
Returned overseas Chinese gather together, and the ancient rhyme seeks light!

author:Shenzhen is bright
Returned overseas Chinese gather together, and the ancient rhyme seeks light!
Returned overseas Chinese gather together, and the ancient rhyme seeks light!

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Returned overseas Chinese gather together, and the ancient rhyme seeks light!
  • Guangming Street carried out the "Ancient Rhyme of Overseas Chinese Hospital, Cultural Roots" returned overseas Chinese friendship activity
  • Pursue the memory of Guangming Farm and feel the quaint overseas Chinese style

Edition: B08

"The speed of development of the light is amazing!" People who have been to Guangming can't help but marvel that today's Guangming has undergone earth-shaking changes, which is closely related to the hard work of Guangming returned overseas Chinese. In order to improve the happiness index of returned overseas Chinese, enhance the understanding and inheritance of local history and culture by returned overseas Chinese and their relatives, enrich their amateur cultural life, share the harmonious development of the community, and create a better future, on May 11, under the strong support and guidance of the United Front Work Department of the Guangming District Party Committee, Guangming Street carried out a friendship activity with the theme of "Ancient Rhyme of Overseas Chinese Hospital, Cultural Roots", and invited returned overseas Chinese and their relatives from various communities to participate, so that returned overseas Chinese and their relatives could feel the enthusiasm and warmth of their hometown.

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Returned overseas Chinese gather together, and the ancient rhyme seeks light!
  • Nanfang Daily
  • Overall planning, hard work, and deepening cooperation A bright sample of millions of projects

Edition: SC04

The "High-quality Development Project of 100 Counties, Thousands of Towns and Thousands of Villages" is the "number one project" in Guangdong that affects the overall situation, benefits the long-term and has deep roots.

Upstairs innovation downstairs entrepreneurship, scientific research industry two-way rush; The cross-border integration of culture, tourism and cuisine ushered in the spring of the collective economy; Deepen cooperation, complement each other's advantages, and regional cooperation is gradually improving...... This scene has gathered into a vivid animation of Shenzhen Guangming actively promoting the "Millions of Projects".

Returned overseas Chinese gather together, and the ancient rhyme seeks light!

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  • Yangcheng Evening News
  • The bright tennis player won the national championship

Edition: ZA09

Recently, Ye Pengfei, a player of the Guangming District Youth Tennis Team, and his partner Wu Tianhao won the 2024 China Middle School (Junior) Tennis Classic (CTJ-A1) U16 Group Men's Doubles National Championship with tacit cooperation.

Returned overseas Chinese gather together, and the ancient rhyme seeks light!

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  • Shenzhen Special Zone Daily
  • The bright and high-standard football stadium will be unveiled at the 15th National Games

Edition: A05

Recently, with the whistle of the last game, the first competition event of the 11th Shenzhen Games in 2024 - the youth sports group football competition came to an end at the Shenzhen Youth Football Training Base. In the past month or so, 61 teams from 10 districts of the city have gathered here to compete in the competition. This high-standard professional football base located in Guangming District once again provides a solid guarantee for high-level football competitions.

Returned overseas Chinese gather together, and the ancient rhyme seeks light!

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  • Shenzhen Evening News
  • Registration for the first "Clinical Application + X" Challenge is open

Edition: A04

The registration channel for the 16th China Shenzhen Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition has been officially opened. In order to promote the transformation of medical scientific and technological achievements and innovation and entrepreneurship, under the guidance of the Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Bureau, the Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission, and the Guangming District Government of Shenzhen, the "Clinical Application + X" Challenge was held for the first time. From now until June 16, enterprises and teams that meet the conditions for participation can log in to the registration system of the Shenzhen Innovation Competition to register for the competition.

Returned overseas Chinese gather together, and the ancient rhyme seeks light!

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  • Crystal Newspaper
  • The city ranked first, and Guangming Science and Technology Innovation Education won another award

Edition: A06

Recently, the results of the 2023 Youth Science Survey Experience Activity co-sponsored by the China Association for Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Central Civilization Office, and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League were announced.

Returned overseas Chinese gather together, and the ancient rhyme seeks light!

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Returned overseas Chinese gather together, and the ancient rhyme seeks light!
  • The (expanded) study meeting of the theoretical learning center group of the district committee emphasized that the high-quality development of the artificial intelligence industry should be promoted
  • Build the core node of the intelligent computing hub in the Greater Bay Area

Edition: B02

On May 14, the Guangming District Party Committee Theoretical Learning Center Group (Expanded) Study Meeting was held in the hall on the first floor of the district public service platform. Xu Li, chairman and CEO of SenseTime and doctor of Chinese University of Hong Kong, was invited to give a lecture at this study meeting. With the theme of "'New Quality Productivity Tools' in the AI 2.0 Era", Xu Li focused on the origin history, development trend, large model of the times, and new infrastructure of the times in the era of artificial intelligence, combined with his own cases, and gave a special tutorial with rich connotation and simple explanation, which provided strong guidance for Guangming District to accelerate the development of the artificial intelligence industry.

