
Man abused by landlord over rent surrender dispute? Police report: 4 people were detained for beating each other|Today's rule of law hardcore

author:Shanghai Legal News

Man abused by landlord over rent surrender dispute?

Police report: 4 people were detained for beating each other Recently, a netizen in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province posted a video saying that he had a conflict with the landlord due to the deposit issue when checking out, and was beaten and abused by the landlord, and the related news attracted attention. On May 15, the Shangcheng District Branch of the Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau issued a police report on the matter, saying that tenants Shu Mouxin and Liu had a dispute with the landlords Zhou Mouping and Wu Mouping and Wu Mou, and the four were administratively detained. The full text of the notice is as follows: Regarding the video of "a man was abused by the landlord due to a dispute over a rent return deposit" circulated on the Internet, our bureau has been investigated on May 14. It has been ascertained that Shu Mouxin (male, 27 years old) and Liu Mou (male, 26 years old) share a house, and at about 15 o'clock on May 14, 2024, due to the expiration of the rent, and engaged in hygiene problems, there was a dispute with the landlord Zhou Mouping (female, 45 years old) and Wu Mou (male, 20 years old) mother and son, and then the two sides beat each other, causing injuries of varying degrees. At present, the four people have been administratively detained by the public security organs in accordance with the law for assaulting others. Among them, Wu's abusive conduct was separately punished as a public insult to others and enforced together. The police remind: Hangzhou is a civilized, harmonious and tolerant city, please deal with conflicts and disputes rationally and peacefully, jointly maintain the image of the city, and protect the beautiful homeland.

Man abused by landlord over rent surrender dispute? Police report: 4 people were detained for beating each other|Today's rule of law hardcore

Synthesized from the Shangcheng police and Jiupai News

●National political and legal news●

Oil prices will be lowered at 24 o'clock tonight! Save 9 yuan for a tank of oil

According to the monitoring of the Price Monitoring Center of the National Development and Reform Commission, international oil prices fell during the current round of refined oil price adjustment cycle (April 29 to May 14). On average, London Brent and New York WTI oil prices fell by 4.8% compared with the previous price adjustment cycle. On May 15, according to the website of the National Development and Reform Commission, according to the recent changes in oil prices in the international market, in accordance with the current refined oil price formation mechanism, from 24 o'clock on May 15, domestic gasoline and diesel prices (standard products) were reduced by 235 yuan and 225 yuan per ton respectively. The relevant price linkage and subsidy policies shall be implemented in accordance with the current regulations.

From now on, foreign tour groups can enter China without a visa when they come to China on cruise ships

Today (15th), the reporter learned from the press conference held by the National Immigration Administration that from May 15, 2024, foreign tour groups (2 or more) who come to China by cruise ship and are received by domestic travel agencies can enter the country without a visa for no more than 15 days from the cruise ports of 13 cities including Tianjin, Dalian, Liaoning, Shanghai, Lianyungang, Jiangsu, Wenzhou and Zhoushan, Zhejiang, Xiamen, Fujian, Qingdao, Shandong, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, Guangdong, Beihai, Hainan, Haikou and Sanya, Guangdong. The tour group must go to the next port with the same cruise ship until the cruise leaves the country, and the scope of activities is coastal provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) and Beijing. At the same time, in order to support the development of cruise tourism, it was decided to add seven cruise ports in Dalian, Lianyungang, Wenzhou, Zhoushan, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Beihai and other places to be applicable to China's transit visa-free policy, so as to facilitate foreign passengers who meet the conditions of China's transit visa-free policy to take cruise ships.

●Local political and legal news●

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Qu Min, former vice chairman of the Heilongjiang Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, was sued, and prosecutors accused him of accepting bribes for more than 20 years

On May 15, the Supreme People's Procuratorate (hereinafter referred to as the "Supreme People's Procuratorate") announced that the case of Qu Min, a former member of the party group and vice chairman of the Heilongjiang Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, who was suspected of accepting bribes, was investigated by the State Supervision Commission, and was designated by the Supreme People's Procuratorate to review and prosecute by the Wenzhou City Procuratorate in Zhejiang Province. Recently, the Wenzhou Municipal Procuratorate of Zhejiang Province has filed a public prosecution with the Intermediate Court of Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province.

Man abused by landlord over rent surrender dispute? Police report: 4 people were detained for beating each other|Today's rule of law hardcore

●Hot News●

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Man abused by landlord over rent surrender dispute? Police report: 4 people were detained for beating each other|Today's rule of law hardcore

●Case Focus●

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Synthesized from surging news, CCTV news, Xinhua News Agency, Dawan news, Jiupai news, etc