
Experts are around丨Eat and swallow! After two years of unattendance, the result was very sinful

author:Health Hangzhou
Experts are around丨Eat and swallow! After two years of unattendance, the result was very sinful






"I don't care if I can't eat what I like, but I always swallow it in one bite, and my stomach is starting to deteriorate now, and I am very anxious mentally."

57-year-old Ms. Zhang (pseudonym) had her big teeth on both sides of her head removed, which greatly affected her chewing, and she was uncomfortable because of eating problems in the past two years.

Unable to bear it anymore, Ms. Zhang found Tong Jinfa, director of the Department of Stomatology of Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, hoping to get treatment.

Experts are around丨Eat and swallow! After two years of unattendance, the result was very sinful


Tooth loss left unchecked

The consequences are severe!

Tong Jinfa conducted a preliminary examination of Ms. Zhang's oral condition and found that except for the three upper front teeth and the right upper first molar, the rest of the maxillary teeth were missing, and the remaining three maxillary anterior teeth also began to loosen.

In addition, due to the long-term missing teeth of the maxillary back teeth, the lower teeth are already biting into the gums of the upper jaw.

Experts are around丨Eat and swallow! After two years of unattendance, the result was very sinful
Experts are around丨Eat and swallow! After two years of unattendance, the result was very sinful

After an oral examination and radiograph, Ms. Cheung was diagnosed with a partial dentition defect, chronic periodontitis and low vertical distance.

Based on Ms. Zhang's oral condition, financial situation and personal wishes, Dr. Tong formulated a personalized diagnosis and treatment plan for her.

After more than a year of treatment, Ms. Zhang's oral health has finally recovered.


What should I do if I have a large number of missing teeth?

The dentist is here to help

Dr. Tong explained that the main causes of dentition defects and dentition loss are caries and periodontal disease.

Teeth are important organs of the human body, and long-term tooth loss not only causes masticatory function and pronunciation dysfunction, but also leads to the gradual resorption of alveolar bone, the loss of support of facial muscles, the appearance of aging, and even the physical and mental health of patients.

Experts are around丨Eat and swallow! After two years of unattendance, the result was very sinful

At present, there are two main denture restoration methods for edentulous teeth: full dentures and implant support dentures.


Conventional full dentures

It includes artificial teeth, bases, metal stents, etc., and is suitable for patients with systemic diseases who are not suitable for implant restoration, or patients with poor bone conditions that cannot be implanted.

Patients can remove and clean their dentures on their own and make them easy to repair. However, when the alveolar bone atrophy is severe in edentulous patients, the suction between the gums and dentures will deteriorate, and the eating will loosen and fall off.


Implant-supported full dentures

It is supported by an implant that is placed in the alveolar bone. It has the advantage of being more aesthetically pleasing and comfortable than a full denture and has a higher chewing efficiency, but it is not suitable for patients with very poor bone conditions who cannot afford implant surgery, and the cost is relatively higher.


How to have a good mouthful of teeth?

It's important to take good care of your mouth

Dr. Tong reminds that if you want to reduce oral problems and reduce the possibility of tooth loss, the most important thing is daily oral care.

Experts are around丨Eat and swallow! After two years of unattendance, the result was very sinful

Brush your teeth carefully

Modify Pap brushing for at least 2 minutes.


Can be used in combination with mouthwash to reduce bacterial growth.

Floss properly

Choose a soft dental floss, pull the dental floss or dental floss stick between the teeth, and pull back and forth to remove the impacted food and soft scale in the adjacent space. Do not use vigorously to avoid damaging the gums. If the gap between the teeth is large, you can use a dental irrigator or an interdental brush.

Regular cleanings

The build-up of calculus in the mouth can cause inflammation, bleeding, and even tooth loss. Scaling can remove supragingival and partial subgingival calculus through ultrasound, and regular scaling can help maintain oral health and prevent oral diseases.

Experts are around丨Eat and swallow! After two years of unattendance, the result was very sinful

Tong Jinfa Chief Physician

Experts are around丨Eat and swallow! After two years of unattendance, the result was very sinful

Assistant to the President and Director of the Department of Stomatology of Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He graduated from the Department of Stomatology of Zhejiang Medical University and has been engaged in clinical work for more than 30 years. At present, he is the vice chairman of the 4th Committee of the Stomatology Branch of the Zhejiang Medical Doctor Association, the director of the 5th Zhejiang Stomatological Association, the vice chairman of the 5th Endodontic Professional Committee of the Zhejiang Stomatological Association, the chairman of the Stomatology Branch of the Hangzhou Medical Association, the vice chairman of the 2nd Health Care Professional Committee of the Hangzhou Preventive Medicine Association, the vice chairman of the 1st Dental Professional Committee of the Hangzhou Association of Integrative Traditional and Western Medicine, and the adjunct professor of the School of Medicine of Hangzhou Normal University. Member of the editorial board of the 6th Editorial Committee, etc. He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of incurable oral diseases, especially in minimally invasive tooth extraction, oral implant and alveolar surgery.

Outpatient Hours (Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine)

Wulin Campus: Monday morning

Dingqiao Campus: Friday morning

  • Contributed by: Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Please indicate "Healthy Hangzhou"

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Experts are around丨Eat and swallow! After two years of unattendance, the result was very sinful

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Experts are around丨Eat and swallow! After two years of unattendance, the result was very sinful