
Yicheng District: Expand investment to promote consumption, release the potential of domestic demand, and boost high-quality economic development

author:Yicheng released

Since the beginning of this year, Yicheng District has paid close attention to project construction, strengthened the producer service industry, expanded the tourism and cultural industry, stimulated the vitality of the consumer market, and accelerated the high-quality economic development of the whole district.

The district adheres to the principle of "project is king", closely follows the national policy trends, pays close attention to the development of leading industries, plans to lay out a number of pilot, demonstrative and leading projects, and strives to include more projects such as Xiangshuitan pumped storage into the "plate" of the superior planning, so as to realize the echelon layout and stubble advancement of the project.

Yicheng District: Expand investment to promote consumption, release the potential of domestic demand, and boost high-quality economic development

Strengthen the concentrated attack, give full play to the role of "one office, five departments and four special classes", implement the "three batches" projects on a rolling basis, actively strive for national bonds, special bonds and investment in the central budget, and ensure that the project start-up rate and fund payment rate are higher than the city's average level. Focus on the implementation of the construction of Zhongqiao integrated circuit, Lixing laser, Tianyi precision and other projects. Speed up the construction of roads such as the eastward relocation and reconstruction of G107 and the southern extension of Caishi Street.

Yicheng District: Expand investment to promote consumption, release the potential of domestic demand, and boost high-quality economic development

Relying on the leading advantages of Hengda Logistics and Mazhuang Railway Logistics, focusing on bulk commodity logistics, cold chain logistics and e-commerce logistics, we will create a modern logistics operation system of "channel + hub + network". Implement financial support policies, guide financial institutions to increase support for advanced manufacturing, green transformation, digital economy, etc., and further reduce costs and increase efficiency. Implement the plan for the multiplication of the producer service industry, actively develop modern service industries such as R&D and design, intermediary consulting, and supply chain finance, and build a new system for the service industry.

Yicheng District: Expand investment to promote consumption, release the potential of domestic demand, and boost high-quality economic development

Accelerate the construction of cultural and creative parks, focus on promoting the construction of Huaqiang Fangte, Yueshanju and other projects, and support the upgrading and creation of scenic spots such as Jinding Mountain, Royal Station, Countryside Shiguang, and Sanqiu Vinegar Expo Park. Develop rural characteristic tourism, strengthen the "deep breathing" ecological brand, and build 3 boutique homestays. Cultivate and develop the new format of "tourism +", strengthen extensive cooperation with mainstream media and new media, plan creative festival activities, carry out the promotion of high-quality routes, accelerate the construction of Yicheng cultural tourism brand, and strive to receive more than 12 million tourists and 7 billion yuan in comprehensive income throughout the year.

Yicheng District: Expand investment to promote consumption, release the potential of domestic demand, and boost high-quality economic development

With the "Year of Consumption Promotion" as the main line, we will implement policies and measures to promote consumption, increase public service spending, innovate consumer financial products, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. Hold a series of consumption promotion activities such as online shopping festivals, beer festivals, and folk culture festivals, activate bulk consumption such as housing, automobiles, and home appliances, and boost consumption in accommodation, housekeeping, elderly care, childcare and other services, so as to form new consumption growth points. Support the development of smart stores, live broadcast e-commerce, and social e-commerce, and create landmark business districts, characteristic blocks, and traffic first stores. Support the digital transformation and upgrading of traditional commercial and trade enterprises and professional markets, vigorously develop digital, green and healthy consumption, and promote the coordinated development of online and offline consumption and consumption in different formats.

(Yang Junmin, Feng Shuai, text/photo)

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