
Sports Lottery Community Chest helps Weicheng sports industry "run forward"

author:Tancheng Condenser

The Sports Lottery Community Chest has always been an important driving force for the development of sports. In recent years, thanks to the strong assistance of the Sports Lottery Community Chest, Weicheng sports has made great progress and remarkable achievements, providing a solid guarantee for school sports, and also providing Weicheng residents with richer sports activities and better sports facilities.

Sports Lottery Community Chest helps Weicheng sports industry "run forward"
Sports Lottery Community Chest helps Weicheng sports industry "run forward"
Sports Lottery Community Chest helps Weicheng sports industry "run forward"

Teluk Intan Sports Park

Sports Lottery Community Chest helps Weicheng sports industry "run forward"
Sports Lottery Community Chest helps Weicheng sports industry "run forward"

City Central Park

Sports Lottery Community Chest helps Weicheng sports industry "run forward"

The construction of facilities has been greatly improved

A number of activity venues and fitness paths in Weicheng District have been built and put into use, which not only enhances the image of the city, but more importantly, provides convenient sports venues for citizens. In the past, citizens who wanted to do physical exercise often faced the problem of insufficient space, but now, this situation has been fundamentally changed. Children have a safe place to exercise after school, and the elderly can also carry out leisure activities in a comfortable environment, which greatly improves the quality of cultural and sports life of residents.

Sports Lottery Community Chest helps Weicheng sports industry "run forward"
Sports Lottery Community Chest helps Weicheng sports industry "run forward"
Sports Lottery Community Chest helps Weicheng sports industry "run forward"

The connotation of sports continues to improve

By funding various sports events and activities, the Sports Lottery Community Chest has stimulated the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in sports and improved the level of sports competition. In 2023, the District Finance Bureau will allocate a total of more than 20 yuan to the Sports Lottery Community Chest, jointly hold various events such as the National Fitness Games and the "Smile V City" Marathon, and promote our district to actively participate in sports activities such as the 21st Weifang Games. The diversified sports program enriches the spiritual and cultural life of the residents, and at the same time discovers and cultivates a group of sports talents.

Sports Lottery Community Chest helps Weicheng sports industry "run forward"
Sports Lottery Community Chest helps Weicheng sports industry "run forward"
Sports Lottery Community Chest helps Weicheng sports industry "run forward"

The integration of sports and education has been carried out in depth

In addition to mass sports activities, the Sports Lottery Community Chest is also actively involved in the cultivation of sports talents and the holding of events in various schools. With the help and support of the Sports Lottery Community Chest, Weicheng District actively promotes the integration of sports and education, and builds brands such as Weifang No. 3 Middle School Volleyball, Junbukou Primary School Football, and Zhiqun School Swimming with the new model of "1+N" sports and education integration, so that every child can find an adaptive growth track. The women's volleyball team of Weifang No. 3 Middle School won the championship of the Shandong Provincial Primary and Secondary School Volleyball League, the Junbukou Central Primary School won the championship of the women's football competition of the Shandong Sports League, and the Weicheng team won gold and silver in the 21st Municipal Games, ranking among the top in the number of medals. Through the organization of various competitions and exchange activities, it not only stimulates the enthusiasm of young people for sports, but also cultivates a group of outstanding sports talents, which adds color to the rapid development of Weicheng's sports industry!

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