
The two officially announced their marriage and rushed to the top of the hot search! Netizens exploded: What the hell is she?


At the beginning of May, Hunan sister Jiang Mengnan got married and tied the knot with her Tsinghua classmates!

This was an ordinary wedding, but it was on the hot search because of Jiang Mengnan's special identity.

The two officially announced their marriage and rushed to the top of the hot search! Netizens exploded: What the hell is she?

Source: People's Daily

Countless netizens blessed with tears:

"Hearing that she got married was even happier than getting married."

"In this world, no one deserves to be happier than her!"

Actually, the name Jiang Mengnan is not unfamiliar.

As early as two years ago, she became the "Person of the Year 2021 Who Moved China" with her inspirational story.

The two officially announced their marriage and rushed to the top of the hot search! Netizens exploded: What the hell is she?

Source: CCTV News

She is an angel with folded wings, suffered from neurological deafness at the age of half a year, and grew up alone in a silent world.

However, she is so unfortunate, but with extraordinary perseverance, she has allowed herself to have an extremely wonderful life.

She completed her compulsory education by reading the teacher's lip language, and obtained a doctorate from Tsinghua University with countless days and nights of hard study.

She has never regarded herself as a weakling, and even if she suffers, she can still comfort and encourage others.

After reading her story, I couldn't help but sigh that the existence of human beings is really small and concrete, like grass blown by fate.

But as long as you grit your teeth and take root steadily, no matter how strong the wind is, you can't do anything to people.

Writer Chen Zhongzhong said: "The world is two words: blessings and misfortunes. Half of the two words are the same, half of them are different, and they are both implicated in each other. ”

In this life, people depend on each other, sorrows and joys, and always have to go through tribulations and tests.

Only a truly strong person can calmly cope with the ups and downs of life.

The two officially announced their marriage and rushed to the top of the hot search! Netizens exploded: What the hell is she?
The two officially announced their marriage and rushed to the top of the hot search! Netizens exploded: What the hell is she?

The fate of human beings is not the same, but the undertone of suffering is more or less the same

In 1992, Jiang Mengnan was born in a small Yao town.

Her parents named her Mengnan, hoping that she would "have a quiet time and dream of Jiangnan".

But God did not fulfill people's wishes, when Jiang Mengnan was half a year old, ototoxic drugs caused her to suffer from severe neural deafness.

The world suddenly became silent, and she could no longer hear the beautiful voice, let alone the call of her parents.

Looking at the poor daughter, the parents were like knives, and took Jiang Mengnan to various hospitals.

It's a pity that every time I go to the doctor, I am told that there is no possibility of a cure at all.

Hope, in this way, was repeatedly shattered in the fruitless trek again and again.

The two officially announced their marriage and rushed to the top of the hot search! Netizens exploded: What the hell is she?

Source: People's Daily

However, when Jiang Mengnan was one and a half years old, a turning point appeared.

That day, while she was playing, she suddenly let out an "ahhhhh

This vague "ah" sounds like "Mom" and "Dad" to parents.

From that day on, the parents taught their daughter to practice lip styling in front of the mirror, starting with the simplest syllables.

They asked their daughter to touch her throat, feel the vibrations of her vocal cords, and put her hand in front of her mouth to feel the airflow as she spoke.

When Jiang Mengnan was a little older, she practiced on the news programs on TV by herself.

This kind of listening and speaking training lasted until Mengnan was 6 years old, and when she entered elementary school, she could "listen" to the teacher's words with her lips.

In addition, Jiang Mengnan also studied as much as she could, reading several times more than her peers, and even memorized more than 100 pages of idiom dictionaries.

She was training while others were playing and playing; When others have nothing to do, she is brushing up on questions, memorizing, and doing homework.

In this way, relying on extreme self-discipline and the efforts of no one else, Jiang Mengnan broke through all the way until he was admitted to a prestigious school.

The two officially announced their marriage and rushed to the top of the hot search! Netizens exploded: What the hell is she?

Source: People's Daily

She once said that life is an adventure game, the map is not illuminated from the beginning, and I need to light the map in my own way.

No one's life is smooth sailing, whose life has no ups and downs, whose life has not stumbled?

Everyone's fate is not the same, but the background of pain is more or less the same.

Someone has prepared everything, but the east wind just doesn't come; Some people are about to succeed, but their bodies are suddenly sick; There are also people who live a down-to-earth life, but they still can't escape the unexpected and impermanence.

If we surrender early, we will always be at the mercy of fate.

Only by lighting the torch of life by oneself can one find a way out of all difficulties.

The two officially announced their marriage and rushed to the top of the hot search! Netizens exploded: What the hell is she?

Source: People's Daily

The two officially announced their marriage and rushed to the top of the hot search! Netizens exploded: What the hell is she?

In the gladiatorial arena of life, those who survive are ruthless characters

Someone asked Barkin, "What kind of person should we be?" ”

Ba Jin said, "Be a warrior. ”

Someone else asked, "What should we do with life?" ”

Ba Jin still said, "Be a warrior." ”

After all, in the gladiatorial arena of life, those who can survive are always ruthless characters like warriors.

A few days ago, during the commemoration of the Wenchuan earthquake, someone once again mentioned the "steel-legged girl" Niu Yu.

The two officially announced their marriage and rushed to the top of the hot search! Netizens exploded: What the hell is she?

She lost her right leg to a natural disaster, but she wore a prosthetic leg and walked on the catwalk, living a radiant life.

When he first wore a prosthesis, Niu Yu's body and mind were trying his best to resist.

The ulceration and bleeding of her leg made her feel the pain of piercing her heart; The eyes of the outside world made her nervous again.

