
Are green tomatoes poisonous? Can you eat it? Dishes that scrape oil, relieve greasy, and promote digestion are wasted

author:Ruoyu's mother is in the kitchen
Are green tomatoes poisonous? Can you eat it? Dishes that scrape oil, relieve greasy, and promote digestion are wasted

Are green tomatoes poisonous? Can you eat it? Scraping oil, relieving greasy, and digesting dishes are wasted!

Tomato is a common vegetable on our table, but also adults and children love fruit, tomato is rich in vitamin C and lycopene, both of which have antioxidant effects, so there is a good beauty and skin care effect, and tomato contains a special ingredient vitamin P, which plays a very important role in maintaining the elasticity of blood vessels. In addition, organic acids such as malic acid and citric acid in tomatoes can stimulate gastric juice to secrete gastric acid, which has the effect of promoting digestion. At the same time, tomatoes are low in sugar and low in calories, and they are also high-quality ingredients for scraping oil and reducing fat.

What we commonly see are brightly colored red tomatoes, so can you eat green tomatoes? Unripe tomatoes contain solanine, that is, the kind of toxin produced by potato sprouting, unripe tomatoes have a sour taste, and once eaten, there will be symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, and vomiting, so of course, unripe tomatoes are not eaten.

Are green tomatoes poisonous? Can you eat it? Dishes that scrape oil, relieve greasy, and promote digestion are wasted

But there is a kind of green tomato on the market, also called apple green tomato, and there is a particularly interesting name called "thief does not steal", this kind of tomato is also green after ripening, and the thief thinks that it is not ripe, and will not steal it at all, so it is called the thief does not steal. This kind of tomato is also sweet and sour when eaten raw, and the taste is particularly rich, as if we remember the tempting tomato flavor we ate when we were children. And the vitamin C content of this green tomato is much higher than that of ordinary tomatoes. Therefore, if you come across this green tomato, it is edible.

Are green tomatoes poisonous? Can you eat it? Dishes that scrape oil, relieve greasy, and promote digestion are wasted

The first time I ate this kind of green tomato was in the restaurant, I was really stunned, thinking that the unripe tomato can still eat a dish, after tasting it, it was really delicious and couldn't stop, spicy and sweet, especially appetizing. I bought 3 in the vegetable market today, and I came back to fry a plate, and the green tomatoes fried over high heat are really super rice.

Are green tomatoes poisonous? Can you eat it? Dishes that scrape oil, relieve greasy, and promote digestion are wasted

【Spicy green tomato】

Main ingredients: 3 green tomatoes, 3 dried chilies, 1 chives, 5 garlic, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of rice vinegar, 1 teaspoon of sugar, appropriate amount of chicken essence.

【How to do it】

1. Clean the green tomatoes and cut them into thin slices. Cut the dried chilies, chives and garlic cloves and set aside.

Are green tomatoes poisonous? Can you eat it? Dishes that scrape oil, relieve greasy, and promote digestion are wasted

2. Pour cooking oil into the pot, pour in dried chilies, chives and garlic cloves and stir-fry until fragrant, pour in green tomatoes and stir-fry for two minutes.

Are green tomatoes poisonous? Can you eat it? Dishes that scrape oil, relieve greasy, and promote digestion are wasted

3. Add a spoonful of light soy sauce, a spoonful of rice vinegar and a teaspoon of sugar, stir-fry evenly, pour two spoons of boiling water around the side of the pot, cover and simmer for two minutes.

Are green tomatoes poisonous? Can you eat it? Dishes that scrape oil, relieve greasy, and promote digestion are wasted

4. Add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence to taste according to taste, stir-fry evenly and then get out of the pot.

Are green tomatoes poisonous? Can you eat it? Dishes that scrape oil, relieve greasy, and promote digestion are wasted

Very strong tomato aroma, sweet and sour, with a bowl of white rice, it is really delicious. If you like it, you can try it! Of course, in addition to stir-frying directly, it can also be used for cold dressing or soup, or used to make tomato fish, tomato meat slices and so on.