
Tongzi octogenarian took his 4 children to court!

author:Loushan Pass


Tongzi County People's Court Dam and Pond Court

In Huangping Village, Shixi Town

The circuit was heard together

The octogenarian sued four children

Alimony dispute cases

Local village cadres and some members of the public attended the trial

83-year-old Lou Moumou gave birth to a son and three daughters and was widowed at an early age, with the growth of age, his health deteriorated and life was difficult, and now he lives alone in the old house. The lawsuit was brought to court because the four children did not fulfill their maintenance obligations.

Tongzi octogenarian took his 4 children to court!

After the Dam and Pond Court accepted the case, considering that Lou Moumou was over 80 years old and had difficulty moving, in order to facilitate the mass litigation and at the same time achieve the effect of "hearing one case and educating one", the judge undertaking the case decided to go to the original defendant's residence to hear the case in open court. More than 100 local village cadres and the masses came to observe.

Tongzi octogenarian took his 4 children to court!

During the trial, the presiding judge again explained the law and reasoned on the legal issues involved, and the four defendants all expressed their willingness to perform their maintenance obligations, but did not reach an agreement on the way to perform. After the conclusion of the court debate, the presiding judge pronounces the verdict in court, and all parties accept the judgment and dismiss the lawsuit.

Tongzi octogenarian took his 4 children to court!

After the trial, the undertaking judge gave lectures and provided legal advice to the masses around the protection of the rights and interests of the elderly and women, and distributed more than 300 copies of publicity materials related to the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China to the masses.

(Source: Tongzi Court)