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  • Guangming District signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Shenzhicheng Group
  • The two parties will carry out long-term cooperation in the construction of smart cities and jointly build a benchmark demonstration area for smart cities in the whole region

Edition: B03

On the morning of May 14, Guangming District People's Government and Shenzhen Smart City Technology Development Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Smart City Group") signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement. It is reported that the two sides will aim to build a global smart city benchmark demonstration area and carry out in-depth cooperation in the field of smart city construction, which is of great significance for giving full play to the advantages of Shenzhen Smart City Group in the construction and operation of smart cities, consolidating the digital foundation of smart cities in Guangming District, and building a solid foundation for the digital development of science city construction.

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  • The 20th Cultural Expo will open on May 23
  • More than 120,000 cultural products and more than 4,000 industrial investment and financing projects will be unveiled

Edition: B03

On May 14, the Information Office of the Shenzhen Municipal Government held a press conference on the 20th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industry Fair. The fair will be held from May 23rd to 27th, the main venue is located in the Shenzhen World Convention and Exhibition Center, divided into 8 pavilions, namely the cultural industry comprehensive exhibition hall A, hall B, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area cultural industry innovation exhibition, cultural tourism integration and cultural consumption exhibition, film and television, publishing, copyright, game e-sports exhibition, intangible cultural heritage, time-honored brand arts and crafts exhibition, art, design, national tide exhibition, international cultural trade exhibition. There are a total of 52 sub-venues in all districts of the city. The platform will display cultural products and projects according to the exhibition hall and exhibition area.

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  • The new industry has become a new engine, investment has become an economic accelerator, and the construction of major projects has pressed the acceleration button
  • Decoding the bright "first quarterly report": the new quality productivity is rising

Edition: B04

Recently, the economic data for the first quarter of 2024 was released, and the GDP of Guangming District was 34.307 billion yuan, an increase of 7.2% year-on-year (the same below). Decoding the "first quarterly report" of Guangming District, looking at the "shape" and "state" of economic operation through numbers, some new changes and new trends have quietly emerged: industrial production has achieved steady growth; The added value of strategic emerging industries has achieved double-digit growth, and a number of high-quality industrial clusters have performed well, becoming a "new engine" for economic development. The investment in the manufacturing industry has achieved rapid growth, of which the investment in high-tech manufacturing has grown significantly; Expenditures in key areas of people's livelihood are "guaranteed", and the construction progress of major projects has been refreshed.

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  • The 2024 China Middle School (Junior) Tennis Classic has come to an end
  • Good news! Bright guy Ye Pengfei won the national championship

Edition: B07

"I am very happy and excited to participate in such a high-level competition this time, compete against some high-level opponents across the country, and win the doubles championship with my doubles partner." On May 14, Ye Pengfei, a player of the youth tennis team in Guangming District, said in an interview with reporters. Two days ago, on May 12, the 2024 China Middle School (Junior) Tennis Classic (CTJ-A1) ended in Shijiazhuang, Ye Pengfei and his partner Wu Tianhao tacitly cooperated, played well, and won the U16 men's doubles national championship.

Returned overseas Chinese gather together, and the ancient rhyme seeks light!

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  • The pronunciation and pronunciation are exquisite, and the language class is charming
  • The "Little Host" public welfare training course in Yutang Street was opened

Edition: B09

"Children, follow the teacher, open your little mouths, and let's learn to speak together." In the Yutang Street Dream Weaving Red Harbor Party and Mass Service Center, the children's "babbling" practice sound came from time to time, and it turned out that the "Little Host" public welfare training class organized by the New Era Civilization Practice of Yutang Street was opened. In order to continue to promote happiness education into the community, comprehensively strengthen the construction of urban spiritual civilization, enrich the weekend life of students, and let children have a concentrated and continuous learning time in language expression and stage hosting, recently, Yutang Street invited professional host teachers to carry out a weekend public welfare training course for 6 classes, a total of more than 80 teenagers signed up to participate, and finally selected 20 to teach.

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Returned overseas Chinese gather together, and the ancient rhyme seeks light!

Content source: Nanfang Daily, Yangcheng Evening News, Shenzhen Special Zone Daily

Shenzhen Evening News, Jingbao, Bao'an Daily, Bright Media

Editor: Mak Yongyu

Reviewer: Jin Feng, Chen Yuanyuan, Xie Yanli

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