
How much a man loves you, just send him these 4 words

author:Zhong Niannian
How much a man loves you, just send him these 4 words

Text/Zhong Niannian

Figure/From the Internet Infringement, please contact to delete


Love makes people obsessed, lose their minds, and be overwhelmed.

On the one hand, we fantasize that the other person must be us, and on the other hand, we are worried that the other person does not love enough.

In fact, a woman's sixth sense is very strong, and she can know whether her love is sincere through the words and deeds of the other party in getting along.

If you still have doubts in your heart, send him a WeChat test on WeChat, and you only need to send the 4 words "What are you doing" to see how much he loves you, which is very accurate.

How much a man loves you, just send him these 4 words

01: "What are you doing", depending on whether his reply is indifferent or enthusiastic

When you send this message, the man who really loves you will reply to you very enthusiastically, for fear that his attitude will mislead you.

He will be unusually excited about your private messages, and will talk to you endlessly, even gossip about other people's gossip, and will not let the conversation go cold.

On the contrary, if the other party shows an indifferent attitude towards this news, it means that he is not too attentive to you, but has a kind of alienation and rejection, and you can even feel his impatience in his words.

We will never express our boredom with the person on the tip of our hearts, and even if we are busy, we always want to explain it in a more peaceful manner, because the other person occupies an important place in our hearts and does not want them to feel cold.

In fact, indifference is perfunctory, that is, not deep enough love, then we have to consider whether this man is worth continuing to pay.

How much a man loves you, just send him these 4 words

02: "What are you doing", see if the missed apology is perfunctory or sincere

When a person misses our news because of something else, the attitude of his subsequent contact with us can show how much he loves us.

Some people say that love makes people cautious because they are afraid that they will lose their lover by saying or doing wrong.

In the matter of missing WeChat, you will see a man's sincerity.

If the other party tries his best to explain and sincerely apologize, it means that he has you in his heart, is afraid of losing you, and regrets not replying in time.

On the contrary, if the other party does not feel that there is any problem, and even finds a lot of so-called legitimate reasons to prevaricate, you are not satisfied, that is, you are making trouble.

When couples get along, the most uncomfortable thing is not indifference or quarreling, but the cruelty of talking about reason in emotions.

In fact, what a woman wants is not who is right and who is wrong, but the attitude of being valued, the feeling of being cared for, if he can't give it, leave him as soon as possible.

How much a man loves you, just send him these 4 words

03: "What are you doing", whether the desire to see the face is flat or eager

With the contact of a lover, the originally calm heart will instantly become messy, and the mood of wanting to meet is about to come out, making it difficult for people to calm down quickly.

He will tell you in words what he wants to see you and look forward to what it will be like when you meet, which is an unconscious outpouring of emotions that anyone wants to run to in the face of true love.

On the contrary, if the other party does not express such a will, but is as faint as an ordinary friend, and there is no joy, it means that he does not like you so much.

We have all loved someone deeply, and we know the distress of not seeing each other for a day, and we also know the kind of urgency that has been suppressed for a long time and is suddenly provoked.

Because of this, when we suddenly contact each other, it is really clear whether he loves us intensely or not.

How much a man loves you, just send him these 4 words

When the love is fading, the other person's heart will no longer be turbulent, he will not take the initiative to spend time with us, but will be a little restrained because of our initiative.

True love cannot be hidden, and neither is the love that has faded.

Even if people have different personalities and different ways of expressing love, they will eventually make the other person feel their sincerity and strong love.

Of course, just looking at love may not be a good match, and even if many people love again, it will not be easy to get along.

However, the premise of the foundation of all feelings is love, and without love, no matter how suitable we are, we can't be willing.

How much a man loves you, just send him these 4 words

Love or not, both people will feel it, they can't fake it, and they don't need to fake it.

If you love, love deeply, if you don't, leave.