
Grab 10,000 yuan red envelopes! Come to Gan Nanhong to participate in the knowledge quiz on work-related injury prevention

author:Ganzhou release

Prevent work-related injuries and protect health, and the 2024 Ganzhou work-related injury prevention prize-winning knowledge competition is in full swing

Grab 10,000 yuan red envelopes! Come to Gan Nanhong to participate in the knowledge quiz on work-related injury prevention

What is the core purpose of workplace injury prevention? How many levels of disability are there for labor dysfunction? …… Did you answer these questions correctly? ↓↓↓

1. What is the core purpose of workplace injury prevention? A. Reduction of work-related accidentsB. Improving work efficiency C. Increase employee benefitsD. Reduce production costs

2. If an employee is diagnosed with an occupational disease, he or she shall (). A. Find the person in charge of the enterprise to solve the problem B. Submit an application for work-related injury recognition to the labor and social security administrative departmentC. I went to the hospital for treatment by myself D. Filing a lawsuit in court

3. Among the various causes that lead to accidents, ( ) occupies a major position. A. Human factors B, material factors C, unpredictable factors D, environmental factors

4. Labor dysfunction is divided into () disability levels. A, seven B, eight C, nine D, ten

5. The expenses incurred due to work-related injuries shall be paid from the work-related injury insurance fund in accordance with national regulations. (Multiple choice questions) A. Medical expenses and rehabilitation expenses for the treatment of work-related injuries B. Subsidies for in-hospital meals C. Transportation and accommodation expenses for medical treatment outside the co-ordination area D. Expenses for installing and configuring disability assistive devices are not as good as taking action to learn work-related injury prevention knowledge and enhance work-related injury prevention awareness

Let's answer the quiz

Grab 10,000 yuan red envelopes! Come to Gan Nanhong to participate in the knowledge quiz on work-related injury prevention

Details of the event are as follows


Grab 10,000 yuan red envelopes! Come to Gan Nanhong to participate in the knowledge quiz on work-related injury prevention

Safety is no trivial matter, and work-related injuries are prevented. In order to popularize the knowledge of work-related injury prevention, enhance the awareness of work-related injury prevention and safety production of the majority of employees and employing enterprises, enhance the ability of accident prevention and emergency response, form a joint force of work-related injury prevention in the whole society, create a safe production environment, and promote social harmony and stability, the 2024 Ganzhou Work-related Injury Prevention Prize-winning Knowledge Contest of "Preventing Work-related Injuries and Guarding Health and Health" is specially launched in the city.


Event time

May 10 to May 19, 2024


Organizational Units

Organizers: Ganzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau Organizers: Ganzhou Social Security Center, Ganzhou Financial Media Center, Ganzhou Culture Media Group


Who is involved

The majority of practitioners


Event Rules

Each answer is drawn from the question bank 10 questions, including single choice, multiple choice, judgment question type, mainly related to work-related injury insurance, work-related injury prevention, safety production, occupational disease prevention and other knowledge, each question is 10 points, full score of 100 points, score more than 90 points can participate in the draw of cash red envelopes, the number of answers per day is not limited, each mobile phone number is limited to one win.

What are you waiting for

Find out how you can get involved


Step 1

Download the Gannan Red client

Step 2

Open the Gannanhong client, click on the carousel map on the homepage or the special topic "2024 Ganzhou Industrial Injury Prevention Prize Knowledge Quiz Activity" to enter the event.

Grab 10,000 yuan red envelopes! Come to Gan Nanhong to participate in the knowledge quiz on work-related injury prevention
Grab 10,000 yuan red envelopes! Come to Gan Nanhong to participate in the knowledge quiz on work-related injury prevention

Step 3

After entering the answer page, click "Start Answering", fill in your name, phone number and county (city, district) information, and then you can participate in the knowledge quiz.

Grab 10,000 yuan red envelopes! Come to Gan Nanhong to participate in the knowledge quiz on work-related injury prevention

Step 4

Participate in the lottery and score more than 90 points.

Grab 10,000 yuan red envelopes! Come to Gan Nanhong to participate in the knowledge quiz on work-related injury prevention

Step 5

Save the screenshot of the winning prize and scan the QR code with WeChat within 5 minutes to receive the red envelope.

Scan the QR code in the picture above to participate in the answer


Winning partners should receive the red envelope within 5 minutes, and after receiving it, the cash red envelope will be issued to your WeChat wallet after the approval of the cash red envelope

Hurry up and take action to answer questions together to increase knowledge and win red envelopes

Grab 10,000 yuan red envelopes! Come to Gan Nanhong to participate in the knowledge quiz on work-related injury prevention

Source: Gannan red client

Drafting: Liu Fuqun

Editor: Peng Mengqin Editor: Xiong Xiaoqin

Duty director: Ming Xinwu Wang Changjie

Editor: Chen Jicai, Wang Xiaoguang

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