are a lot of Mulan skins, and there are also a lot of high-quality ones, such as the special effects of the collection skin, the sound of the star dome BGM is good, the feel is unique, and the tacit confrontation is full of wind, but there is no feeling of a dragon hunter.

Street Fighter - Brave sweeps through all levels of skins

As one of the first skins to be launched in 15 years, Street Fighter has been around the entire history of kings, and he has been in every era and every version.

The classics are not outdated, and the dragon hunter is on the list of those "old-fashioned" but hard-to-replace skins

Han Xin has launched a lot of skins one after another, several epic skins, and recently the collection skin and the peerless skin have also been completed, just one legendary skin is missing, and the skins of all grades are already alive, but at least until now, there is still no skin that can surpass this Street Fighter.

It may be because of the high price of the Collector's Musou skin, but many players who already own these two skins will still choose Street Fighter.

The advantage of the skin is that the modeling looks smaller, so the feel is more flexible, the special effects are not fancy, and it is more concise, perhaps this is the main reason why Hanxin players still choose him.

Purple Fairy - Big Hand never thinks about other skins

Do you say that it is the feelings that make trouble, or is there indeed a gap in the feeling? Luna also followed up with high-quality, high-effect skins like the love of her life, the voice of revelation, and the Frost Moon Yin, but none of them can surpass Zixia Fairy, you say it's because the skin price is high, and Zixia Fairy is easy to obtain? But when you look at the arena, you look at the live broadcast of those big-handed Luna players, who still use the old-fashioned Zixia Fairy.

The classics are not outdated, and the dragon hunter is on the list of those "old-fashioned" but hard-to-replace skins

Found out? The skins I mentioned above are all operant heroes, and the new skin has full special effects, which sometimes does affect the judgment of combos, just like Luna is very interested in passive clarity, and the new skin may also be very conspicuous, but after a long time, Zixia will feel awkward when she gets used to seeing the original special effects, and with the gap in feel, the old skin can defeat the new skin again and again.

So in your opinion, what are the other reasons why those old antiques are still chosen by many players? Tell us what you think.