
The 16-year-old girl was self-injurious and her doctor advised her to spend 20 minutes a day doing it...... This "prescription" saved a lot of people

author:Fujian Health News
The 16-year-old girl was self-injurious and her doctor advised her to spend 20 minutes a day doing it...... This "prescription" saved a lot of people

In the cardiovascular outpatient department,

Dialogue scenes like this are often staged-

The doctor hands the patient a prescription,

And tell them to pay attention to exercise.


Sometimes patients respond:

"I have exercise,

I play mahjong a lot. ”


Doctors may laugh and say:

"It looks like you're still going to need an 'exercise prescription.'"

Different from traditional drug prescription, exercise prescription is not a drug, but a scientific and personalized exercise guidance program. According to the Sixth National Health Service Survey (NSS), the prevalence of chronic diseases among people aged 55 to 64 in mainland China is as high as 48.4%, while the prevalence rate among the elderly aged 65 and above has climbed to 62.3%. In the face of this severe health challenge, the prevention and control of chronic diseases is particularly important, and appropriate exercise is one of the key measures to prevent and control chronic diseases.

And exercise prescription is much more than simple "exercise".

The 16-year-old girl was self-injurious and her doctor advised her to spend 20 minutes a day doing it...... This "prescription" saved a lot of people

In the Rehabilitation Hospital Affiliated to Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, doctors are demonstrating the Eight Duanjin Gong Method

"Exercise prescription" helps patients with cardiovascular disease to get out of the predicament

Last year, 33-year-old Wang Debao (not his real name) was admitted to the hospital due to heart failure and chronic anxiety. Although his condition was relieved by medication, shortly after he was discharged from the hospital, due to the lack of proper physical exercise, his condition relapsed, seriously affecting his daily work and life.

Wang Debao met a responsible cardiologist. The doctor tailored an "exercise prescription" for him: start with 25 minutes a day and gradually increase to 60 minutes a day, 5 days a week. The exercise intensity is controlled within the range of heart rate 95~105 beats/min. The exercise content starts with the initial slow walking for 10 minutes + fast walking for 5 minutes, and gradually transitions to 30~40 minutes of brisk walking every day, plus 10 minutes of slow walking as the end. There is also a 5-minute stretching session before and after each workout, as well as strength training for the upper and lower limbs.

Following this "exercise prescription", after half a year of perseverance and hard work, Wang Debao's heart function gradually returned to normal, and his health condition has also been significantly improved.

Medically, exercise therapy is different from going to the gym in that the aim is not only to strengthen the body, but also to consider its therapeutic value and risks. "Exercise has been seen as an important part of the rehabilitation and treatment of patients with cardiovascular disease." Fan Jinmao, health ambassador of this newspaper and director of the cardiology department of Mindong Hospital, emphasized that the development of personalized exercise prescriptions for patients with cardiovascular diseases can not only delay the development of atherosclerosis, reduce hospitalization rates, and reduce medical costs, but also avoid the occurrence of acute cardiovascular events caused by incorrect exercise patterns.

Director Fan Jinmao pointed out that exercise has a variety of benefits for patients with cardiovascular diseases. For example, it enhances myocardial function and oxygen uptake capacity, and improves aerobic capacity; Slows heart rate and lowers systolic blood pressure; Reduces oxygen consumption for myocardial work, lowers blood lipids and reduces body weight; In addition, exercise can help reduce platelet aggregation, enhance fibrillolubility, improve skeletal muscle function, control weight, and provide social opportunities through group exercise, which can help improve the patient's mood.

The process of developing an exercise prescription requires the collection of comprehensive health information about the patient, a pre-exercise health screening and risk assessment, the determination of appropriate exercise goals, and then a set of personalized exercise plans developed by professionals. This requires a comprehensive consideration of the patient's age, gender, height, weight, and whether there are multiple factors such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, metabolic, and renal risk of chronic diseases.

During implementation, exercise prescriptions need to be adjusted based on patient feedback and physical condition. For example, the intensity and timing of exercise can be adjusted according to the patient's tolerance and exercise effectiveness.

Director Fan Jinmao emphasized that the exercise prescription for patients with cardiovascular diseases should not be the same, and it must be done for one person to ensure that each patient can get the most suitable treatment plan for himself.

Exercise prescriptions incorporate elements of traditional Chinese medicine

Let the body heal and function well

When it comes to sports, the first thing that comes to mind is probably sweaty fitness or long-distance running.

