
To identify osteoporosis, Shihudang Town Community Health Service Center can do this →

author:Shanghai Songjiang
To identify osteoporosis, Shihudang Town Community Health Service Center can do this →

In order to meet the needs of residents for medical treatment and identify osteoporosis as soon as possible, the Shihudang Town Community Health Service Center has added a dual-energy X-ray bone densitometer.

To identify osteoporosis, Shihudang Town Community Health Service Center can do this →

Inspection time: Monday to Friday 8:00-11:00, 12:30-16:00 (holidays are subject to on-site scheduling)

Examination location: Radiology Department on the first floor of the central outpatient building (No. 1~5, Lane 50, Yanshou Road, Shihudang Town)

Consultation number: Dr. Tang 18121170310

To identify osteoporosis, Shihudang Town Community Health Service Center can do this →


1. Please measure your height and weight before the examination;

2. Please keep your valuables properly, and your family members will wait outside the examination room;

3. DXA bone density test is prohibited in pregnant women;

4. Enhanced CT, angiography, barium swallow of digestive tract, nuclear medicine isotope examination, and bone density examination were not performed within 7 days;

5. If you have had surgery on the lumbar spine and hip joint, please inform the examiner in advance;

6. Pacemakers, inserted surgical nail plates, radioactive metal implants, etc., will interfere with machine scanning, please inform the inspectors;

7. Please remove the metal objects you are wearing, such as mobile phones, bracelets, keys, buttons, zippers, and belts before inspection;

8. Patients who wear insulin pumps, ambulatory glucose monitors, ambulatory electrocardiograms, etc., need to remove the instruments for bone density examination;

9. Avoid collision and trampling on instruments and equipment;

10. Do not enter the examination room without the consent of the inspectors.

About bone mineral density and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry

Bone mineral density, also known as "bone mineral density", refers to the amount of minerals per square centimeter of bone, which is a physical quantity that medically reflects bone strength. Bone mineral density is a very commonly used criterion for judging human bone quality, and is often used as a basis for clinical prediction of fracture likelihood, and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the use of bone densitometry to diagnose osteoporosis.

Dual-energy X-ray bone densitometer is an instrument used to measure bone density, using two kinds of X-rays, low energy and high energy, irradiating the lumbar spine and the left and right hip joints, using the difference in the absorption rate of different rays by bone and soft tissues to determine bone density, the radiation amount is only equivalent to 1/30 of a chest X-ray, and the sensitivity and accuracy are very high, has become the "gold index" of clinical diagnosis of osteoporosis.

What are the advantages of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry?

1. High measurement accuracy: Dual-energy X-ray absorptinometer adopts X-ray dual-energy technology, which can measure bone density more accurately and provide more accurate diagnostic results.

2. Simple operation: The operation of dual-energy X-ray bone densitometer is simple, and it can be operated through the screen, making the operation more convenient and fast.

3. High safety: Dual-energy X-ray absorptinometer uses X-rays, but the amount of radiation from X-rays is very small and will not cause harm to patients.

4. Low cost: The cost of dual-energy X-ray absorptinometer is relatively low, which can detect osteoporosis more affordably.

How do I interpret a bone density report?

Bone mineral density T value measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry

To identify osteoporosis, Shihudang Town Community Health Service Center can do this →
To identify osteoporosis, Shihudang Town Community Health Service Center can do this →

Who recommends a bone density test?

Bone densitometry is recommended in accordance with any of the following recommendations:

1. IOF osteoporosis risk one minute test question positive

To identify osteoporosis, Shihudang Town Community Health Service Center can do this →

2. OSTA (Osteoporosis Self-Screening Tool for Asians) index <-1

To identify osteoporosis, Shihudang Town Community Health Service Center can do this →

3. Have the following risk factors for osteoporosis. It is divided into uncontrollable factors and controllable factors.

Uncontrollable factors: including ethnicity, age, female menopause, family history of fragility fractures, etc.

Controlling Factors:

(1) Unhealthy lifestyle: low physical activity, insufficient sun exposure, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, calcium and/or vitamin D deficiency, excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages, nutritional imbalance, excessive or insufficient protein intake, high-sodium diet, low body weight, etc.

(2) Diseases affecting bone metabolism: including hypogonadism, diabetes, hyperthyroidism and other endocrine system diseases, rheumatic immune diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, blood system diseases, neuromuscular diseases, chronic liver, kidney, cardiopulmonary diseases, etc.

(3) Drugs affecting bone metabolism: including glucocorticoids, proton pump inhibitors, antiepileptic drugs, aromatase inhibitors, gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues, antiviral drugs, thiazolidinediones and excess thyroid hormones.

Take a minute to scan the code and test

Are you at risk of osteoporosis?

Contributed by: Shihudang Town Sub-center

Editor: Han Jiayi

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