
The fruit vendor said that after the summer, it is best not to buy these 3 kinds of fruits, and to eat less at home

author:Brief Food

In summer, fruits have become the first choice for people to quench their thirst and supplement nutrition. The dazzling array of fruits on the market, with their rich colors and attractive aromas, attract every step of the way. From the bright red watermelon to the red cherry, every bite is a beautiful interpretation of summer. However, while enjoying this gift of nature, there are also some tips about fruit selection that are worth noting. The fruit vendor said that after the summer, it is best not to buy these 3 kinds of fruits, and eat less at home!

The fruit vendor said that after the summer, it is best not to buy these 3 kinds of fruits, and to eat less at home

1: Pineapple! Summer is not the natural ripening season for pineapples, and many of the pineapples sold in the market may have been stored for a long time or picked early. Such pineapples are often not as sweet and juicy as freshly picked in season, but may become coarse and hard due to over-ripening or over-storage, increasing acidity and decreasing sweetness, affecting the eating experience. At the same time, long-term storage can also lead to the loss of nutrients, and the nutritional value is greatly reduced.

The fruit vendor said that after the summer, it is best not to buy these 3 kinds of fruits, and to eat less at home

Pineapples sold out of season are susceptible to microbial contamination during storage and transportation if they are not well preserved, increasing the risk of food poisoning. Especially during the hot and humid summer months, bacteria and mold are more likely to multiply, and even pineapples that look good on the surface may have spoiled on the inside.

The fruit vendor said that after the summer, it is best not to buy these 3 kinds of fruits, and to eat less at home

2: Citrus, orange, grapefruit fruits. Citrus orange grapefruit fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and tangerines usually reach their best ripening in late autumn to early spring. As we enter summer, citrus fruits on the market are likely to be out of season, and these fruits may have been stored for a long time or come from a non-optimal growing environment, resulting in a poor taste, shriveled flesh, less moisture, less sweetness, and more sour flavor, which may no longer have the freshness of the season.

With longer storage time, vitamin C and other nutrients in citrus fruits are gradually lost, especially in high temperature environments, and the rate of nutrient degradation accelerates. As a result, out-of-season citrus fruits consumed in the summer may not provide the expected nutritional benefits.

The fruit vendor said that after the summer, it is best not to buy these 3 kinds of fruits, and to eat less at home

In order to extend the shelf life, out-of-season citrus fruits may be subjected to special treatments, such as the use of preservatives or other chemical treatments, which may affect the naturalness and safety of the fruit. In addition, long-term storage also increases the risk of bacterial and mold infections of fruits, which affects food safety.

The fruit vendor said that after the summer, it is best not to buy these 3 kinds of fruits, and to eat less at home

3: Apple. The main harvest season for apples is usually in the fall, and most of the apples in the market are stored in cold storage after entering the summer. Prolonged storage can cause apples to gradually lose moisture, become less crisp, sweet and juicy than they are in season, and may appear shriveled or textured, affecting the eating experience.

Although apples are a nutritious fruit rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, some nutrients are gradually lost over time due to natural metabolism during storage, especially vitamin C, which is easily oxidized.

The fruit vendor said that after the summer, it is best not to buy these 3 kinds of fruits, and to eat less at home

To extend the shelf life of apples, out-of-season apples may be treated with freshness during storage and transportation, including the use of food-grade waxes to prevent moisture loss and reduce rot. While these treatments are generally safe, some consumers may be concerned about the extra processing steps and prefer to choose fresh fruit in its natural state.

The fruit vendor said that after the summer, it is best not to buy these 3 kinds of fruits, and to eat less at home

Summer is the most fruitful season, and nature has provided us with a variety of seasonal fruits that quench our thirst and are nutritious, and here are some of the best fruits to enjoy in summer.

1. Watermelon: As a landmark fruit in summer, watermelon has a very high water content, up to more than 90%, which can quickly replenish lost water and electrolytes and relieve heat and cool down. It is also rich in vitamins A, C and lycopene, which are beneficial for cardiovascular health and sun protection.

2. Cherries: Cherries are small and delicate, rich in iron, vitamin C and antioxidants, which can help boost immunity, promote blood circulation, and are also a good choice for beauty.

3. Peaches: Peaches in summer are sweet and juicy, rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, which help to promote digestion and enhance physical fitness, and at the same time, it is also high in iron, which is good for preventing and treating anemia.

The fruit vendor said that after the summer, it is best not to buy these 3 kinds of fruits, and to eat less at home

4. Prunes: Prunes are sweet and sour, containing a variety of amino acids and minerals, which can promote digestion, increase appetite, and also have a certain effect on improving skin problems.

5. Bayberry: Bayberry has a very high vitamin C content, which can enhance immunity, and its rich organic acids help to appetize and relieve heatstroke, and can also inhibit bacteria, which has a certain auxiliary effect on relieving heat and relieving diarrhea.

6. Mango: While mango may be close to the out-of-season in some areas, it's still a great choice in early summer, as it's rich in vitamins A and C, which help boost skin health and the immune system.

7. Cantaloupe: Cantaloupe is also hydrated, sweet, and contains vitamins and minerals that can help cool the body and promote digestion.

8. Lychee: Although the end of summer may not be the best time, in early summer, lychee is loved for its unique sweetness and rich nutrients (e.g. vitamin C, minerals), but it should be eaten in moderation to prevent it from catching fire.

The fruit vendor said that after the summer, it is best not to buy these 3 kinds of fruits, and to eat less at home

Choosing these seasonal fruits not only allows you to enjoy the best flavor and nutritional value, but also helps the body adapt to the summer heat and keep it fresh and energetic. Remember to eat in moderation according to your personal constitution, avoid overdose, and be vigilant for possible allergic reactions to certain fruits.


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