When referring to "TCM exercises", they are often misunderstood as slow-paced activities that are only suitable for the elderly or infirm, such as standing on piles and playing tai chi.

Lian Xiaowen, health ambassador of this newspaper and director of the rehabilitation assessment department of the Rehabilitation Hospital Affiliated to Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, believes that the Chinese medicine movement is not outdated and out of touch with modern life. Traditional Chinese medicine exercises include traditional exercises such as Baduanjin, Tai Chi and Southern Shaolin exercises, while incorporating modern elements, emphasizing the combination of movement and static, the unity of form and spirit, exercising physical balance and cardiopulmonary function, adjusting emotions, allowing people to relax in a fast-paced life, and having the dual effect of regulating body and mind.

TCM exercises are not limited to the elderly, and traditional exercises such as Chen-style Taijiquan and Changquan also contain fast-paced elements such as speed, explosiveness, and flexibility, which also attract many young people.

Director Lian Xiaowen often uses the exercise prescription of "traditional Chinese medicine exercise + modern rehabilitation" in the outpatient clinic to encourage patients to stick to it, which is also one of the characteristics of the rehabilitation hospital.

He shared a recent case: Ms. Zhang, an office worker, has been suffering from pain in both knee joints for a long time, and the pain has worsened in the past two weeks. Upon examination, she was diagnosed with bilateral knee osteoarthritis with decreased quadriceps muscle strength. After acupuncture treatment, the pain was relieved, but Director Lian Xiaowen believed that strength training of the quadriceps muscles was essential to reduce the recurrence of the disease, and developed a personalized exercise rehabilitation plan for her, including standing pile training, starting with 10 minutes a day, increasing by 3 minutes a week, and gradually increasing to 20 minutes.

After a few weeks, Ms. Zhang was pleasantly surprised to find that her knee pain had not recurred and that it was easier to walk up and down the stairs, which made her believe in and stick to this exercise treatment plan. Director Lian Xiaowen said frankly that in the past, treatment was like a cart, pushed by doctors all the way to the end, but the power of doctors and drugs was always limited. What really pushes patients back to health is to allow them to start the healthy functioning of their bodies on their own.

Moderate exercise relieves emotional illness

Recent studies have shown that consistent moderate physical activity can significantly alter the structure and function of the brain, a phenomenon known as "brain neuroplasticity changes". Moderate-intensity exercise not only improves symptoms of depression, but also improves speech fluency and memory.

These exercises are effective because of the effects on brain chemicals, in particular the ability to increase concentrations of dopamine, serotonin, β-endorphins, and norepinephrine, which play a vital role in regulating mood and maintaining mental health.

Epidemiological studies have further confirmed that aerobic or resistance exercise, such as ball games, jogging, cycling, dancing, swimming, and tai chi, has significant antidepressant effects. 1 hour of exercise per week can reduce the risk of depression by 12%, and exercising about 2,000 kcal per week can also effectively reduce the risk of disease.

The 16-year-old girl was self-injurious and her doctor advised her to spend 20 minutes a day doing it...... This "prescription" saved a lot of people

Network diagram

Shi Lei, director of the sixth ward of the psychiatric department of Xiamen Xianyue Hospital, told reporters that at present, clinical practice is more inclined to use a combination of psychological, motor and drug treatment to solve mental and psychological problems, which can more effectively improve emotional problems.

Not long ago, Director Shi received a 16-year-old girl who was deeply troubled by anxiety and emotional instability, became disgusted with school life, and her relationship with her family became strained, and even resorted to self-injurious behavior to release her suppressed emotions. Under the guidance of Director Shi, find other ways to relieve yourself of your emotions: try jogging for 20 minutes a day as a healthy emotional outlet. More than two months later, combined with medication and other psychological interventions, she was able to improve significantly and return to school.

In addition, Xiamen Xianyue Hospital also carried out a study on the improvement of depression through Baduanjin psychosomatic exercises. Studies have found that combination of drug therapy can significantly improve depressed mood. These findings highlight the importance of physical and mental health and the centrality of exercise in improving mental health.

Now it's all up to fate

Remember to set the star

Pay attention to the wonderful content and don't get lost~

Fujian Health News all-media reporter: Zhang Shuai

Correspondents: Wu Han, Liu Xiaoling, Chen Lu

Edit: Doudou

Review: Huang Meihui, Chen Jing

The 16-year-old girl was self-injurious and her doctor advised her to spend 20 minutes a day doing it...... This "prescription" saved a lot of people