
Liu Zongyuan drank at night in the West Pavilion and wrote a popular masterpiece, which can be compared with "Jiang Xue".

author:Liu Lingzi candy

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"One body went to the country for six thousand miles, and died for 12 years", after the failure of Yongzhen's reform, Liu Zongyuan was demoted to Yongzhou, and the long road was long, and he went to the country and left Beijing, traveled thousands of miles, and went through hardships.

"Finally willing to be the people of Yongzhou", when he first arrived in Yongzhou, Liu Zongyuan was tormented physically and mentally, and changed from the fourth year of Yuanhe (809) on September 28, the view of the west pavilion of Fahua Temple.

In the west pavilion of Fahua Temple, he discovered the strange scenery of the West Mountain, came to enjoy it in person, and suddenly felt open-minded, and also found the extremely beautiful scenery of the foolish river on the west bank of Xiaoshui.

"I have been tired of the hairpin group for a long time, but fortunately I have been in the south of the country", buying land to build houses, knotting thatched trees and vegetables, because of Yuxi, Liu Zongyuan has a long-term plan to settle in Yongzhou, and the depression has also been alleviated.

The West Pavilion of Fahua Temple, carrying the joys and sorrows of Liu Zongyuan at that time, gave him infinite longing, "Fahua Temple West Pavilion Night Drink" was made in the fourth year of Yuan and Yuan, which is his rare expansive work.

Liu Zongyuan drank at night in the West Pavilion and wrote a popular masterpiece, which can be compared with "Jiang Xue".

Gishu Sunset Pavilion, pouring samadhi wine.

The fog and dark water are connected with steps, and the moonlight flowers are covered.

Don't get tired of getting drunk in front of the bottle, and look at each other without white heads. ——Tang Liu Zongyuan, "Night Drink in the West Pavilion of Fahua Temple"

Short translation:

The sun is setting late, and the west pavilion of Fahua Temple is shrouded in the afterglow of the setting sun, so let's throw away the distracting thoughts in our hearts and raise a glass to drink.

Late at night, the water in the hazy mist flooded the steps of the West Pavilion, and the bright moonlight cast beautiful flower shadows on the windows.

Why worry about getting drunk in front of the bottle tonight, look at each other, who is not full of green silk, we are still young, and there is a future to look forward to.

Liu Zongyuan drank at night in the West Pavilion and wrote a popular masterpiece, which can be compared with "Jiang Xue".

Writing Background:

Liu Zongyuan first arrived in Yongzhou, living in the west of the city Longxing Temple, "five years, four for the fire force", because Longxing Temple is a wooden structure of the building, in the four or five years of Liu Zongyuan's residence, there were many fires.

In the fourth year of Yuanhe (809), Liu Zongyuan moved to Fahua Temple not far from Longxing Temple, Fahua Temple is also known as Gaoshan Temple, was founded in the early Tang Dynasty, located at the top of Dongshan Mountain, Lingling District, Yongzhou City, is the highest place in the city, and has a very wide field of vision.

"It is to take the rank of the official, think that its pavilion, its high and wide, cover the abbot of the two Yan", after moving to Fahua Temple, Liu Zongyuan also funded the construction of a tall and spacious pavilion in the open space in the west of the temple, named "West Pavilion".

"In order to face the wind and rain, the beginning of the observation of things, and the beginning of the wind", because of the love of the scenery of the West Pavilion, after that, Liu Zongyuan often gathered with friends in the West Pavilion, enjoying the scenery, feasting, singing, poetry, wine, singing, often until late at night, drunk Fang returned.

In the second year of Yuanhe, Fuzhou assassinated Shi Nan Chenghei to depreciate Yongzhou, and in the third year of Yuanhe, Wu Wuling, a scholar of Hanlin, was exiled to Yongzhou, and in the fourth year of Yuanhe, Yushi Yuan degraded Yongzhou, and they were also fallen people at the end of the world, and they cherished each other with Liu Zongyuan.

"Those who are south of Hengxiang are all taught by Zihou. Those who have passed through the mouth of the mouth to say that finger painting is a literary word, there is a considerable degree of law", and at that time, Xiaoxiang students came to study under Liu Zongyuan, so there were many literati around him.

"Fahua Temple West Pavilion Night Drink" was made in the fourth year of Yuan He (809 years), that is, Yuan Keji just came to Yongzhou not long after, according to Liu Zongyuan in the "Fahua Temple West Pavilion Night Drink Fu Poem Preface", the West Pavilion banquet, a total of eight people.

Liu Zongyuan drank at night in the West Pavilion and wrote a popular masterpiece, which can be compared with "Jiang Xue".

