
Blessed couples will "pretend to be confused"

author:Zhou woodcutter
Blessed couples will "pretend to be confused"

What is a Husband and Wife Relationship?

There is such a sentence that gives the answer.

"The so-called husband and wife are not related by blood, and they all depend on love to sustain themselves."

From this, we are able to realize:

Only two people, very firmly in love, can the relationship between husband and wife last.

If there is no love, then the husband and wife will exist in name only.

For couples, what should be done to protect their love and make their marriage happy?

Couples with "good fortune" often "pretend to be confused" like this!

Blessed couples will "pretend to be confused"


Money doesn't matter

Saying goes:

"Poor couples mourn everything."

Although money is not everything, it is a ruler to test the relationship between husband and wife.

In real life.

Many couples get into trouble because of money issues.

A smart couple, but they know how to pretend to be confused.

They don't care too much about each other's income and expenses, and they don't care about a little money.

Money is something outside the body, and the relationship between husband and wife is priceless.

On the issue of money, maintaining a confused attitude can make the relationship between husband and wife more pure and deep.

On the contrary, if you are a husband and wife, you are both scheming people.

So such a marriage is mostly trivial in one place, and the life of two people must not be good.

Blessed couples will "pretend to be confused"


Don't be harsh on education

A friend said:

When I was alone with my children, I didn't have anything.

But after the husband participates in the child's education.

Two people often fight because of different educational views.

I have to admit:

Many couples have different attitudes towards their children's education. Some people are too strict and strictly discipline their children's every move; Others are too doting and blind to their children's mistakes.

If both husband and wife, insist on their attitude.

When they encounter disagreements, they do not agree on opinions in compromise and understanding.

Instead, they cling to their own opinions and refuse to give in to a single step.

Obviously, husband and wife cannot agree on the education of their children, which will only affect the relationship between the two people.

In the end, children will not be able to educate and guide well.

If either of the two people can pretend to be confused and give the other party a step, it will help the management of the relationship and help the child's growth. In this way, you can win good fortune.

Blessed couples will "pretend to be confused"


The past should be bearish

Before holding hands.

Many people have their own pasts.

In the past time.

We can do the wrong thing, and we may love the wrong person.

However, when two people become husband and wife, then everyone has to let go of everything in the past and move on to the future.

As a husband and wife, you have to play foolish about each other's pasts.

The advantage of this is that it can reduce the psychological burden and contradictions of each other.

Everyone's past is a unique history, which contains both good memories and unbearable past.

If everything becomes history, then couples don't bother.

Don't try to uncover the other person's scars, and don't embarrass yourself.

Learning to be confused and dealing with the past can make everyone let go and let go, which is a wise choice.

And such a choice will help everyone grasp the blessings of the present and the future.

What is the purpose of falling in love and getting married?

It is undeniable that the reason why we look forward to love and why we will enter marriage hand in hand with our loved ones is to grasp a sense of happiness and steadfastness. Therefore, in a relationship, what everyone needs to do is to manage the relationship in front of you, rather than doing things that hurt each other.

If couples want to have a long-lasting relationship, they might as well learn to pretend to be confused.

Emotionally original, warm words. From the perspective of psychology, I analyze the thousands of emotions and hope that my article can bring you a different feeling. Thank you for your continued attention, and having you by your side on the creative road is the biggest motivation.