
To lose weight, please stop doing these 11 things right away

author:Gain muscle and lose fat

To lose weight, please stop doing these 11 things now, so that you can lose weight faster!

To lose weight, please stop doing these 11 things right away

1. Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water, taking the initiative to drink water helps the body's metabolism and accelerates fat decomposition. Studies have found that people who drink more than 2 liters of water per day lose weight 10% faster than those who don't like to drink water.

2. Don't be sedentary for a long time, sit for 1 hour and get up and move for 10 minutes, do squats, tiptoe to promote blood circulation, which can prevent backache and back pain, and strengthen calorie consumption at the same time.

To lose weight, please stop doing these 11 things right away

3. Don't eat takeout, or all kinds of dinners constantly, be sure to cook by yourself, the combination of three points of meat and seven points of vegetables, and eating eight points of full can allow you to control your calorie intake and slowly lose weight.

4. Don't consume too much staple food, just a fist of each meal, eat less fine staple food, eat more carbohydrate coarse grains, satiety time can be longer, and you can also control blood sugar levels and avoid fat accumulation.

To lose weight, please stop doing these 11 things right away

5. Don't just eat vegetables and fruits, which will cause muscle loss, low blood sugar, palpitations and other health problems, girls will also have amenorrhea, we only need to control calorie intake under the premise of diversifying the diet, supplementing high-quality protein and carbohydrate staple food, in order to lose weight healthily.

6. Don't eat heavy oil, salt, spicy food, keep the diet light, you can control your appetite, avoid excessive eating, and the calorie level can be effectively controlled.

To lose weight, please stop doing these 11 things right away

7. Don't buy snacks, don't buy them in online supermarkets, don't hoard snacks at home, you won't always want to eat if you can't see it, and avoid excessive calorie intake caused by greed.

8. Don't stay up late, people who stay up late to sleep and lack sleep are several times more likely to gain weight than people with regular work and rest, therefore, if you want to improve the speed of fat burning, it is better to go to bed early, and if you sleep enough every day, your body can function more efficiently.

To lose weight, please stop doing these 11 things right away

9. Don't pay too much attention to weight, weight contains muscle, fat, water, bones, waste and other substances, can not scientifically measure the body fat and thin, we should pay attention to body fat rate, body fat rate decline means that the body is slimming down.

10. Don't rely too much on transportation, walk on two legs not far away, you can improve activity metabolism, you can also go out for a walk after dinner, and the number of walks per day should not be less than 8,000 steps.

11. Don't think about losing 10 pounds a week, some extreme and fast weight loss methods are often unhealthy, will hurt the body, and will rebound after losing weight, you can't really lose weight.

To lose weight, please stop doing these 11 things right away
