
The 4 wines of the popular supply and marketing cooperatives in the 80s, almost no one in the young group have ever seen them, and they are all out of print

author:Xinzhou Net

In the long history of the mainland's wine culture, there are many legendary wines, and the once popular wines are now out of print, including four wines that were popular in the supply and marketing cooperatives in the 80s.

The 4 wines of the popular supply and marketing cooperatives in the 80s, almost no one in the young group have ever seen them, and they are all out of print

Although these wines were once very popular at the time, they are now almost rarely seen among young people. Here are some of the four wines that we will introduce to you one by one.

The 4 wines of the popular supply and marketing cooperatives in the 80s, almost no one in the young group have ever seen them, and they are all out of print

First of all, let's talk about Baiyunbian wine.

This is a regional liquor in Hubei, and its name is taken from the famous ancient Chinese literature, which means poetic and picturesque. Baiyunbian liquor is famous for its rich aroma, mellow taste and endless aftertaste, and has won many national awards.

However, although it was once a giant in the liquor industry in Hubei Province, its old products are now out of print and have become a rarity.

The 4 wines of the popular supply and marketing cooperatives in the 80s, almost no one in the young group have ever seen them, and they are all out of print

Next, we turn to Sanliangye.

It is a brand that began to be brewed in the fifties and sixties of the last century, and its origin is in Shaanxi Province. Sanliangye uses sorghum, wheat and glutinous rice as raw materials, and uses the traditional solid-state fermentation process to brew a refreshing and mellow wine.

However, with the passage of time, the rise of other brands such as Wuliangye and the entanglement of trademark disputes, Sanliangye eventually ceased production and became the object of nostalgia for wine fans.

The 4 wines of the popular supply and marketing cooperatives in the 80s, almost no one in the young group have ever seen them, and they are all out of print

The second is the introduction, Red Star 55 and 56 degrees two pot heads

Hongxing Erguotou is one of the hottest liquors in Beijing, and it is also the most commonly drunk pure grain liquor in Beijing, which is a well-known liquor in Beijing, famous for its pure taste and unique brewing process.

However, with the opening up of the country and the country's advocacy of "drinking in moderation", high-alcohol alcohol gradually withdrew from the market. Red Star 55 and 56 degrees Erguotou, as a classic of the past, have become out-of-print wines without exception, reminiscent of the past years.

The 4 wines of the popular supply and marketing cooperatives in the 80s, almost no one in the young group have ever seen them, and they are all out of print

Finally, we mention the Dukang wine.

The name is derived from ancient Chinese literary works and symbolizes poetic beauty. Du Kang is known for its traditional brewing process and unique taste.

However, due to the vicious competition within the brand and the influence of other factors, Du Kang also had to stop production, which became a regret in the hearts of wine fans.

The 4 wines of the popular supply and marketing cooperatives in the 80s, almost no one in the young group have ever seen them, and they are all out of print

Overall, these four wines were once popular in the 80s in the supply and marketing cooperatives, but now they are out of print, and almost no one has seen them among the younger generation.

Despite their disappearance, there is still a lot of fresh blood in today's market, and some of the drinks are even more impressive in quality, standing out among young people, such as Guokang 1935 in Moutai Town.

The 4 wines of the popular supply and marketing cooperatives in the 80s, almost no one in the young group have ever seen them, and they are all out of print

In Moutai Town, Guizhou, the holy land of winemaking, there is a soy sauce wine that makes people fascinated - Guokang 1935. This classic sauce flavor wine carries the winemaking experience of brewing Fan Yinghua for 40 years and his love and dedication to wine culture.

The beauty of this wine is due to the careful selection of ingredients and craftsmanship. Fan Lao selects Chishui River water from Moutai Town and high-quality red sorghum as the main ingredients to ensure the quality and taste of the wine. During the brewing process, every step is strictly controlled, ensuring the purity and uniqueness of the wine.

The 4 wines of the popular supply and marketing cooperatives in the 80s, almost no one in the young group have ever seen them, and they are all out of print

The wine also needs to be aged for a long time before it can reveal its true charm. Each finished bottle needs to be stored in a pottery jar for several years to make the wine more aromatic and mellow.

Guokang 1935 is not only a drink, but also a cultural inheritance. It allows people to taste the unique charm of Moutai Town's soy sauce liquor, and also makes people feel the winemaker's love and dedication to wine. Every bottle of Guokang 1935 is a part of the soy sauce wine culture of Moutai Town, and it is worthy of our careful taste and treasure.

The 4 wines of the popular supply and marketing cooperatives in the 80s, almost no one in the young group have ever seen them, and they are all out of print

All in all, although the above four 80s wines are gone, they still carry the weight of history and the ingenuity of winemakers, reminiscent of the good old days.

For wine lovers, owning an out-of-print bottle of wine is a supreme honor, and for ordinary consumers, understanding the stories of these wines, tasting their unique charm, and trying new blood at the same time Guokang 1935 is also a unique journey of wine culture.

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