Poetry Appreciation:

When he first arrived in Yongzhou, Liu Zongyuan was lonely and hopeless, full of sadness, and no matter how beautiful the scenery was, he could not arouse his interest.

From the Central Plains to the remote wilderness, Liu Zongyuan had difficulty adapting to the hot and humid here, and he had a lot of discomfort in eating and drinking, and he was often sick, not to mention living in a home.

Four or five years have passed, and Liu Zongyuan has gradually adapted to the climate here, and there are many friends around him who are sympathetic to the same illness and students who are humble enough to learn.

Therefore, his mood gradually improved, less of the depression and despair when he first degraded Yongzhou, and more of his spaciousness and pride, sending his love to the mountains and rivers, and reading and writing.

"Don't get tired of getting drunk in front of the bottle, and look at each other before the white head", this poem "Night Drink in the West Pavilion of Fahua Temple" wrote Liu Zongyuan's heroic and positive optimism at that time.

"祇 (qí) tree sunset pavilion, pour samadhi wine together", the first two sentences begin directly, writing the place and time of the party, and directly expressing the heroic feelings of the mood.

"祇 (qí) tree" is the tree to the garden of solitude, the temporary residence of Shakyamuni when he preached the scriptures in the country, here refers to the Fahua Temple, and the sunset pavilion is the west pavilion.

"Samadhi" is a Buddhist language, which means calm mind and distracting thoughts, and these two sentences are also the words of consolation when Liu Zongyuan, as the host, beckoned everyone to take their seats.

The Garden of Solitude is the temporary abode of the Buddha, and we degraded people, like him, came south to Yongzhou, but it is just a stage in our lives.

So, don't be sad and sad, put all the unpleasant things behind you for a while, and we're here tonight, just have a drink and talk and laugh to your heart's content.

Liu Zongyuan drank at night in the West Pavilion and wrote a popular masterpiece, which can be compared with "Jiang Xue".

"The fog and dark water are connected with steps, and the moonlight is covered with flowers", the same people who have fallen from the end of the world, who are singing about wine and sympathizing with each other's confidants, are naturally less than a thousand cups of wine confidants.

From the setting sun to the moon, the warm atmosphere in this banquet has not diminished in the slightest, and in the night, the water of the pond has overflowed the stone steps, and the shadows of flowers are reflected in the window lattice.

These two sentences are quiet and tranquil, very poetic and picturesque, which makes people feel new and warm, and also writes the quiet of the poet's heart at that time, forgetting the sorrow, only happiness slowly.

"Don't get drunk before the bottle, and look at each other not white", the last two sentences are not only to encourage friends, but also to comfort themselves, at that time, Liu Zongyuan was 37 years old and was in the prime of life.

And Wu Wuling and others are also on a par with Liu Zongyuan, so he encouraged his friends that there is still a long way to go in life, and don't be discouraged.

Only by maintaining a positive attitude can we have a healthy physique, can we keep the clouds open and see the moon, and not be pessimistic and disappointed, and there will be infinite possibilities and hopes.

Life has abused me thousands of times, and I treat life like my first love. Despite repeated blows, Liu Zongyuan never gave up the ideals in his heart and was still able to face the present with a sense of openness.

Liu Zongyuan's sonorous and powerful words will definitely comfort the friends in the depths, and life can be easy to walk with a rush and hope.

Liu Zongyuan drank at night in the West Pavilion and wrote a popular masterpiece, which can be compared with "Jiang Xue".


"Coming and going is not meeting people, long song Chu Tianbi", innocent and degraded to the Southern Wilderness, lonely and cold, Liu Zongyuan is unlucky, but this trip has made him achieve outstanding literary achievements.

It was a casual glimpse in the west pavilion of Fahua Temple that Liu Zongyuan discovered the strange scenery of the West Mountain, and went to visit and play in person, so he walked out of Yongzhou City to the west bank of Xiaoshui.

Cobalt Mother Pond, West Hill, Small Stone Pond and many other places with excellent scenery have also been discovered one after another, following the "Travels to the West Mountain Banquet", he wrote the famous "Yongzhou Eight Notes".

Yongzhou is the golden stage of Liu Zongyuan's literary creation, and about 500 of the nearly 700 poems and essays in his life were written in Yongzhou.

is also as expansive as Su Shi, Liu Zongyuan's "Night Drink in the West Pavilion of Fahua Temple" also wrote a rare heroic and expansive in his life, which is popular and comparable to "Jiang Xue". #以书之名#

Reference: "New Tang Dynasty Book: The Biography of Liu Zongyuan"

Liu Zongyuan drank at night in the West Pavilion and wrote a popular masterpiece, which can be compared with "Jiang Xue".

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