
Pre-market must-read丨Five departments jointly carry out the 2024 new energy vehicle to the countryside activities; The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) has issued a number of new rules on the investor protection regime


Economic Calendar:

07:50 Japan's preliminary SAQ real GDP Q1

20:30 U.S. initial jobless claims for the week ended May 11 (10,000)

20:30 U.S. Continuing Jobless Claims for the Week Ended May 4 (10,000)

On Wednesday (May 15), the three major U.S. stock indexes closed up across the board, with the Dow up 0.88%, the S&P 500 up 1.17%, and the Nasdaq up 1.4%.

Pre-market must-read丨Five departments jointly carry out the 2024 new energy vehicle to the countryside activities; The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) has issued a number of new rules on the investor protection regime

Technology stocks mostly rose, with Apple up 1.22%, Amazon down 0.58%, Netflix down 0.02%, Google up 1.27%, Facebook up 2.05%, and Microsoft up 1.75%.

Bank stocks rose collectively, JPMorgan Chase rose 0.33%, Goldman Sachs rose 1.68%, Citigroup rose 1.01%, Morgan Stanley rose 1.16%, Bank of America rose 1.14%, and Wells Fargo rose 0.71%.

Chip stocks performed strongly, Chaowei Semiconductor rose 4.24%, Broadcom rose 4.07%, Nvidia rose 3.58%, Qualcomm rose 2.98%, ASML rose 2.44%, Microchip Technology rose 1.6%, and Intel rose 0.71%.

Popular Chinese concept stocks were mixed, Canaan Technology rose 11.57%, iQiyi rose 6.61%, Tencent Music rose 4.77%, Dada Group rose 4.15%, VNET rose 3.59%, Legend Biotech rose 3.11%, and Shengmei Semiconductor rose 3.07%; In terms of declines, Oceanpower Securities fell 20.79%, Dajian Yuncang fell 5.71%, Zhihu fell 5.36%, Good Future fell 3.35%, Zai Lab fell 3.25%, and Canadian Solar fell 3.18%. China's new energy vehicle stocks fell across the board, with NIO down 8.03%, Xpeng Motors down 3.5%, Li Auto down 1.82%, and Zeekr down 3.26%.

►►The Cyberspace Administration of China, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently jointly issued the "Key Points of Digital Rural Development in 2024". The "Key Points of Work" clarifies the work goal: by the end of 2024, substantial progress will be made in the construction of digital villages. Digital technology has become more effective in ensuring national food security and consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation. The number of rural broadband access users has exceeded 200 million, the Internet penetration rate in rural areas has increased by 2 percentage points, the online retail sales of agricultural product e-commerce have exceeded 630 billion yuan, and the informatization rate of agricultural production has been further improved.

►►Five departments, including the General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, issued a notice on carrying out new energy vehicles to the countryside in 2024. The notice proposes that from May to December 2024, new energy vehicle models suitable for the rural market, good reputation and reliable quality will be selected, and activities such as centralized exhibitions and test drives will be carried out to enrich the consumer experience and provide diversified choices. Organize charging and swapping services, financial services such as new energy vehicle underwriting, claims, and credit, as well as after-sales services such as maintenance, to go to the countryside to make up for the shortcomings of the supporting environment in rural areas. Implement support policies such as car trade-in, county-level charging and swapping facilities to make up for shortcomings, and direct "real money" discounts to consumers.

►►The National Development and Reform Commission announced that from 24 o'clock on May 15, 2024, domestic gasoline and diesel prices (standard products) will be reduced by 235 yuan and 225 yuan per ton respectively.

►► "5.15 National Investor Protection Publicity Day" was held in Beijing. On the day of the event, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) issued 10 institutional rules closely related to investor protection, including the Administrative Provisions on Programmatic Trading in the Securities Market (for Trial Implementation), the Guidelines for the Application of Regulatory Rules - Issuance No. 10, the Work Plan on Improving the Diversified Resolution Mechanism for Securities and Futures Disputes and Deepening the Governance of Litigation Sources, as well as the business rules of relevant self-regulatory organizations and insurance institutions. Wu Qing, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, said in his speech at the event that the China Securities Regulatory Commission is currently thoroughly implementing the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference, fully implementing the new "National Nine Articles", and solidly promoting the implementation of the "1+N" policy measures in the capital market. The core content is to promote strong supervision, risk prevention, and high-quality development in an integrated manner, strengthen the foundation, strictly supervise and strictly manage, and accelerate the creation of a safe, standardized, transparent, open, dynamic and resilient capital market.

►►According to the WeChat official account of "Cyberspace Shanghai", the Cyberspace Administration of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, the Shanghai Securities Regulatory Bureau, the Shanghai Municipal Procuratorate, and the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau jointly launched the "Clear Pujiang E-Enterprise Co-governance" special action to crack down on illegal securities and futures online on May 15, the "National Investor Protection Publicity Day". The special action will urge key website platforms such as Oriental Fortune Network, Great Wisdom, Ant Fortune, Xiaohongshu, and Bilibili to carry out comprehensive self-inspections, and focus on deleting and blocking information, links, and software products of illegal activities such as "illegal recommendation of stocks, funds, and futures", "black mouths in the stock market", and "over-the-counter allocation", and take step-by-step measures against relevant accounts.