But she told herself that blindly avoiding can only have nowhere to hide, and she must bravely face the crowd and face herself.

boring and torturous rehabilitation training, she stubbornly went on her head; Work, sports, socializing, she is bold.

Interact with netizens online, go to fashion week catwalks, and participate in outdoor sports......

The two officially announced their marriage and rushed to the top of the hot search! Netizens exploded: What the hell is she?

Gradually, the gloom that hung over life dissipated, and the sun shone through the clouds.

Today's Niu Yu, like Jiang Mengnan, not only lives out of himself, but also has love.

She is like a flower blooming warmly, reaping her own happiness in the nourishment of love.

The two officially announced their marriage and rushed to the top of the hot search! Netizens exploded: What the hell is she?

Behind every relaxed smile, there is a soul that grits its its teeth.

Life is in the world, the road is full of thorns, and there is no one who walks through it without being injured or scarred.

But as long as you are tenacious and self-reliant enough, there will be a turning point in suffering, and there will be treasures in desperate situations.

The pain you have suffered has tempered your tenacity; The losses you have suffered have increased your wisdom; The road you have traveled has enriched your experience.

And these gifts of fate are all to reward the uncompromising self.

Just like the historian Xu Zhuoyun, even if he could not walk normally for the rest of his life, with crutches and a wheelchair, he was able to study overseas, write books and speak, and become a university scholar admired by everyone.

When he was a guest on "Thirteen Invitations", the host asked him if he had any life secrets.

Xu Zhuoyun said: "My secret is to live every day with heart. ”

Fate sometimes rubs and life sometimes hinders, but as long as the heart is strong, it is difficult for people to be defeated.

The two officially announced their marriage and rushed to the top of the hot search! Netizens exploded: What the hell is she?

People who are not crushed by fate have lived to be winners in life

There was an article in "Reader" (Campus Edition) - "Spit Words with Heart, Return to Sound with Love".

The two officially announced their marriage and rushed to the top of the hot search! Netizens exploded: What the hell is she?

"Reader" (Campus Edition) Issue 5, 2024

In the article, Dong Lina, a visually impaired girl, told her story.

She was born in a poor village in northeastern China, where her parents were farmers farming on the black soil.

In the days of lack of food and clothing, it is a problem to eat, let alone cure eye diseases.

Therefore, when Dong Lina was 10 years old, she was completely blind and could only go to a school for the blind and deaf.

In the eyes of the outside world, her life has long been destined - to learn massage and engage in blind massage in the future.

But Dong Lina didn't believe in fate, and vowed to live another life and realize her dream of broadcasting and hosting.

The two officially announced their marriage and rushed to the top of the hot search! Netizens exploded: What the hell is she?

When she went to school, she flipped through the brick-thick Braille books; After graduating, she worked part-time while studying intensively.

When night fell, she hugged the radio and listened to the radio host repeatedly, imitating it word for word.

She practiced this kind of reading training for three years, and finally waited for an opportunity for public welfare training in 2006.

After more arduous training, 6 months later, she obtained the Mandarin Level 1 A certificate with a high score of 97.8.

4 years later, she participated in CCTV's recitation competition, and completely conquered the judge at that time, Mr. Jing Yidan, with her professional and vivid voice.

Then, Dong Lina's life was like a hanging.

The two officially announced their marriage and rushed to the top of the hot search! Netizens exploded: What the hell is she?

first won the second prize of the competition, and then went to the Communication University of China for further study at the recommendation of the judging team;

After graduating in 2015, she successfully joined CCTV and became the host of "Lina Reading Time";

In 2020, she was admitted to the Communication University of China as a graduate student, and successfully completed her studies last year.

The two officially announced their marriage and rushed to the top of the hot search! Netizens exploded: What the hell is she?

The short video of her graduation speech swept the Internet at the time.

In that graduation speech that touched countless people, Dong Lina said:

"May we have dreams in our hearts, insist on love, and always be down-to-earth, calm and calm, no matter where we are. May we achieve ourselves, others, and the world in our respective lives. ”

The two officially announced their marriage and rushed to the top of the hot search! Netizens exploded: What the hell is she?

Many netizens said that she "spit out words with her heart and return to her voice with love", but what is more meaningful is that she once again confirmed a truth:

People who are not defeated by fate eventually live as winners in life.

Shi Tiesheng wrote in "Broken Pen in the Sick Gap":

One cannot run away from suffering, nor can one give up hope—and it is in this sense that God exists. Fate does not take bribes, but hope is with you, this is the true meaning of faith, is the way of believers. ”

No one likes suffering, but suffering comes uninvited; Nobody likes bad, bad is a part of life.

The road of life seems to be blocked, but as long as you don't give up, you can always survive in a desperate situation.

The two officially announced their marriage and rushed to the top of the hot search! Netizens exploded: What the hell is she?

In 2018, before Jiang Mengnan reported to Tsinghua University, he underwent cochlear implant surgery.

For the first time, she heard the cuckoo call, the roar of the rain, and the chirping of cicadas on a summer day......

Now, what is even more gratifying is that she has found her true love and is living happily ever after.

The two officially announced their marriage and rushed to the top of the hot search! Netizens exploded: What the hell is she?

Source: People's Daily

I once read a statement in "The Reader":

The human heart should be a closed circle.

As long as we are fully satisfied, we will be able to fill our lives without relying on anyone.

This is what we often say, "self-sufficiency in nature, without pretense".

There is no such thing as a savior in this world, and all miracles can only be created by oneself.

When you mediate with all your heart and life, time will naturally give you everything you want.

Everyone will go through a period of dumbness, but please believe that we will always have what it takes to get through it.

Encourage your friends.

The two officially announced their marriage and rushed to the top of the hot search! Netizens exploded: What the hell is she?

Author: Jin Shanyue. Some of the pictures in the article are from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.