
Enjoy a quality education! "Weicheng Exploration" of High-quality and Balanced Development of Compulsory Education

author:Tancheng Condenser

Based on the construction of a strong modern education area of "learning in Weicheng and learning to succeed", Weicheng District has thoroughly implemented the "Five Strong Empowering Education High-quality Development Strategy", vigorously promoted the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education, and promoted more and fairer educational development achievements to benefit the people in the district.

Enjoy a quality education! "Weicheng Exploration" of High-quality and Balanced Development of Compulsory Education
Enjoy a quality education! "Weicheng Exploration" of High-quality and Balanced Development of Compulsory Education

High-point positioning, overall planning

Complete and improve the work promotion mechanism


Enjoy a quality education! "Weicheng Exploration" of High-quality and Balanced Development of Compulsory Education

Weicheng District adheres to the strategy of giving priority to the development of education, takes the construction of a high-quality education system as the guide, and takes the creation of high-quality and balanced counties (cities and districts) of national compulsory education as the key task of the "14th Five-Year Plan", focusing on expanding excellence and improving quality, and comprehensively strengthening the leadership of the party in order to improve the three key points of school running conditions, education quality and people's satisfaction, adhere to the simultaneous development of five educations, optimize the distribution of resources, and actively promote the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education. The Standing Committee of the District Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the District Government, and the Education Work Leading Group of the District Party Committee study the education work twice a year, and the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee contacts the school to solve problems for education. In 2022, the "Three-Year Work Plan for the Creation of a National Compulsory Education High-quality and Balanced Development Zone in Weicheng District" will be formulated, clarifying 20 key points in 5 aspects, including goals, tasks, implementation measures, and implementation steps, and solidly promoting the creation of the work. At the same time, the establishment of a leading group headed by the head of the district, the leader of the education work leading group and the deputy head in charge of the district, and 20 departments as members, the establishment of monthly scheduling, quarterly notification, semi-annual summary and other promotion mechanisms, "one school, one policy" to carry out comprehensive self-examination and self-correction, the establishment of a list of accounts, one by one sales number management, and effectively and orderly promote the creation of the work to progress steadily and see practical results.

Enjoy a quality education! "Weicheng Exploration" of High-quality and Balanced Development of Compulsory Education
Enjoy a quality education! "Weicheng Exploration" of High-quality and Balanced Development of Compulsory Education
Enjoy a quality education! "Weicheng Exploration" of High-quality and Balanced Development of Compulsory Education

Increase investment and strengthen security

We will go all out to improve the conditions for running schools


Enjoy a quality education! "Weicheng Exploration" of High-quality and Balanced Development of Compulsory Education

Formulate the implementation plan of the "three-year action" for the construction of schools and kindergartens in Weicheng District, take "the best building is the school and the most beautiful scenery on campus" as the construction standard, raise 3 billion yuan in three years, build, renovate and expand 15 primary and secondary schools, 30 kindergartens, and add 24,000 high-quality degrees. Invest 130 million yuan to complete the renovation and upgrading of 21 school plastic sites, clean toilets and heating facilities, equip primary and secondary schools in the district with 21,093 sets of lunch break equipment and 41,288 sets of supporting bedding, update 8,000 sets of old desks and stools, ensure that 2,200 sets of information equipment are in place, and achieve full coverage of 5 items such as lunch break, plastic playground and touch all-in-one machine classroom. Promote the construction of standardized canteens in primary and secondary schools, invest 100 million yuan, build 10 new school canteens, renovate and upgrade 6 old canteens, and realize 100% of canteen management, bright kitchens, rapid inspection equipment, item procurement, and principals' meals, so as to meet the urgent needs of the masses to enjoy high-quality education at their doorsteps, and create a Weicheng education brand of "those who are near are happy, and those who are far away" are happy.

Enjoy a quality education! "Weicheng Exploration" of High-quality and Balanced Development of Compulsory Education
Enjoy a quality education! "Weicheng Exploration" of High-quality and Balanced Development of Compulsory Education
Enjoy a quality education! "Weicheng Exploration" of High-quality and Balanced Development of Compulsory Education

Deepen the reform of the group to run schools

Continue to optimize the allocation of educational resources


Enjoy a quality education! "Weicheng Exploration" of High-quality and Balanced Development of Compulsory Education

Solve the problem of "strong cities and weak villages" with group schooling, establish 7 education groups such as Weicheng Experiment, Weifang Foreign Chinese, Excellent Preschool Education, and Weizhou Lutai, strong schools with old schools, famous schools with new schools, and promote five key points of connotation development, team building, teaching and research, enrollment management, and cultural building in one body, and revitalize and drive the development of street schools. Steadily and prudently respond to the peak enrollment of the first grade of primary and secondary schools, improve the capacity of high-quality places in brand schools such as Zhiqun School and Nansanli Primary School by renovating apartments, merging teachers' offices, and building prefabricated teaching buildings, and increase the number of high-quality places by 4,680 to meet the needs of school-age students who are relatively nearby without entrance examinations. Adhere to the public welfare attribute of compulsory education, complete the conversion of 5 "public participation in the people" schools into public schools, and control the proportion of private school students in compulsory education schools in the whole region within 5%.

Enjoy a quality education! "Weicheng Exploration" of High-quality and Balanced Development of Compulsory Education
Enjoy a quality education! "Weicheng Exploration" of High-quality and Balanced Development of Compulsory Education
Enjoy a quality education! "Weicheng Exploration" of High-quality and Balanced Development of Compulsory Education

Precise policy implementation to introduce new and excellent education

Efforts should be made to strengthen the construction of the teaching staff


Enjoy a quality education! "Weicheng Exploration" of High-quality and Balanced Development of Compulsory Education

More than 1,400 outstanding teachers were openly selected from the society, including 200 teachers who graduated from "double first-class" undergraduates, provincial key normal colleges and master's degrees, and the average age of the teaching team dropped by 5 years. Formulate the "Famous Teachers and Principals Project Promotion Plan", select 30 backbone teachers to Shenzhen, Jiangsu, Beijing and other 5 places and 10 schools to follow the training, select 50 discipline leaders in batches to East China Normal University and other 4 colleges and universities for closed training, hold teaching skills competitions and other activities, three years of new Qilu famous principals, Qilu famous teachers, Qilu famous class teachers, Weifang City teaching experts and other outstanding teachers at or above the municipal level nearly 100, 30 schools were rated as national civilized campuses, national defense education demonstration schools, China Yinglian Education Base and other national brand honors.

Enjoy a quality education! "Weicheng Exploration" of High-quality and Balanced Development of Compulsory Education
Enjoy a quality education! "Weicheng Exploration" of High-quality and Balanced Development of Compulsory Education

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