►►According to Hefei's release, from May 15 (including the 15th) to May 14, 2025, all buyers who newly purchase newly built commercial housing in Hefei will be given a house purchase subsidy of 1% of the total house price; Households with two or more children in Hefei who purchase newly built commercial housing will be given a housing purchase subsidy of 1.5% of the total house price; New citizens, farmers in urban areas, and urban public service personnel who purchase newly built commercial housing will be given a housing purchase subsidy of 2% of the total house price.

►►Hangzhou Lin'an District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau recently issued an announcement that the Lin'an District People's Government decided to purchase a batch of commercial housing for public rental housing within the scope of Lin'an District. The listing is required to be located within the Lin'an District of Hangzhou.

►►According to the data of the Passenger Association, from May 1 to 12, the retail sales of new energy vehicles were 241,000, an increase of 31% year-on-year, an increase of 10% over the same period last month, and a total of 2.692 million retail sales since the beginning of this year, a year-on-year increase of 33%; From May 1 to 12, the national passenger car manufacturers wholesaled 213,000 new energy vehicles, an increase of 36% year-on-year, a decrease of 5% from the same period last month, and a total of 2.953 million wholesales this year, a year-on-year increase of 31%.

►►According to CCTV News, at about 4 o'clock on May 16, Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Beijing by special plane. At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin paid a state visit to China on May 16-17.

►►According to CCTV News, citing the Slovak TV media TA3 on the 15th local time, Sri Lankan Prime Minister Fizo underwent surgery and is currently in stable condition. According to a report by the Slovak News Agency on the 15th, Slovak Prime Minister Fizo was shot and injured in the country on the same day. The gunman, a male, has been arrested.

Hengrui Pharmaceutical: It is planned to repurchase the company's shares with 600 million yuan to 1.2 billion yuan

Hengrui Pharmaceutical announced that it intends to repurchase the company's shares for 600 million to 1.2 billion yuan, and the repurchase price will not exceed 67.38 yuan per share. The repurchased shares are intended to be used for the employee stock ownership plan.

Public Transportation: It plans to sell 220 million shares of Minsheng Securities held by it to Guolian Securities

Public Transportation announced that the company intends to sell 220 million shares of Minsheng Securities Co., Ltd. held by it to Guolian Securities, and subscribe for the newly issued A shares of Guolian Securities with the underlying assets.

Huasheng Lithium: Trigger the conditions for the start of stock price stabilization measures

Huasheng Lithium announced that from April 15, 2024 to May 15, 2024, the closing price of the company's shares has been lower than the latest audited net assets per share for 20 consecutive trading days. From April 15, 2024 to April 23, 2024, the closing price was lower than the audited net assets per share of 2022 of 23.59 yuan (after ex-rights and dividends), and from April 24, 2024 to May 15, 2024, the closing price was lower than the audited net assets per share of 23.38 yuan in 2023, triggering the conditions for the initiation of stock price stabilization measures.

Evergreen Technology: It is planned to invest 10 billion yuan in the construction of a new polymer material production base

Evergreen Technology announced that the company plans to invest in the construction of a new polymer material production base in Gaogang District, Taizhou City through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Jiangsu Evergain New Material Technology (Taizhou) Co., Ltd., with a total planned long-term investment of about 10 billion yuan in Taizhou production base project, which will be implemented in three phases. The initial planned investment amount of the first phase of the project (this project) is about 3 billion yuan, and there is no clear investment plan for the second and third phases of the project. The investment in this project is in line with the national and local industrial policies and the company's strategic development plan, which is conducive to the company to further enhance its core competitiveness, consolidate the advantages of the industrial chain, optimize the product structure, and promote product extension and upgrading.

Onlly Education: There is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed

Onlly Education issued a change announcement saying that the company's shares on May 13, 2024, May 14, 2024, and May 15, 2024 have deviated from the daily closing price increase by more than 20% in three consecutive trading days, which belongs to the abnormal fluctuations in stock trading stipulated in the "Shanghai Stock Exchange Trading Rules". After the company's self-examination and verification with the company's controlling shareholders and actual controllers, the company does not have any material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, and there is no major event that affects the abnormal fluctuation of the company's stock trading price. At present, the education and training business is still a highly regulated industry, and the company will pay close attention to relevant policy developments.

Kaiyuan Securities: Liquor consumption was relatively stable in April, strong brands achieved good sales growth, and subsequent liquor consumption is expected to continue to gradually pick up. It is recommended to choose varieties with stable and upward fundamentals, and lay out liquor faucets in various price bands.

Guolian Securities: Google held an I/O developer conference, and Google's basic model Gemini was newly upgraded, showing a variety of products and upgrades. With the accelerated evolution of overseas AI model capabilities and the continuous catch-up of domestic model capabilities, the implementation process of domestic AI C-end applications has accelerated significantly since 2024, and it is expected to incubate AI-native "killer applications".

Guojin Securities: The rapid growth of the global relative competitiveness of China's auto industry chain is the core driving force for China's auto globalization. Going overseas will become the next flashpoint of the automotive industry in the next 10 years. From the perspective of the whole vehicle, the global market and brand operation capabilities, and the global R&D and production system are the key to determining the success or failure of OEMs going overseas.

(This article is from Yicai)

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