
Oz Urinal, LLC便携式小便器专利维权发案 案件号:24-cv-00849

author:Jite intellectual property

Keener Law Firm represented Oz Urinal, LLC to initiate patent rights protection for portable urinals, and the case has been submitted to TR on April 26 and is in the trial stage.

Case Information:

Time of prosecution: January 31, 2024


Type of Protection: Patent

Patent No.: D836773

原告品牌:Portable Male Urinal

品牌:Oz Urinal, LLC

Law firm: Keener

Place of occurrence: Northern District of Illinois

Brand introduction:

Oz Urinal, LLC specializes in the production and sales of portable urinals, which have anti-tipping features and are suitable for a variety of scenarios, such as hospitals, home care, outdoor, and more. The product has customers in different fields and is sold all over the world.

Oz Urinal, LLC便携式小便器专利维权发案 案件号:24-cv-00849

Patent Infringement Details:

Oz Urinal, LLC便携式小便器专利维权发案 案件号:24-cv-00849
Oz Urinal, LLC便携式小便器专利维权发案 案件号:24-cv-00849

Product examples:

Oz Urinal, LLC便携式小便器专利维权发案 案件号:24-cv-00849

Sellers who sell related products should pay attention to self-inspection and avoid stepping on the minefield of infringement. What happens if you are sued? After receiving the notice from the platform, you can immediately entrust a lawyer to analyze and deal with it, and it can be solved in as fast as 1-2 months. If you need professional infringement settlement services, or want to know whether your products are infringing, please leave a message for consultation~

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