
Google search for "back to basics": Added a web filter, the results only show text links

author:IT House

IT Home reported on May 16 that Google announced the addition of a "Web" filter button to Google's search engine at the recent I/O 2024 developer conference, and only text links will be displayed in search results.

Google search for "back to basics": Added a web filter, the results only show text links
Google search for "back to basics": Added a web filter, the results only show text links

When a user selects the Web filter, the search results will no longer show links to forums, videos, news, images, or other forms, but only the classic blue links, a bit of a throwback to the pre-2007 era of universal search.

Google search for "back to basics": Added a web filter, the results only show text links

The explanation of the launch of this filter by IT Home Translation Google is as follows:

Some people want to see only web links in search results, such as when they're looking for a longer-form text document, on a device with limited access to the internet, or for those who just prefer to separate text-based results from search. If you're one of those people, enjoy!

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