
High school students candid girls upskirt bottoms! Parents choose to be tough and refuse to apologize! The comment area is frying!

author:Entertainment pioneers


With the continuous development of science and technology, smart phones have become an indispensable part of people's lives, especially for young people, almost leaving the mobile phone seems to be missing something important, there are a variety of applications in the mobile phone, which can meet their needs in learning, entertainment, socialization and other aspects, which can be described as a "treasure chest". However, while people are addicted to the convenience and fun of mobile phones, some adverse events are often amplified by the use of mobile phones, and even bring varying degrees of harm to others.

It is understood that the middle school student took advantage of the gap between the girls to go to the toilet and used their mobile phones to secretly take pictures of the girls in the toilet, and this scene happened to be discovered and reported by other students, and then, the school and relevant departments launched an investigation into it, and finally locked up the suspect.

High school students candid girls upskirt bottoms! Parents choose to be tough and refuse to apologize! The comment area is frying!

Faced with such a situation, how should schools and parents respond? What kind of guidance and education should we have for the use of mobile phones by middle school students? This article will discuss this issue, hoping to give some inspiration and help to parents and educators.

High school students candid girls upskirt bottoms! Parents choose to be tough and refuse to apologize! The comment area is frying!

Event recap

High school students candid girls upskirt bottoms! Parents choose to be tough and refuse to apologize! The comment area is frying!

Recently, a middle school student candid shooting incident was exposed on the Internet, it is understood that the middle school student took advantage of the gap between the girls to go to the toilet, with a mobile phone to the girls in the toilet to secretly take pictures, and this scene happened to be discovered by other students, and then, the school and relevant departments immediately intervened in the investigation, and finally confirmed the suspect.

High school students candid girls upskirt bottoms! Parents choose to be tough and refuse to apologize! The comment area is frying!
High school students candid girls upskirt bottoms! Parents choose to be tough and refuse to apologize! The comment area is frying!

At first, the attitude of the school in the face of such a situation was quite surprising, they thought that it was just a "small fight" incident, so they did not punish the students too much, and this practice also caused some controversy, many people felt that the school's handling of the situation was too lenient to effectively educate and punish the students.

High school students candid girls upskirt bottoms! Parents choose to be tough and refuse to apologize! The comment area is frying!

Under the continuous attention of public opinion, the school seems to be aware of the seriousness of the problem, and they said that they will conduct a thorough investigation into the matter, and will deal with the students seriously in accordance with the relevant regulations of the school, and at the same time, they will also strengthen the education and guidance of students to help them establish correct values and moral concepts.

High school students candid girls upskirt bottoms! Parents choose to be tough and refuse to apologize! The comment area is frying!

Interpretation of events

High school students candid girls upskirt bottoms! Parents choose to be tough and refuse to apologize! The comment area is frying!

For this middle school student candid photography incident, the school's attitude can be said to have changed 180 degrees, at first they were relatively light on the matter, and even some suspicion of covering up students, but under the strong condemnation and supervision of public opinion, they had to re-examine the matter, and finally made a positive response, which once again demonstrated the importance of public opinion supervision.

High school students candid girls upskirt bottoms! Parents choose to be tough and refuse to apologize! The comment area is frying!

At the same time, netizens have different opinions on this matter, some people think that the school's previous handling of the problem should be severely punished, so that he can pay the due price for his wrong behavior, so as to serve as a warning and deterrent to avoid similar incidents from happening again.

High school students candid girls upskirt bottoms! Parents choose to be tough and refuse to apologize! The comment area is frying!

And some netizens have different views on this, they believe that this middle school student is still in the period of youth and rebellion, and he should be given a chance to be a new person, instead of blindly condemning and blaming.

Whether it is the change of attitude in the school or the heated discussions and discussions among netizens, it has brought us a lot of inspiration, and also made us aware of some problems in education and family upbringing.

How should schools respond?

They not only need to educate and punish students in a timely manner, but also need to dig out the root cause of the problem, guide students to establish a correct sense of gender and privacy, and avoid the recurrence of similar incidents.

First of all, the school should conduct a thorough investigation into this matter, find out why students have such bad behavior, what kind of psychological motivation they have, will they invade the privacy of others, only by identifying the crux of the problem, can the school educate and help in a targeted manner.

Second, schools should openly educate and warn students that secretly photographing others is a serious violation of the law, which will not only cause harm to others, but also leave a stain on their own future, distorting their outlook on life and values.

At the same time, schools should also strengthen sexual health education for students, guide them to establish correct gender awareness, learn to respect others, and protect the privacy of others, so that students can only thrive in a healthy and harmonious campus atmosphere.

Responsibilities of parents and society

In addition to schools, parents and society also have an important educational responsibility, and they should work with schools to pay attention to and guide students' growth, and give them the right life orientation and moral values.

It is understood that some parents did not realize their children's mistakes at that time, but felt that it was just a temporary "naughty", and even came forward to ask the school to cover up their children, which is undoubtedly conniving at the wrong behavior of children and giving them a wrong life example.

Therefore, when children make mistakes, parents should first treat them correctly, not excuse their wrong behavior, but find the cause of the problem, give them timely criticism and education, let them understand their mistakes, and take the initiative to bear the corresponding consequences.

At the same time, the construction of social morality is also inseparable from everyone's participation, we should start from the small things around us, transmit positive energy, care for the healthy growth of young people, keep them away from bad network information, know how to use mobile phones and the Internet, and play a positive role.

High school students candid girls upskirt bottoms! Parents choose to be tough and refuse to apologize! The comment area is frying!


Through this incident of clandestine photography of middle school students, we should not only give students due education and help, but also reflect and summarize from it, and explore how to better carry out youth education and build a harmonious and beautiful social environment.

It is hoped that schools, parents and society can join hands to pay attention to and educate every teenager, so that they can thrive in the sunshine, and also hope that the supervision and guidance of public opinion in the society can play a positive role, so that more people can join in the cause of youth education and work hard and struggle together.